RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (Full Version)

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Arif -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/6/2007 19:34:43)

yo dude?

Hey man.

hows life?


what would you say if i told you ill cum feed you in the pit?

Bless you good sir! But ware the the fanciful beasts of fury that guard it. D:

how about if your nice i give you sum?



7 more left. 2 bad, ask aerowarrior what i did to him in his meet the ak


6. why dyu like the ooc

It's my home place, where I spend my time. I'm comfy here.

5. i used to flame and spam (sorry), and so i left the ooc, i very rarely visit now

So long as you no longer do, you're always welcome back.

4. im a CR&A & Q&A boy.

Also good.

3. what did you do to becum an AK?

Couldn't tell you, Reens could say.

2. i asked aero this, he said yh so id like you to confirm it for me. does ak stand for Arif Killer?

[mysterious]AK means many things....[/mysterious]

1. last one, i guess you can have your food, here you go *gives nice warm roasted chicken*. congrats on the Arif Killer'ship n happy 2 year anniversary on Jul 7,
i got 8 months before my 1st

Thank you, and good luck getting there dude. :)

SahdowOfDarkness -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/6/2007 20:52:50)



1. How do you look over the OOC ROOM. It's the...well.. the OOC Room.

I just watch it and make it behave, noting much to it.

2. Pie, Muffins, Bunnies, Mufpies, or Bunpies.


3. Do you know the clan Twilly's guardians. im in it.

No I do not.

4. Guy or girl?


6. Is Alac a guy or girl?

Alac is a triangle.

Khelios -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/6/2007 21:29:23)



Lol, you have your birthday on the same day that I have it :P

Isn't that cool?

Very ^_^

Having fun in this new position?

Quite a bit actually.

Does it get tiring?




Favorite sport?

American football.

Favorite Zard?

Errr, X-3?

gojira -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/6/2007 22:10:55)


ORIGINAL: gojira

do you find these question threads helpful in anyway?

*Shrug* It's for you guys really, not me.

you've been around for a while, have you gotten any relavent info. in these?

Yeah, I have actually.

supersonic -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/6/2007 22:18:36)

hey balos whats up?

so do you like the forums?

are you a big zelda fan?

congrats on the akship you deserved it

you like starwars?

is there anyway i could become a ak?

do you have the wii?

do you like video games?

hows the cellar i locked you up in?

sorry about not giving food and water last month slipped my mind

sooooooooooooooooo have any pets i gotta dog?

is your avvy your picture i meen is that you?

has axel came yet when he does tell him supers watching him?

well ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm if i say light you say?

light over darkness or darkness over light?

riku or sora?

am i annoying you?


do you like locking threads up?

are you a kingdom hearts fan?

guy or girl?

i gotta go also happy 2 year anniversery on the forums ive only been on 1 i think............ also mesa watching you.............mehehehehehaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha*walks off*

i will return with even more questions!!!!!!!!!!and a charming gift basket!

pm me when youve editied this

Mushizu -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 10:50:01)

Who would win in a fight? Henry Rollins vs. Ted Nugent?

The Nuge, no doubt. Crazy, guitar shredding madman with a bow > Punk singer.

Masmaryon -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 11:03:05)

I'm watching you, Balos.

And I you.

Does being an AK make you feel speshul?

In some ways.

I know you, do you know me?

Yes I do.

Suiseiseki or Souseiseki?



Aesthetic value.

Yeah, that's it.

I'm not a long boring questions guy that posts long boring questions so he can get long boring replies just to read them in a long, boring, drawn out way.

Or am I?

Dun dun dunnnnnnn.

Deathhawk -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 11:13:02)

Do you mind me posting a second time?

Favorite AQ/DF NPC?
Couldn't say.

Do you remember me?

who is ya favorite MOD?
I <3 them all.

who is ya favorite AK?(other than you'reself?)
Again, much love for everyone.

what was you're fist reaction to the AK'ship?
A huge grin.

I'll miss you, admit it you won't be fun buddy Balos.
Sure I will. If you don't see it, it's only because you got lazy and missed it when you weren't looking. :P

speaking of that name why did you choose Balos, Balos?
First character in my first book.

are you male, 19 years old, and do you currently live with a roommate?

what is the bookstores name?
Not for you to know.

so you are in college?(if so could you name what college?)

and last, wouldn't it be cool if we found out we were cousins, and we never talked about battleon before?
Yeah, could be cool.

hehe, I stole you're color and stuffs :p
Did you now?

yes I did:P *muhaha*


super_ruben -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 11:51:22)



I'm Back for more.

