RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (Full Version)

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kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/17/2007 17:23:20)

Havoc had overheard the floating mechanation and couldn't help but move to a closer seat. "I'd be careful around that berserker if I were participating. Pact or not, he is wearing the Mask of Domnu... Or more accurately, the Mask of Domnu is wearing him." Havoc shook his head sadly. The Mask of Domnu had been mentioned only in the oldest and most obscure of the tomes in a forgotten temple, and it was probably too decrepit to open without destroying it by now. "The Mask was forged for Domnu, a Goddess of malicious nature. She had granted one of her children the Mask to wear into battle against the armies of her sister Danu. The Mask of Domnu was granted to a Fomorii named Balor, and it amplified his powers to such a degree that all he looked upon with its great eye died from the sheer malevolence of his gaze." Havoc shuddered. "I know only because the Mask wore me last year in the Elemental Championship."

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/17/2007 19:36:48)

A lot had happened in a few seconds. The whole Fountain arena was in chaos. First of all the fog had covered most of the arena, making the competitors effectively blind. Luckily for the spectators this year most of the protective enchantments around the spectator stands had an extra spell on them, they allowed the spectators to see through illusions and visablity restricting weather (such as mist and fog). It had caused so much anger last year when most of the match in the Spike arena wasn't seen by the audience.

The audience saw Zenz attack the big guy, then apparently blame someone else. This drew alot of booing and jeering, even Juney looked away in shame. Apparently Zenz thought he was being clever. They then saw Zenz block the attacks of another geomancer without even acknowlaging it. At this the booing had stopped, quite a few people actually cheered a little, impressed by the display of power. Tidal, who was still sitting next to Juney had jumped to his feet in awe. "That was incredible! How did he do that?" he asked Juney. Juney just smiled and continued to watch, then jumped to her own feet in fear when Zenz turned away, only for the other geomancer to pull soil from his pockets.

The fog decended right at the point. It appeared as only a slight graying of the lower tiers of the arena to the spectators eyes. Luckily it was a full blown fog to the aggressive geomancer and when he launched his attack he missed... mostly. One blade was stopped by a defensive spell that Zenz had earlier cast, the second only caused a minor wound, but wounded Zenz all the same. He was on his knees for quite a few moments. The cheering stopped, replaced with confused and dissappointed mutterings.

When Zenz stood up again Juney sat back down, relieved. Zenz then created the Guillan bush. The seed for that bush was one of only 4 that Juney had, she'd given this one to Zenz as a gift the night before. Juney's pupil healed his wound and drank some of the juice to prevent the pain from getting in his way. He then raced towards the flying girl, but when she moved he also moved, towards the wind user with the scythe.

He cast a couple of spells and talked to the wind user. Juney hadn't been paying much attention to anything else, but then she saw the fountain was destroyed and lava was pouring from the 9th tier. She cringed, knowing how much pain Zenz would be in. It would take quite a while before he could re-merge with the earth, there would be too much pain in the earth to connect with it at this point. Juney just hoped that the lava would cool quickly, otherwise Zenz would be at a large disadvantage. As long as he was connected to the earth, he barely used any energy with his spells, they were almost guaranteed to work as he meant them AND he was immune to quite a lot of earth attacks. Without the spirit merge he was an inexperienced and vunerable geomancer.

He would have to rely on his swordsmanship for a little while. That or get an ally. The stone tower began to rise slowly. "Hmm... your boyfriend seems to be in some pain there. I wonder if it's that wound of his?" mused Tidal.
Juney turned to face him quickly, "He's not my boyfriend! I just know him quite well," she exclaimed, quite annoyed at being called Zenz' boyfriend, she always got called his girlfriend, despite being 5 years older and about 20 years more mature than him.
Tidal smile a little bit; "Good," he said staring at Juney.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/18/2007 21:50:38)

Havoc felt his innards being shaken up by the fury of the mask. His eyes widened as new features were added to its body. Certainly this was the Mask of Domnu's greatest tool yet. It was certainly enough to make a former puppet cringe in fear. Havoc longed to see an arrow pierce Berzerk's throat. No, on second thought, he longed to see the Mask torn asunder by divine intervention. He wished that a javelin of lightning would strike and bust it into several thousand malevolent dust particles. "Destroy that blasphemous mask!" He yelled, aiming to inspire the combatants. Silence! Havoc sat down and hugged hi knees, paralyzed by a thought from the mask echoing into his consciousness.

xaxtoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/19/2007 0:24:44)

“Drink, Drink, Drink, and Drinkity, Drink, Drink, Drink, and Drinkity, Drink. Hey nonnynonny, Ho nonnynonny. Drink, drink, drink like a Monday morn. Drink, drink, drink ‘till you drop!” With that verse, Martin falls with a plop, yes a plop, what else sound would belly colliding with cloud make?

A little before, maybe, time is fickle

After obtaining a large quantity of booze, heck Martin went into the bar and left with the entire supply at the bar, along with the roof of the dark joint to carry all the liquor. He would have charged the bar owner for adding a skylight, but thought better of it since he did make off with the entire supply of booze. Traveling with a roof full of liquor wasn’t easy, for Martin kept on trying to drink from it and having to lap away like some silly dog. He liked dogs, they roast well; he didn’t want that association with his licking to his roasting in his mind. If he ever wanted to be roasted, well let’s say he never want to be roasted, for roasting him would be the stupidest possible thing one can possibly roast, the meat all sinewy and old, probably tastes like frostbites too from the number of winters he had lived through.

Basically the whole fact of the matter is Martin didn’t like lapping his spirits anymore than…say…the next giant. Yes, giants don’t enjoy lapping things as a whole. They never stick their tongues out, ever, for any reason, not even to let snowflakes fall on them, nor to lick a frozen pole. Martin was already breaking tradition, habit, rule, some of the older generation, like Martin, may even call them mores as it is, he is not proud of it, but he can live with it, increasingly so with each lap. Out of nowhere, seemingly because Martin wasn’t really paying any attention to his surroundings for having his senses otherwise engaged, he almost ran into a huge grain silo. Apparently, Martin had been trespassing on some farmer’s land without knowing it, when did he leave Bren? Anyways, setting the roof carefully down on the ground, Martin pulled the silo out from its foundation with a lot of creaking and groaning not all of which came from the silo. Punching a hole in the silo, Martin carefully poured the remaining spirit into his newly found bottle. Without wasting anymore time, being out of the city and all, Martin immediately summoned for the widow Giant to come open her kingdom to him. It really didn’t take much, for all Martin did was shout directly into the sky her name. Nothing more was required for she was a pretty lonely widow now taken to keeping cats and everything. Not having to wait very long a very long and large ladder dropped from the sky, and without a backwards glance, Martin grabbed that thing with his one free hand and proceeded to climb.

Martin had hoped she wouldn’t wait while he climbed, and to his relief the widow was gone by the time he had reached the clouds, probably went back to feed the cats. Pulling the ladder back up, he bolted in the direction of the arenas.

Back to present, or slightly after the present

He was just in time to see a man flying towards him. Martin would have grabbed him had he thought fast enough for his hand to go out and do it, but alas when the idea that he would have liked a snack to go with his drink passed through his head, the moment already long passed. In an odd way, Martin felt a small connection with the man, one of patron and slave for having spared his life; therefore, if he was a contestant, Martin would cheer him on. Taking another swig from his bottle, he watched as a cloud saved his newly endorsed contestant from dying a certain splatter-y death.

SZO11 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/20/2007 11:45:09)

Zoshun: SZO! Get your ninja butt up this second...wait, you're sleeping on the ceiling again aren't you? I guess you need to wake down then...*kicks SZO*
SZO: Murgah, zombies. Ice cream. Harpoons and old men. HURWha? Didn't I tell you to not to wake me up unless I have a job to do.
Zoshun: Yes.
SZO: ...EC's today isn't it?
Zoshun: I'm gonna go ahead and lie so..."Yes."
SZO: I'm late? Fun. Alright. Get the BTNers up and set to go.
Zoshun: They...are. You were the last, and the rest are already on their way...more or less.
SZO: *sigh*You know, you could have woken me up earlier.
Zoshun: But then you wouldn't get your much needed beauty sleep.
SZO: I’d laugh at myself if it weren’t true. Have the viewers quit sending me their hate mail?
Zoshun: Yeah, they found your email…
SZO: Dang it. I'm teleporting there to save time. I expect you to be there with a camera, a few donuts, trap door materials, 10 other trainees with no will over their own, and do me one favor...

