RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (Full Version)

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Cerbero -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/23/2007 11:14:53)

I am back... for Vendetta...
Can someone put on 'Don't let me be misunderstood' in the background? 'Tis gonna get nasty :P


What do you think of this?
If I told you I'd have to kill you

You can't kill me, i am an Admin in many forums, many [insert AK like rank here] have tried and failed.
*Strokes beard omniously* Whatever you say
Ebil or Evil?
Is Twig hiding something?
Don't think so no
Fav tipe of cookie?
Chocolate chip and nuts.
Fav cake?
Marzipan top, whipped cream and apricot jam filling.
Too bad, i just ate all of those...
If you ate ALL of those I feel sorry for you, and your dentist will be a rich man :P
What is the meaning of life?
Wanna Play Q-ball?
I'll pass
If you read this sentence you owe me U$100, 50 cookies and 25 cakes.

HA! you owe me U$100, 50 cookies and 25 cakes
Come and claim it
(Me so Ebil...)

*Takes out camera*

Say Cheese...
Nice smile!

Edit:O RLY? *goes and claims it*

Davosaur -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/23/2007 18:29:43)

me again !!!


Do you like horses?
Not really
Do you ride horses?
Do you know whats a falabella ?
No idea
Do you like Draft horses?
See above
Do you live in Norway?
Snow or rain?
Snowboard or Sleigh?
Cookie or cake?
Marzipan or Perogies?
Borsche or Cake?

:P ugh ....

anyways i just went riding,but just one moe bonus....

Western or English?
huh? English I supose..

Flood_Master -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/24/2007 22:43:19)

Ha! Finally a staff member that will speak with the public, stepping down from their "made-up" cloud/thrones of wonder to share their abundant knowledge with the non-beleivers!

Ok! Question time! These may sound random but they do have purpose (sort of)!
1) What must you do to become staff for AE?
You tell me, I'm technically only AE forums staff.
2) What is your favorite color?
Black or Blue
3) Have you met Artix in person?!?!?1/
4) How many hours a day do you spend on a computer?
5) Do my suggestions on my thread entice you??? Follow the link in my sig! (This is a cheap stunt! Hahaha!!! I doubt you'll do it! [/reverse psychology])
Your assumptions are correct
6) Are you a sveeking svedish?
I had to I could try
7) Hallo!?
8) <-- Lol smiley face!
*Liek Lol, sarcastic answer*
9) Wii. PS2/PS3. PSP. GBA or GBASP. DS. Xbox/360. Pie crust. Which of the selection do you own?
GBA, PS2 and a gamecube
10) Is Twig REALLY the mastermind behind the Devourer?
11) Do you talk to big fat blonde yodelling pig-tailed women that live in the mountains and bake cookies on a day-to-day basis?
... I'm assuming you've never been to Norway, evahr.
12) Who do you think is cooler: Master Cheif (FTW!), Kratos (The God of War), or Mario?
Mario *nods*
Anyway I can't think of much else to ask you. If I do, I'll repost this with a different identity! Mwahaha! The knowledge from staff is like gold pouring from the fountain of staff knowledge! Hi-ho!

Also I'll add a few more questions as they pop up. Th@nx!

boomies -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/25/2007 5:20:46)

OMG! With AGs MtAK, I forgot to post here again!

So, you still didnt say why you chose your avvie and Cubal...
Avvie: I dig V for Vendetta, name, I have no idea whatsoever.
Do you have a afiinity with Cubes or Balls?
How are you? Tired from the questionating?
*Shoot Cuby (Can I call you Cuby? Or CB?)with a lazer doom spork.
Call me Cubal if you don't mind.
Anyways, My storage of questions is low because I gave AG most of them, Ill be back later if you dont lo0ck it.
I bet you will.
Baibai (Hah Tensy!)