Scared ?


What did you do while the OOC was locked ?

Patrolled the polls.

Microsoft or Nintendo ? (We all know sony pwns them both)

Nintendo, and I higly disagree that Sony pwns Nintendo.

How tall are you in centimetres ? (If you know how tall that is, I'm not good with other lenght stuff, I'm from Belgium)

Roughly 155.7 centimeters.

Am I annoying ?


Thats it

See ya


jtgg -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 14:21:23)

ok like the shackles i hope so cuz i dont think you getting out of them

Nor do I want them off.

second read this all the way tho adn tell me what you think

Just some people talking.

3rd im better than you deal with it

That's nice kid.

that sed i have nothing more to say to you

boomies -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 15:18:27)

Anyways, the purge is over, time for questions!

How are you?

Very tired.

How many pies do you eat per day?


I forgot to congratulate you, so Congrats!

Thanks. ^_^

Pie or cookies?


Cows or Horses?

Cows. Tastier to eat.

D0 Y0U SP3AK 1337SP3AK?


Whats your opinion of a 1337BURG3R?"

Not a very high one.

70 7H3 1337M0B1L3!

I'd prefer the Batmobile.

You know, its amazing how many 1337 things we can make in these forums..Ill stop 1337ing now...

[:D] or [:)]




Resolute -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 16:07:45)

Hey Balos Omnis!


What does your name mean?

There's actually a full answer to this on the first page of questions.

Who is that in your avvy?

Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski, from the movie The Big Lebowski.

Why OOC? I stay away from OOC because of spam and flame wars....

A few reasons; it's my home section I started in, I enjoy it here, and I know for a fact it is more then the soem of those two parts you listed, which I'm here to make sure of.

In any clans?

I run one, old legacy.

Favorite AK?

<3 all those guys.

If yesterday's today was today's tomorrow, then what it todays yesterdays todays tomorrows tomorrow? Today is Sunday...

Tuesday the 14th.

Favorite color?


Like my sig?

I dig it.

Who do you hate more? Flamers or spammers?

Flammers by a wide margin.

Whats your opinion on The GhostBear?

You seem like a cool cat.

Well, see you around ol buddy buddy!

Take care man. :)


whitewolf 12 -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 17:21:25)

Do you know how long you deserved AKship? And so it finally happened, eh? Congratz. :D

Thanks. :)

So, onto the questions.

You're stand on the war in Iraq?

Iffy at best on the entrance, undeniably mishandled in many respects.

Bandwagons, you're opinion on them and the people on them? And I mean things like hating Bush because someone else does, not a real bandwagon. =P

*Shrug* They do what they do, I don't really care since they rarely have any credence.

Is pokemon childish? -holds bat ready if you say anything close to yes-

You know I don't think so.

Yes, it is a baseball bat. >:)

Where did "Lol" originate from? O_o

Don't have a clue.

You are now a plant about to be eaten by a cow. You're thoughts, feelings?

I will take my revenge by becoming methane gas and destroying the environment. :P

Which is better, PS3, Xbox, or Wii?

The wii, in my view.
Wii=changing the way we play games.
Xbox=LiveAction player, right? Never looked far into this console, due to the large amoutns of T and up games.
PS3=They updated graphics. Arn't you supposed to do that with all the new advances in graphics tech, along with some new feature? I see nothing new from the PS2 cept graphics.

The Wii and 360 equally.

I went on a huge rant the other day about online dramtics. I got into this fight cause some people were saying my friend's friend made a girl commit suicide. I know, it's weird, but i got into it. It started a fight about "You did this", "You did that". Then it turned into an all out insult fest.

So, in part to the above, can people not have an intellegent debate without starting insult fights?

Of course, it happens all the time.

Alright, done for now.

Cubal -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 18:45:12)

Hey hey, time to bother a fellow AK with some random well thought-out questions:

I will return with inane sensible answers. :)

Lobster or Canary? (Norwegians ask stuff like this for some reason)


Freddy or Jason, Krueger and Voorees respectively.

Jason, Freddy is a wuss at heart.

Or maybe Pinhead?

The Box > all

Don't got no more inspiration, so I'll let it be with that.


Sara -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 19:02:24)

Im back!

How much moola does Reens give? [;)]

Does it include a computer?

What about shackles?


Sir MaxiMo -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 20:34:15)

Good Morning and Welcome, Mr. B.O. ...

Anyways, let's stop start that insanity...okay??

*Steals a cookie* Wanna say me something?