*two plot skips and a jump later, at the spiked arena*

The platform between the stands and the arena's battlefield gives way, and a rising platform with two ninjas on it replaces it.

SZO: HELLO ALL! And welcome to this year's Elemental Championship. I'm SZO, the ninja of BTN and this is my Co-host, Zoshun. Today we're going to be reporting on the Spike Aren-*dodge* *clunk* Who threw that goblet?
Jerk Spectator: Hey you, down in front! I can't see!
SZO: Of course you can't see! I'm a ninja!
Curious Spectator: How did you make that platform rise?
SZO: Trade secret.

Trainees with no will of his own1: When are those ninjas getting off?
Trainees with no will of his own2: Don't know.
Trainees with no will of his own1: Kay.

Zoshun: Back on topic, right now we'll be giving a few reports on the current statistics of the spiked arena. Currently no gruesome deaths, one harpoon victim, no spiked victims, and from what we can tell, no contestants on fire.*A disappointed moan rolls through the stands*But don't worry, our sources say humans are extra flammable.
SZO: And that's all the info you care about. We earlier had a few interviews with the contestants before they entered the arena, ROLL THE CLIPS!

*A giant Crystal Ball emerges from underneath the platform of the ninjas, probably "Borrowed" from Warlic, and it begins to produce static.*

Trainees with no will of his own3: Why are we lifting this Crystal Ball too?
Trainees with no will of his own2: Don’t know.
Trainees with no will of his own3: Kay.

SZO(whispering): Psst, Zoshun. Why's it not working?
Zoshun: I don't know where to plug it in.
SZO: I thought it was satellite!
Zoshun: Found it, wait, do I put it in IN or OUT.
SZO: It could be HD...Or blue ray.
Zoshun: OK it's plugged in.
SZO: Still not going on...what channel is it on?
Zoshun: I don't know, it's not programmed yet.
SZO: How do you program a crystal ball? It’s blinking 12:00…
Zoshun: Don't you know anything? This was your idea!
SZO: Have you tried putting it on channel 11?
Zoshun: Like hell this will wor-
SZO: Here we are today with a few of the competitors right before we let them go to slaughter/get slaughtered. Right now we have Tal from the water element and Iceberg Hunter from…Energy? Why energy? You clearly have ICE in your name.
Iceberg Hunter: It’s to charm the icebergs into thinking that I’m one of them, giving them a false sense of security while I blend in with the heard, and giving me the perfect advantage of harpooning them.
SZO: Couldn’t you do that anyway?
Iceberg Hunter: ARE YOU MAD? They will see it coming! Enraging it even more, do you know how hard it is to calm these massive beasts? Elephant tranquilizers can’t even stop their mildest midget's rampages.
SZO: Rampages…
Iceberg Hunter: They have taken massive towns hostage before. They can do it again. Didn’t you know that they took over the south pole?
Art: But…Santa lives there!
Iceberg Hunter: HE’s their leader! I’ve got inside information…
*Family Guy style abrupt scene change to explain what was last seen because we don’t believe that your imagination could think of it, mainly because you watch these shows in the first place, no offense to Family Guy, but much offense to SZO, that jerk*

Santa: Four more months till the next BTN Christmas special report, are the shields back online? And what in the name of Artix in a Christmas hat are YOU still doing here.
OWIE: I’m STILL a keebler elf …I wish someone would cameo me somewhere else!

SZO: So I heard it's going to be gory in the spiked arena...Are you going to use your water powers to attack them with their own blood?
Tal: I've once killed a man with his own urine.
SZO: Uh huh. And you, Iceberg Hunter?
Iceberg Hunter: I love shooting old men with a harpoon.

SZO: Wasn’t there more?
Zoshun: Yeah, but that’s all the time we have now…We'll continue it later. Warlic’s up and I want to see if he triggered the trap.
SZO: The one with the pirates?
Zoshun: No…the one with Artix…
SZO: LATER FOLKS! We’ll be back to bring you more coverage, interviews, and cheap parlor tricks after a brief break. I gotta see this…and someone buy me some nachos!