Day Malrone -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/25/2007 9:15:34)

It's me again.
This is true
Would you say Kabroz was more ebil then Zorbak?
No opinion, from the bottom of my heart
Who's your favourite mod?
They all rawk, fact
Enjoy being an AK?
Yeah, it's good
Do you like Kingdom Hearts?
Decent games, like the Disney spin on it
What's your favourite film?
There are many, like The Cube, Donnie Darko, Hoodwinked, Pulp fiction and so on
Getting bored of answering my questions yet?
I'm bored of this question, and will therefore not answer it.
Is Norway cold.
Pretty cold yeah
Chances are I won't be able to prize myself away from your interogation chamber MtAK
Help yourself.

Hero Zim -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/25/2007 21:17:31)

Did you see the transformers movie and if you did did you like it???
It wasn't bad, but not very good either, ok entertainment, but seeing it more than once? Don't think so.
What do you like best about AQ???
The 'Galin storyline and the overall style.
What do you like best about DF???
Do you want to see The Simpsons Movie (in 2D) when it comes out???
May see it on DVD, but I don't think I'll go for more than that.

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 8:44:43)

Heh. I'm back!

So, I suppose this is the final day of your MtAK... stressed out and/or tired yet?
Nah, I'm good.

2) (Since I guess I just asked one) Who pwns in the current Console Wars? (Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft)
I'm admiring Nintendo's staying power, but Sony's impact on gaming can hardly be underestimated.
3) Any good at riddles?
4) If yes, here's one: You're on a bridge suspended over a pool of lava (cliche, I know.) when someone stops you. He tell you he is going to kill you. However, you may choose how you die, by saying a statement. If the statement is true, he will shoot you. If it's false, he'll throw you over the bridge. If you can't fight back or escape, what CAN you do to survive? (Insert Answer here, I'll PM the answer later)
"You will throw me over the bride." Instant paradox
5) I know you're a pacifist, but do you believe in fighting back, in self-defense?
Not as much fighting back, but disabling my oponent or gaining some distance by violent means is ok for me.
6) Do you play hockey?
7) In AQ, are you more the offensive or defensive type?
Depends on the enemy. If it's a hard hitter, I go defensive, but if it's one of the now quite many enemies I know is hardly more than a speed bump, I unleash teh fury.
8) Favourite genre of Movies/Books?
Horror for both at the moment.
9) In movies, do you prefer Animated ones or non-Animated ones?
Both can rawk major boxxor, and both can be lousy
10) Which of the following would you prefer the most: Full land, air, or Water capibility (in Real Life)
Air I s'pose.
11) Mario or Sonic?
12) Which Internet Browser do you use?
Opera or IE
13) Favourite line in AQ ever?
"Ghost of my ancestors, sound the alarm, the dragons are baaaack" was a nice one.
14) Are you fighting AGAINST the Devourer or *le gasp* fighting FOR him?
Fighting isn't quite the word, but oppose his philosophy and working towards saving LORE, yeah.
15) Last question... hoo. Well, I guess I'll make it simple; do you think gaming would be anywhere near where it is now with Super Mario Bros.?
Hmm... maybe.
Well, I suppose those are my questions... Good Luck out there Cubal-er, I mean V! Hope to see ya around the forums!

muggost78 -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 13:38:00)

Question nr one and only:

Hvilken breddegrad bor du på? (Translation for those not familiar with the great and about-to-replace-english-and-spanish-as-world-languages norwegian: Which latitude do you recide at?
I live a good bit south of the point in your sig.

sela -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 14:04:51)

hey how is it to be an AK?
and whats scares you the most?
secluded towns for some reason.

Lord of Angmar -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 14:09:41)

God, I would have sworn is posted in this already. Anyway!
Not God, Cubal :P
Cheese or Chicken?
Pasta or Potato?
Star Trek or Star Wars
Star Wars
See ya!

Cerbero -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 14:15:58)

And this time i am REALLY back for Vendetta (Ya, this Is gonna get nasty:P)


If you read this sentence you owe me U$100, 50 cookies and 25 cakes.

HA! you owe me U$100, 50 cookies and 25 cakes
Come and claim it

O RLY? *goes and clames it*
You've done that one before, it's not much more funny now either.
Whaddayasay about that, laddy!
Look above
BTW, loved your pic!
But of course
Here is another one! man, are you sure you are not a model?
You've got some repeatative jokes you know
Wanna play Q-Ball now?
Getting ooooold
what about CuBall?
See above
Favourite class in AQ?
Wizard runnin' out of ideas...
Yeah, I like that one
I will be back several times to annoy u... meh heh heh heh...

