Ianthe -> RE: Captain's Hook (8/2/2007 13:44:37)
Captain's Hook Level: 78 Price: 65 000 12,029 Sellback: 35 000 6,014 Location: Pirates vs. Ninjas Element: Water Attack Type: Melee Damage: 7-28 9-37 BTH: +7% SPECIAL Hits: 2 Element: Water Type: Ranged Damage: 250% Base and Random each BTH: +40% each Stat Bonuses: No Rate: 18% DESCRIPTION This isn't the kind of hook you use to go fishing! [image]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x22/justeen208/hook.jpg[/image] Image and basic stats from Minion of Poelala. Special damage from Chii (via Ocama). Rarity from Reign Man. Non-rarity from Keno Chao. New image thanks to Mystical Warrior.