The two ninjas disappear, along with the giant crystal ball and platform. Most of the audience confused, a few knew exactly what had happened, and the Jerk Spectator also seemingly disappeared…


Warlic: Alright! Who glued Artix to my face?

Cubal -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/20/2007 12:12:32)

Koori looked at Wind as long as her eyes could locate the red-skinned fellow unspoken. As the weather turned a bit worse though, she felt extra fed up over the Championships lacking audience appeal. Despite their many skills and abilities, Unspoken had relatively unimpressive perceptive skills, roughly like a human, or elf in Koori's case. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm down and hope that Wind would pull through.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/22/2007 16:07:24)

This was certainly an inconvenience. The mask had gone rather overboard, getting Berzerk removed from the championship. Now here they were on the blazing seared landscape of a volcanic field. The Mask of Domnu took several hours to think, and when they spoke their words pierced into Berzerk's heart: "I have no more use for you." Berzerk was able to take enough control of his body to let out a loud scream, abruptly ended by a sickening snapping accompanied by shattering. The Mask lifted itself into the air, growing to the circumference of the guardian arena itself. It's eyes blazed like pools of burning blood and its large teeth gnashed like a thousand clashing blades. It would need a new host to replace the berserker with the shattered neck and skull. That's when they felt the presence of a powerful sorceror. Not like the last sorceror; THIS one had been around since time was young. They had established pacts with each and every one of the elemental lords by defeating an avatar sent to test his power. This man would serve him well. The Mask flew into the distance, leaving only a massive berserker's corpse as proof he had been there.

The old man chuckled, stroking his beard. "So, you expect me to willingly allow you to steal my very soul so that I may be kicked out of the elemental championships for displeasing the lords?" Things weren't going as planned. "No, you old fool. I expect you to resist, fail, and be my tool to enslave worlds with." The old man chuckled even louder at this. "Appealing, but I'll have to throw a wrench into the works." The mask charged. His cavernous jaws grew into a gaping chasm of certain death.

With a single word, the Mask vanished. The old sorceror, whistling, wandered down the road, not breaking stride. "Come along, Netsujo!" He called back to his stunned apprentice. "Nothing surprises you when you're old." He said under his breath.

The Mask floated in empty space. There was no down or up. No left or right. There was only the void. No matter how large he grew, his power would not avail him here. Then he felt something familiar; His home. The place he had been forged. He surged through the nothingness like a bullet to arrive at the top of his bleak tower. He gazed down at the hordes of demons below. His tower overlooked the desolate charred wasteland of this floating mass of land. It overlooked the deep lava filled gashes, the gnarled grasping trees and the tainted pools of fetid sludge. He let out a deep sigh. There would be no getting back this time. He'd need to find some sort of pocket in space to slink through, and even then he would be forced to wreak untold destruction in another dimension. Earth had proven far too great a challenge. He wanted to go back and start over, but it was far too late now.

Onomatopoeia -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/22/2007 18:30:10)

Spiral leaned forward in his seat, "It's getting good. The inferior competitors are dropping like flies and our man is still in the lead. How do you think he will fare against the mages?"

Braxx looked back at the papers and said, "By all accounts he should be fully aware of anything they are likely to throw at him. He mastered Earth magic when he was fifteen, so I doubt he will be very suprised by any spells they may have, even if he forgoes the use of his own magic."

Spiral looked back over his shoulder and asked, "Are you sure none of the others would accept an invitation?"

The large Orc merely sighed and explained, not for the first time, "Yes. Absolutely sure. While their overall tendencies vary greatly, some more suited to crime than others, Harley says that Luthor is the only one who will even consider serving you."

Spiral frowned and said, "Well where the hell is Harley? Why isn't she here telling me this?"

Braxx dropped his head into his hand, for all that he admired Spiral, the man was incredibly frustrating at times, "Harley is in Kich, supervising a trade agreement and the construction of a new guild hall for the Thieves Division. Look, I think something's about to happen down there."