*Gives a medal* How about now? :)

You ACTUALLY KNOW OOC is the most dangerous jungle you had ever seen!?

I Hope many times Reens gaves you water per day?

Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, 4, Epic Movie, or Date Movie?

Have you seen Tenacious D, Borat, or School of rock? what movie rocks the most of that ones?

How many seconds i have for escape of this "MtAK Base" before it blowns up in a million of pieces?

What is your Personal weapon for locking threads? (i hope a big one, if this place is spammy enought!)

And your personal Phrase? (Ex., 004's one is "Lock and Load")

Anyways, i hope other 5 days, because i'm done by now..


capt.morgan123 -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/8/2007 20:57:25)


Did you get AKed that day the heckler made that wierd rant thread?


On to the serious questions.

Favorite animal?

Got pets?

Got crustaceans? 'Cause I know some people *wink*.

Do you play AQ or just roam the forums?

Whats the bestest movie in your opinion?

Is bestest even a word?


chicken89 -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 1:38:17)

Welll ummm hola...

Why grey? It is a rather bland color?

You don't like me right? Like all the other mods/aks?

How many computers have you own?

Bye I guess...

Uchihan Blood -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 2:37:46)

Hey dude!

how are ya?

congrats on AK-ship

do you like Naruto?

if so who is your fave charecter

is working for AE hard?

is it fun?

thats all for now cya! [:)]

boomies -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 8:17:22)

More questions.

You know, Nix seems behind now. Now I beat him in Lord Barrius's MtAK too!

So, Ill ask the questions I gave him to you.

Anyways, how do you think cookies would be better off?

Your opinion of all this Purging going on?

Whats your dragons name?

Theres alot of DF AKs recently, eh?

In my next post, can i show you my huge list of Q&A? Its about 50 questions. I gave you a slightly smaller version for the first post.

Your thoughts on Cheese please.

How are them shackles?

I hear Alac makes them triangular :o.

Have you heard of something called a sun?


umberhulk -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 9:02:23)

IT is i Umberhulk the Nerdy! (bumbumbum!)

what is your favorit flavor of pie?

favorit zard?

favorit candy bar?

favorit forumite?

favorit forum?

favorit AK (other that your self)

favorit troll?

favorit noob?

favorit person who's is umberhulk?

Hinkage -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 11:43:19)

Hi :)

I've talked to other AKs through pms.

And now I'm here to brag about it.

(In case your wondering it is Cubal's fault)

I've talked to: Chii! And Cubal! And UltraPowerPie!(He is awesome too let me tell you.) And Bballman!(He has numbers too but numbers are stupid)

All those, and I've talked to you.... 2 posts, and.... 0 pms.

If you pm me I will be your friend.

I have lots of friends.

They're: djiredhadimo, and rzx125.... I have 'bout(<--- fogot the "u" ther at first lol) 27 don't wanna bore you.

Well, I wish I were an AK. Until then I'll just have to follow the rules! Cya

Day Malrone -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 12:29:36)


Who Knighted you?

Favourite Game which isn't online?

Favourite AK?

Favourite Mod?

Favourite Admin?

Ever heard of me before now?

Favourite colour?

Where do you live?

Do you like pie?

Ever snuggled Reens?


sjra -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 13:20:54)

Hello Balos Omnis.

1. Where did you get your name? Was it something sensible like mine (The super powered jester and rooster amputater)?

2. Do you worship smileys?

3. Have you blown up any N00bs yet?

4. [8|]

5. How do you feel about this -

I vote we get all the AKs off the battleon forums and throw them in the furnace!

6. I am a mod on 3 other forums, does this beat your AKship?

7. ...Do I know you from somewhere?

8. Have they thrown you in the furnace yet?

9. If no, why not?

10. I can't think of a question number 10.

11. Have you blown up any N00bs yet?

12. Did I tell you they're gonna throw you in the furnace?

13. Is 13 unlucky?

14. There is no question 14.

15. Bye.

Shadowdynamix -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Balos Omnis! (7/9/2007 18:48:58)

Hey, man.

Cliche as it is by now, no doubt, congrats on the AKship.

'Course you remember me, right? ;)

When are you going to get back on MSN and chat?

I finally caught up with the last books from Terry Goodkind, waiting on Confessor, how 'bout you?

So Steve is coming down to visit, when are you?

I've got my drawings back up to par, maybe better, if I get my scanner working, shall I send them to you?

And when, pray tell, are you going to be like Steve and try to convince me to start trying to get back into RPing so I dont totally suck like I do now?

That's all, figured I'd drop you a line.

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