flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/30/2007 11:14:11)
Jergal: well, with a little bit of creativity, yes you CAN use right click [;)] well in AS3 you can, I forgot about AS2 so first, track the mouse's coordinates, then when the screen loses focus, you must have clicked the right mouse and used the menu(or clicked somewhere out of the movie, but that it's not a problem) so execute a command in the focus lost event(I can't remember the name of the event, I'll check later) according to which thing your mouse was on the beauty of the new AS3 event dispatcher system is that you can put everything that need to receive the lost focus event in a MC, then register only that MC to the event, and during the bubbling phase(so when the target phase isn't target), check which sub-mc is clicked, and execute the right command simple :)