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (8/25/2007 18:33:56)

In the stands overlooking Spike Arena, a big man in an even bigger suit of armor leaned on the great battle-axe that had served him so well the year prior. All around him, children watched in wonder as their mothers clutched them in fear. Although he was still missing his signature helmet, the man's giant frame and rock-golem armor were unmistakable; this was Roch the Crusher, last year's Champion for Earth. Part of him wanted to scream at these irresponsible parents; the Elemental Championships were no place for a child, and the gore they usually entailed was not healthy for a developing mind. However, it would not help to make a scene here, and what parents did with their children was really none of his affair.

Although glad to be back at the Arena Complex again, and particularly happy to see Spike Arena still going strong-- Oh, look! he thought, There's that section of wall that I half-impaled myself on last year!-- the real reason he had come was to watch the man who had bested him when he had journeyed to Stonerule earlier this year. Eccentric fellow, this John, calling him halfway across the world with promises of help, then ambushing him, and then helping him anyway, but he seemed a decent man regardless. The Crusher really couldn't complain, either; not after he had learned so much about alchemy and received that marvelous Forge to help his village.

Of course, the Ronin of Dreams was here, too. Roch had hoped to see his old sparring partner fight again and to be able to cheer him on, but apparently the man was running this place instead.

John seemed to be fighting well, up to the point where he fell for that snowball ruse and his sword shorted out. A pity, really; Roch had spent several months at the Guardian's tower, and every spare moment during that time the man had been working on that silly wiring, or obsessing over the much more complex device on his arm. Hopefully that other one would prove a good deal sturdier. And not kill him when he tried to activate it.

Then the Crusher's jaw dropped as John sent the anvil flying with his Current Magic. Never mind that the attack had missed his opponent and hit some other chap who appeared to have been dead already; the man he knew wouldn't do that! John was fond of battling to submission, or failing that, the clean kill, but that anvil attack would have merely crushed the other's legs, possibly for life! A far more... Johnish approach would be to knock his foe back with a lightning bolt, or to throw his hatchet, or simply duck behind the anvil again, but to risk permanent paralysis or collateral damage on such a huge scale was simply unlike him. And, come to think of it, his mocking tone and morbid rhetoric were also strange.

What could have brought such ruthlessness to a man who was the image of nobility only a month ago?

From the other side of the stands, a red-skinned woman in a bronze dress watched mutely as the Guardian fought. There was a hood over her head, the sort meant for keeping off the sun rather than protected her from any more inclement weather, and it hid most of her face. She knew it wouldn't really help as a disguise should Koori see her here, but she felt she out to at least make the effort. After all, Wind was fighting in this very arena complex, trying to find a new Unspoken of Fire, yet Zap was... here. Watching this man, fight, and praying to all the powers she knew that he'd make it through alive.

She remembered how he had talked of it, the Elemental Championship. He would win it, he said, regain all he had lost and use that power to help people, as he had done all his life in that other world. As he needed to do now, or die trying. He had claimed he would do anything to win, and Zap had always smiled to know that he was lying. He would give anything that was his for it, she knew, but would never have hurt another for his prize. There was something refreshing about a man who, when he said, "at all costs," meant only, "whatever it costs me."

That man was gone now, though, as evidenced by the torturous purpose to which he had used the last of his power. Even the wound he recieved, terrible as it was, could not match for her the pain he had inflicted, had known he was going to inflict, when he had used that horrible attack. The light, the radiance of the man who had kissed her months before, was gone.

Tears rolled down her face and her body was wracked in silent sobs as she watched John and his opponent lie there, motionless. What could have done such a thing to him?

A strange man in armor walked up to her, and awkwardly put an arm around her. Soon she was crying on the warrior's metal shoulder as he held her in is massive embrace, the giant battleaxe pressing into her back somehow not even a concern. "Don't you worry, lass," he whispered. "Our John, the real John, will pull through this alright. You just wait and see."

They watched together as the Guardian of Nekops rose shakily to his feet, fear and hope churning in their hearts.

Kysito -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Spectators Thread (9/4/2007 15:22:19)

The Stands Groaned slightly under the weight of his armor as Kor appeared on them, teleported there by one of the many mages below. He had fought well, but not achieven the Finals. There was allways next year. Sitting on a bench near the drone, he leaned forward to watch the finals.

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