boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Nameless (Closed and finishing) (8/16/2007 14:08:19)
You are being slowz0R5, so i will pop in another batch. Bah, how does that help? o.O How are you? Good Do you get any sun in that cellar? Haha! That's funny...*wipes tear* Do they feed you? Eh, sometimes... How are the shackles? I hear Reens can make them triangular. Actually, that's Alac, my master...=P Who is your number one favorite AK besides you (Not the list, please not the list, I already saw the list 500 times...)/ Y'know, the one with skin...yea... How does Nixy cheatz and get 1st post lots of times? I only got it once[:(] He h4xx0rz! I am tired frm exxecive DF farming for lvel 40, so I will keep this short and breif, Cya. Later!