[GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (Full Version)

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_Depression -> [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 1:32:22)



Brushes for smudging:

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:09:32)

comments and outcome, plz.

hope ya liked it. =)

uberboi -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:09:45)

I think I can do this in Photoshop =D I'll try this tut out when I have time =D

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:15:03)

The only differences I see are the IWarp filter and the smudging. =/

lguan -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:22:59)

I'd assume most filters on Gimp are available on Photoshop ... at least in one way or another. Thanks for sharing, _Dep. I'm going to try this out when I have the time to :).

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:25:18)

=) Enjoy.

I figure I should post more tuts now... so when I finish a tag I'll try making a tut for it.

uberboi -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 2:27:14)

hmm the same =O I warp is Liquify and how is smudging diffrent? =/

No one post anymore in my tut =( only got like 9 post =/ but IM sure your tut will have more post =D

Coheed fan:Crimson -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 20:09:01)

looks so complicated.
ill try it....later.

hehe, told you id look at it today.

Grafh -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 21:13:28)

GIMP huh. Nice work Dep, I like the look of it.

Look forward to seeing another higher quality GIMP tuts you have in you.

Spell check complete.

Kitsukaru -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 21:17:41)

It's an OK tutorial :)
And as Grafh said.. "Look forward to seeing anyother higher quality GIMP tuts you have in you."

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/15/2007 21:29:16)

xD I dun think G-man was talking like that.

And as for other tuts, I'll have to see if I have a tag I can remember how I made... =/

For now, this should do.

coheed: it's easier if you take it step-by-step. Don't rush, and look at each step as a separate tutorial almost. For example, making the background is one tut, blending the render is another, and the depth/lighting steps are another.

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/16/2007 6:55:51)

dep here are two results i got

1st not so good

2nd i anly did the steps upto dodging

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/16/2007 22:02:01)

Well, you followed it basically to the letter. xD

The first would be nicer with the white effects blended better and the colors a little less clashy.

The second has the same problem as the first with the white stuff. =/

As for using the IWarp, try to get it so it's pretty distorted but not too chaotic.

Glad someone used my tut tho... =)

Markx29 -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/16/2007 23:43:52)

I tried this but it came out pretty bad http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/7635/icesigvz8.jpg
what do mean by use a soft brush to erase the edges?
How did you get your text like that and what kind of text are you using?

Sorry for all the Questions.

FlameUria -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/17/2007 1:56:03)

I'm trying it, but what is render?

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/17/2007 12:01:18)

Markx29: The outcome you got isn't overly bad. The render could be a bit more stand-outish, and the background could use more Burning. Otherwise, it's pretty good.

For the soft brush step, my end result with the soft brush making the end of the back hand and the tail being almost invisible.

Erasing with a soft brush means to use a brush like the Fuzzy Circle brush to only lower the opacity part way. So just try to do that, I guess. =)

My text is ... uhh... I can't remember the font. As for the colors, I picked two colors from the tag using the color picker tool (looks like an eyedropper) and make two separate text layers. The "B" was one layer, the "urn" was another.

FlameUria: a render is an image with a transparent background, like the one in the link on the bottom of my first post. Renders are normally the focus point of a sig or tag, and you can either find them on websites like PlanetRenders or by cutting the image from its background.

Be sure to post your result when you finish. =)

DeathKnight2 -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/17/2007 13:06:09)

:D nice tut..lol not so many gimp tuts now :)

I_AM_SO_EBIL -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/17/2007 13:34:19)

Me likes, me tries :D ;)

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/18/2007 23:29:51)

don't forget outcomes =)

LightningIsMyName -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/19/2007 3:32:54)

For some reason the iwrap filter doesn't work for me (after it i see no change). any help?

I have selected the layer and then used the "alpha to selection" to select the visible parts. then "filters"->"distorts"->"iwrap".

(sorry if i have a really basic mistake, i got GIMP only yesterday)

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/19/2007 12:35:20)

You didn't need to do the Alpha to Selection part. And when the IWarp box opens, you need to click+drag the cursor over the preview image to edit it...


LightningIsMyName -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/19/2007 13:59:07)

Oh, Thanks a lot!

_Depression -> RE: [GIMP] _Dep's Burn Tut (8/19/2007 22:01:10)

no problem, LIMN. =)

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