firelight49 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKitten: Lord Barrius (7/9/2007 15:11:34)
Hello Cn y rd n vwl? Do you dislike flibble? If you had to choose between saving a zombie, a walking skeleton, or a piece of paper which one would you save? What would you do if you were attacked by an army of giant zombies that look like you, if you only had a mana potion, some nitroglicerine, a jackolantern, a wisp in a bottle, a book on how to make friends, a spellbook, a giant toothpick, some clay, a piece of paper + pencil, ten elemental escences, a giant icecube, and a knife for carving stuff, and you could only useup to four things together (things in red that might normally be counted as multiple items are counted as one)? Are you good or evil? Well that's all..... .....for now.