RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Dragonlord Razielle -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/20/2007 3:00:22)

Hi i am a little out of my depht here, but i have recently equired Adobe Flash CS3 Professional edition. I have never used it before and i dont really have a massive knowledge of computers, i want to learn how to animate and use actionscript. I was just wondering is the type of actionscript you use specific to a certain version of flash as i tried to use the code from the tutorials and couldnt get it to work, i have gotten quite good at drawing in Flash and would like to learn to animate my pictures into a game or movie. Any help or imformation would be great, i perticuly want to learn about game making using Flash.


p.s Here is some art i have made in Flash

Mr Robot. O
Deamon Helm
Ninja Toad

They are for my Samurai class thread for Dragonfable.

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/20/2007 3:41:45)

@ D.L. Razielle:

Well, sorta. Actionscript has gone through several 'versions' at this point, each better than it's predecessor. Try changing the settings that determine which version of AS your movie gets compiled in. Also, try studying Flash tutorials to get ahead and don't be afraid to read the Flash help files. Sometimes they can feel obscure, especially to an inexperienced user, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Edit: Nice artwork.

Edit2: Er.Z is right (see next post) however, initial animating won't need reading all the language docs or knowing the whole AS language. Just learn some and play with it then learn some more.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/20/2007 18:44:07)



@ D.L. Razielle:

Well, sorta. Actionscript has gone through several 'versions' at this point, each better than it's predecessor. Try changing the settings that determine which version of AS your movie gets compiled in. Also, try studying Flash tutorials to get ahead and don't be afraid to read the Flash help files. Sometimes they can feel obscure, especially to an inexperienced user, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Edit: Nice artwork.

I actually digress here (means I disagree). The best way to learn how to use a new program (that doesn't affect your computer in a serious way, lol) is to play with every setting and every tool until you know what does what. This is exactly how I taught myself Flash (although I read ONE tutorial...what a tween was...and now I don't use them xD).
Start just poking around with the toolbox. Don't change settings a bunch at a time, though, that can and will severely affect your enjoyment of this plug-and-play method. It's how I learn everything, from languages (programming) to art programs.

However, to learn AS, I advise reading the entire AS language docs. Not the 'how to' help files, but the ones that say 'Actionscript Language reference'.

have fun with your new program that I really wish I had right now xD

PS: ninjatoad = win.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/20/2007 21:08:47)



Wow, thanks for all the responses yall!

Anyway, here's the latest: SFSLite says that it hosts up to 50 connections simultaniously. It should be just about what I need. I've downloaded the server and (finally) figured out how to launch it but I've hit a snag. When I load up the 'start' file it can't find the 'SmartFoxServer.class' file. I know that file is at where it's supposed to be. I think the problem is in the path designated by the 'start' file but I don't know what to tell it to solve the problem. RRRRRGH!!!
Anyway, thanks again. If anyone has a bright solution for this dimwit he'd like to hear it.

4 SB621: Hrm, I wouldn't mind trying electroserve but the mac download page is broken so... until it's fixed I'll have to wait.

Edit: I have since found a fix for my loading problem. The server appears to be working just fine.
For those who are interested in learning about socket connections, just read EVERYTHING in the Flash help files about handling external data. That should get you started.

WOW...I rarely meet anyone that's more patient than me at flash lol...

maybe they just added the connect help document part...or else I should have found them a long times ago...

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/21/2007 0:29:40)

... new problem. Although I figured out how to successfully launch the SFSLite server I haven't been able to do it again since then. I'm doing it the same way as before (I think) but it has some kind of error initializing... I'm not the only one to encounter this but the other guy (on the gotoAndPlay() forum) who mentioned it seems to have found a way around it whereas I haven't yet. I'm not about to give up yet.

Update: Apparently something interferes with the SFSLite server so the solution is to launch it first. I don't know what is causing the problem other than, perhaps, my webbrowser (Safari). Anyway, problem solved (for now).

Dragonlord Razielle -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/21/2007 2:42:36)

Thank you for all youre advice[:D] i am pretty acustemed to Flash now, i now how to use all the tools and such, all that i really need to learn now is to use my art as something, so that means i need to now actionscript, oh well i better get down to reading, thing i it was extremly confusing the first time i tried as i am not so good with computer jargen,



@EragonZZZZ: where can i find the 'Actionscript Language reference'?

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/21/2007 19:43:55)

Taerzik: which hosting site do you use, because every dedicated server I know costs like 100$/month
or are you using your own pc?

Dragonlord Razielle:it's in the help menu

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/22/2007 0:18:48)

I plan to do the game server hosting myself. SFS says that it uses very little resources and since it's limited to 50 connections on the lite version I could run it w/out really affecting my comp.

Next stop: basic multiplayer functionality.

Edit: My file now connects![:D] Well, actually, It's connecting to it's residence computer, so, no challenge really. Now to get users to be able to do something with that connection.[>:]

Edit2: Actually getting somewhere now... now that I understand the server better.

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/24/2007 15:30:44)

Doublepost for attention.

Reference my previous posts.

I'm stuuuuuck! ARrrrgh! It's a simple problem really, I just haven't figured out how to say it right.
I'm trying to get the id# or name of a server 'room' placed in a variable and then referenced at another point to determine which frame to go to on the main timeline. The problem is that there's some kind of disconnect between where I've made the variable with the value of the name (or id#) of the room and where I call it to gotoAndPlay(variable). Unfortunatly what I'm trying to do doesn't seem to be well documented. Maybe I just need to hunt the servers tutorials some more

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/24/2007 15:44:05)

flsg or eragon or althorne or taezrik or Dragonlord Razielle or petemaxo: how do i make a place where when u spend money, it gets rid of it and replacers it with something that automatically apears in the fighting menu, however i alredy kno how to make it subtract muney, but making the new thing apear(as button) is impossible for a noob like me omg i cant see! im typing without looknig im not even sure what im typing anymore!!!! chicken! octopus! poop! its like i have typing turets and i cant stop typing!!!!!! help! im trapped in a chinese cookie factory! thats whut my fortune cookie said! omg omg omg! my hand hurts!