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 17:39:41)

Did you name yourself after Willy Wonka's famous candy: Squares That Look Round? :P
Ehhh... no
Wassup with all of thos iAvvies? What happened to all the classicy, awesome ones? :0
Who knows
So, how's the weather where you at?
Changing, mainly bad
When was the last time you saw the sun?
Yesteday, at work
Are you planning to escape from your shackles?
*Runs off to Icemaster Yeti*

Kevinsparky11 -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/26/2007 23:06:12)

ello' Cubal
AQ or DF?
Who would you side within our current war in AQ??Pirate vs. Ninja??Can't choose both!I'm putting this on official thread, first posty
I have no idea actually.
Pally vs. Necro??
Neither if I can help it
Who's the 1st person you knew on the forums??
A guy called Someone911, I don't think he comes here much any more.
What's your favorite type of music??
I'm a Rock person myself
Any interests or hobbies??

Well, yeah. I'm a writer mainly, but I also like photomanipulation and movie-making.

Flood_Master -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/27/2007 17:00:20)

Ha ha ha! I still have 3 questions left! Be afraid, as they are the most DIRE of all questions!

Here they are, #'s 13-15!!!1one

13) Do you watch the Opera Winfry show?!
14) Do you beleive Opra Winfry is fat?!
Can't remember to have seen her evar
15) Hallo!
Not much of a question, but hallo to you to.

Mwahahaha! Devilishly evil! Well, that's it. Sorry you had to read those.
I've read worse.

Nixtrix -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/27/2007 17:56:04)

Le Gasp!

Good evening gentlemen
Anyways, how do you like your AKship?
Sunny side up, with bacon... no wait :P
Attempt to escape yet? I did, i attempted to use a blow torch on my shackles and they still haven't cooled off since :(
Nah, you see, I don't like pain.
Do you wish you could mod any other part of the forums?
Maybe OOC at times
Do you like Dragons?
As much as the next guy I guess
How about Zombies?
I dig zombies, they're stupid and burn easily, what is there not to love?
What about Zombie Dragons?
They breathe fire AND burn easily... if that isn't the very incarnation of entertainment I dunno what is.
Do you have any pets?
Not yet, but I plan to get a ferret eventually.
Who asked you to become an AK?
Can you make me an AK?
Hmmmmm, no.
Maybe if there were a jabberwocky breathing down my neck.
Ah, well thats it for now.

SS4FireFox -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/28/2007 0:57:45)




are you:boy or girl
See first post by yours truly
poke'fan or not
minty fresh?
I s'pose
a robot
That's not even a question.
dead from the neka?
I'm still alive... so no.
half naked right now?
Now wouldn't you like to know?
born from a lava lamp in porchagol?

other qs

is this random?
YOU are random
or is THIS random?
It probably is

is theare a jabberwaky breathing down your neck?
No, luckily.
you like anime?
Some of it
or is this just a strange other universe were anime is reality?
Hmm, maybe.
and were yellow skinned
Doesn't look like it at least.
and people scream randomly
NO! ... I mean, No.
and mutant zombie people rule all of italy
Nah, I came back from there a few days ago, and people looked alive there.
or is life just a figmant of my or someone elses imagination?
Who am I to know?

any way you like my sig?
No comment


Day Malrone -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/28/2007 11:27:17)

Last few questions

What clan are you in game?
Ever recieved any warnings on the forums?
If so, how many?
What did I just say?
Did you have a title before you became an AK (like Creative or Helpful)
Debate club member
Fave AK?
Fave Mod?
Fave Admin?
Those were my final questions. I will never see you again *teleports away*.

