=OOC= Out of Context Forum Rules (Full Version)

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Seahawk -> =OOC= Out of Context Forum Rules (2/22/2013 23:12:40)

The Rules of the Out of Context Forum

  • All Universal Forum Rules relating to posting behavior apply!
    These should be the first thing you read when you join the forums, and they apply everywhere on the AE Forums.

  • Not everything goes
    A list of topics that are prohibited or on probation in the OOC, can be found here.

  • Discussion is a must
    The OOC is a place for friendly, civilized discussion. When posting here, please keep a few things in mind:
      Posts that are simply lists of things, or just contain links are not considered having a discussion and will be removed.
      Put effort into your posts. Check spelling, grammar and cite sources as best you can.
      Remember that not every discussion is a battle. It is always better to agree to disagree rather than get into a heated argument.
      Tone matters and there is no excuse for being rude or disrespectful. Convey your views and opinions with courtesy and tact.

  • No spamming, flaming or trolling
    The OOC sets a high standard for posting behavior, and all instances of spamming, flaming or trolling will be met with consequences. Pointless topics such as "I like Pie!" do not belong here. Nor do popularity threads such as "How recognizable are you" for example.

  • No ranting
    The OOC is not meant to be an outlet for your anger. Threads and posts made solely to vent your negative feelings will be removed and met with consequences.

  • No advertising
    Posts intended to advertise your YouTube Channel, social media account, pet project, petition, product etc. are not allowed in the OOC.

  • No life advice or tech support threads
    We are a game forum, not "Dear Abby". This is not a place to ask for help with your real life problems, nor is it for putting your personal life on display. This includes any tech support threads - the OOC is not qualified to provide any personal or technical assistance.

  • Protect your privacy!
    Do not post your real name, age, address, phone number, school name/location or any other information that could be used to invade your privacy. If you feel like someone is pressuring you to reveal your personal info, PM a Moderator immediately.

  • You are responsible for your links
    Do not link to anything that would not be considered appropriate on the forums. This includes the comments section of videos, blogs, news articles, etc. The following links can be used to hide YouTube comments.
  • No mini-modding
    We have Moderators and ArchKnights for a reason. If you see an issue you think we have missed, please PM one of us and we will handle it. Not sure who to contact? Check the Staff list located here.

  • No duplicate topics
    There is no need to have four threads discussing the same topic. When it comes time to make a second thread, do NOT make a new one until the old one is locked. If necessary, PM an active ArchKnight or Moderator to have the thread taken care of. Patience is expected.

  • Staff have final say
    Membership of this forum is a privilege, not a right, and guarantees only the ability to access it. Trolling, harassment, or any other rule-breaking post will result in varying degrees of punishment (though some violations result in automatic bans). The staff have the final say on a given matter, and any disagreements not conducted in a private and respectful manner through the appropriate channels will be considered both harassment and trolling. If you have issues with moderator actions, follow these instructions:
    On Basic Courtesy:

  • Always assume good faith. Differences of opinion and misunderstandings can and will happen. Accusing people of dishonesty or hostility creates an environment of negativity, which can only serve to disrupt the community.
  • The forums are made up of a very diverse cross-section of the global community. Accordingly, we ask you to remember that not everyone speaks English as a primary language. Not everyone has the same education. Not everyone is of the same race, ethnicity or religion. Not everyone has the same ideas and opinions as you do. Treat each other with kindness, respect and tolerance. This is not a request.
  • It is a very bad idea to make demands (including that they read the rules), issue orders, warn them, or otherwise engage in mini-moderating. If you have any doubts about whether you can make such a post without mini-moderating, it is best to not make the post at all.
  • Please refrain from posting in very problematic threads. (those who by nature violate the rules of this forums) and instead alert a moderator or AK to their presence.

  • Circe -> RE: =OOC= Out of Context Forum Rules (10/4/2011 13:37:29)

    Prohibited Topics

    The following discussion topics are not allowed in the OOC:
    • Abortion
    • Religion*
    • Israel vs. Palestine
    • Westboro Baptist Church
    • Evolution theory
    • Torture and whether or not it is justified
    • Topics on sexual conduct/news threads about sexual deviancy
    • Movies and shows rated NC-17 (No children under 17) or AO (Adult Only)
    In terms of life experience and age, these topics are not appropriate for the average Forum Member here. They have a long history of devolving into emotionally charged flame wars due to their subject matter, and often fall outside the rated PG atmosphere we strive to maintain. If you have an idea for a thread that includes aspects of the above listed topics, please PM the OOC Head Moderator to ask permission to post it.

    * Identifying yourself as a person of faith is acceptable under this rule, as is limited religious commentary that does not present as as trying to convert one. It is strongly recommended that you check with an OOC Moderator or ArchKnight if you are unsure if your discussion is appropriate.

    Probationary Topics

    The following discussion topics are to be considered on ongoing probation:
    • Death Penalty
    • Drug Use and Legality
    • PETA topics
    • Gun control
    • Gay Marriage/Homosexuality
    • R rated movies**
    • M rated games**
    Forum Members are tentatively allowed to discuss these probationary topics, but any inappropriate conduct in them will result in disciplinary action ranging from Official Warnings to Forum Bans. Furthermore, if it is seen that any of these topics are becoming problematic, they may be moved into the Prohibited Topics category. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of a thread or post, PM any OOC Moderator or ArchKnight for guidance.

    ** These may be discussed, but content that violates forum rules may not be discussed. This includes video links. Examples of movie and game content that violates forum rules includes but is not limited to:
    1. Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
    2. Sexual Content - Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity
    3. Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity
    4. Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons and depictions of human injury and death

    This list is not to be considered all inclusive, and may be added to at any time.

    Corvus Corax -> RE: =OOC= Out of Context Forum Rules (7/20/2014 9:33:38)

    If an issue arises within the OOC (be it clarification of the rules, an issue with a specific user, or reporting rule violations), the following is a list of individuals to contact. If you wish to report threads in violation of the rules, you may contact any OOC ArchKnight or the forum's head moderator. If you have an issue with an OOC ArchKnight, please contact the head moderator. If your issue is with the moderating staff, please contact [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Scakk and/or [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Zyrain.

    OOC Head Moderator


    OOC Associate Moderator

    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Kamui

    OOC ArchKnights

    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Dwelling Dragonlord
    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] toidiedud

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