The Illusive Man -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/24/2007 16:28:21)

that's way over my head lol. Most of this is over my head. Why don't people want basic stuff anymore?

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/24/2007 18:02:44)

Weeeelll... Flash is becoming a well understood program so the depth of complexity is increasing in the average user.

Ok, so you know how to add and subtract 'money' right? Now, what you need is for the button that represents the item in the shop (I'm making some assumptions here) to put the item into a battle menu?
Here's the basic idea:
Have the button in the shop menu(or frame) do the following when released:
1. cause a variable and give it a value that is the price of the item.
2. cause a variable and give it a value that is the name of the item.
=== You could do this by setting the name variable to equal something like the instance name of the shop item ===button.
3. Do the money handling part
4. Put the name of the item into an 'object' representing the battle menu.
5. Now when the battle menu is called up it should load it's 'object' and put up a button for each item in the 'object' list.

The big thing for you to understand here is objects. I just figured them out recently myself. They're like a list or array but a bit fancy.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/24/2007 19:15:49)

what????? i have no clue whut u just said XD

Metal -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 1:10:43)

So, I picked up a copy of O'Reilly's Essential AS 3.0 guide. Nine hundred forty-something odd pages. Worth the read, considering I only have basic AS 2 knowledge, or could I have pretty much winged learning it through trial and error and tutorials, and saved some money?

The Illusive Man -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 3:58:45)

Ey metal,

AS2 and AS3 are completely different. It's probably worth learning AS3 through book tbph. I mean, i learnt my AS through books and tutorials. According to flsg, as3 is faster and more professional than as2, but also much harder. He said it's also harder to swap from as2 to as3. I'd probably stick with the book to be honest. It's faster and would probably give a better grounding.

That's just my opinion though

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 11:41:12)



So, I picked up a copy of O'Reilly's Essential AS 3.0 guide. Nine hundred forty-something odd pages. Worth the read, considering I only have basic AS 2 knowledge, or could I have pretty much winged learning it through trial and error and tutorials, and saved some money?

nice, I started the book in summer, still not finished lol!
although I read the essential...really helpful...
it's by colin moock right? He's a great flasher

SirSchmoopy: just send me the file...XD


ORIGINAL: althorne

that's way over my head lol. Most of this is over my head. Why don't people want basic stuff anymore?

because people want to learn advanced stuff..>_<

Taerzik: I'm too lazy to even read multiuser things. But what I guess is that you should put the gotoAndPlay function in a build-in event, like onRoomBlahBlah(), it should exist in SFS

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 12:11:25)

Does anyone need help with flash? Go to Mcleodgaming And you'll go farther than you could have here.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 13:07:30)

Lol @ metal, I learn all languages the exact opposite way.
I just check the help docs for:

1)How to set up 'if' statements, loops, and declare variables.
2)All conditionals and operators
3)If the language is OOP.

then I just poke everything and hope it doesn't break.
Although with AS3 and Java I'm partially using a book :3

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 13:37:05)

Metal, you just gave me an awesome way to learn AS XD.

But seriously thanks.

You were my idol when i was still called Darklord517 and you still are now. Just like Zoltan and flsg. and somebody. and lil boi blue. Man, all the cool people have gone underground and dont remember me. Heck i bet flsg that you dont remember Darklord517.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 15:00:53)

Comrad D:yeah I remember darklord, you even had a gallery right? I think you're the one who first created FAFH
metal just stole my idea withou knowing it lol, I suggest the book three times before, but no one listen lol

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 15:03:39)

Nah i got the idea from you first :D.

I just posted because i felt i need to post. And Metal was the most recent person to post about it so meh.

Finally! Someone remembers that it was me that first created FAFH. Althorne stole it of me :P. But ill have my revenge in the next thread. And yes i did have a gallery. I have 2 new ones now. And where can i buy the book?

Taerzik -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 15:21:54)

Yeah I have 0 exp. at explaining Flash.

About the SFS thing: going good but I'm stuck again. We'll see. If nothing else I'll make it do it the hard way. :(
I'm basically doing what you've suggested but I want to set it up a as function to call when a player leaves a room and goes to another. Problem is getting the room name translated into a frame title. I'll pick it up again come tonight.

For now I'm going to go get some sleep.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 15:41:25)

flsg: How? lol ive asked so many times

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 16:25:19)



Metal, you just gave me an awesome way to learn AS XD.

But seriously thanks.

You were my idol when i was still called Darklord517 and you still are now. Just like Zoltan and flsg. and somebody. and lil boi blue. Especially EragonZZZZ. He's a god in mortal form. Man, all the cool people have gone underground and dont remember me. Heck i bet flsg that you dont remember Darklord517.

QFE and edited for accuracy ^_^

You can buy it, probably for the most reasonable price, on Ebay or

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (11/25/2007 17:27:24)

Eragon: Do yu know asp? i'm learning, and since i always hear u kno lots of coding languages, maybe u can help me? all i know how to do is this:

<body style=background-color:"blue">
<form method="Get" action="hi.asp">
Please Enter Your Name: <input style="text" name="name"/>
Please Enter it again for good luck!: <input style="text" name="again"/>
<input type="Submit" value="Click to Submit"/>

then on hi.asp

Dim name
response.write("Your name is: " & name & "<br />")

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