Vivi -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/28/2007 12:11:15)


z0mg cubal, youz is lyke teh FSI ninja! There are like 20 pplz and they're all like "lol i will post FSIs" and you're all like "shuriken!" and hit them all at the same time and they're all "blarg, me is locked"
Hai, Phoenix-san, I am the FSI Ninja..
So, how's life on the other side of the fence (this side being the non-AK one)? Is the grass REALLY greener or is it just Pae?
Not only is the grass greener, it also grows bloody fast, and I have to cut it on a regular basis.
Do you get hayt mail? If you do, is it any fun?
No Hayt Mail, just clueless mail, which is kind of fun too.
Who was the kidnapper and/or recruiter?
Teh Rayf
Do you use IRC? (you should, all the cool people use it. AKs have their own channel too, lucky bums >_>)
I do, although I mainly stick to the Archknights channel.
Are you the kind of person that clicks every link you see in a post or do you think about where it might lead before proceeding? I'm not talking obviously stupid links (an example might be, although I doubt that exists), but if someone were to link you to a site like for example (again, doubt that exists), would you shrug and click it?
I check the URL first, and then I might or might not open it. If it's in Suggestions, I'll check it out. Just to make sure people don't post bad links on mah forum.
I'm sure this question thread has worn on your nerves a bit, so I'll let you go for now. Then again, I might be lying. I'm always lying. Except when I'm not. Then I'm not. Just to keep ya guessing >_>

/me snuggles

(btw, this was totally the first post in spirit...)
Liek totally

SS4FireFox -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/29/2007 5:07:58)

IM BACK!!! for the random things that randomize random the randomly undurwater base of randomness that made the random pals randomize the super random randomizing mega computer of randomness randomly made the random outcome for me to randomly ruturen for more random Qs that randomly randomiizes random readers!!!


is radagast not creepy when he's not locking a thread?
Is he ever creepy?
as fsi ninja do you send people to the neca whear they are dead?
That's classified

what animes you like?
Death note, Excell saga, Full Metal Alchemist, Little Pet Shop of Horrors

got pets

have you been struck by lightnig over 3 times

Second door to the rightleft

are you my mommy?


I shouldn't think so no

What's that again?


are realy a cube?

or are you a SPHERE!!*rips cubel's face off*

ugg thats creepy
I was just thinking the same.


Oh yea, when you see robots tell them they still owe me $999,999,999,999,999.99

boomies -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/29/2007 9:46:22)

Hello, Im glad Nix found this thread (Finally)

How are you pulling through now? thought Id check.
How many forumite legends do you know? Do they not let you out of that cellar very often?

Are they feeding you in there?
Yeah, forumers mainly
Hands over virtual piece of gruel that melts in your hand, turns into a blowtorch and burns your shackles like Nixs'*
How do you feel now?
Five by Five

PS-How about QB?
What about it?

Lord Wolfwing -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/29/2007 22:15:58)


firstly, i would like to congratulate you on your akship.

now, here are my excellently excellent questions.

1# where did you get those coconuts?
We found them.
how did you find coconuts in the middle of norway?

2# is your real name... DAniel Volle? (I just saw ur movie.)btw you dont have to answer this question if you dont want to. (i think i know the answer anyways...[:D]
Nope, that's not me

that is basically it! short and sweeeeeeeeeeeet.

Draconian -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/29/2007 23:10:59)

Congratdulations Cubal (even though I don't know who you are)

Simpson's Movie or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter

Gamecube or PS2
Yes Please

Nick or the History Channel :p
History Channel
I almost forgot Favorate Monster?

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/30/2007 3:16:22)

:D i caught you! ^_^ well your thread anyway :P
*midair counterpouncesnug*
just wanted to come by and say hi :)
Hi Silver

Tag -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/30/2007 7:35:41)

Ehehehe... "Ello!

I like chocalate, do you?
Yes, Yes, Yes and YES... any questions?
Favourite food?
How often do you play AQ?
Pretty often
Do you like playing AQ?
Beh. That's all... C YA!

GuardianDragonSlayer -> RE: =AK= MtAK: Cubal (7/30/2007 12:25:27)

congrats on the AKship

what is your favorite element:fire,ice,water,wind,energy,light,dark,earth?
Water or Wind
will you check out my suggestions the blade of revenge and dragon warrior set are really cool?
No comment
what kind of books do you like to read?
Fantasy, horror, some criminal novels.

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