Guardian Leather (Full Version)

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Reyn Roadstorm -> Guardian Leather (8/17/2007 4:22:51)

Guardian Leathers

Also see other basic Guardian no-drop items:
  • Weapons: Guardian Blade, Guardian Dagger, Guardian Staff, Guardian Spear
  • Armors: Guardian Plate, Guardian Robes, Savant Robes
  • Guardian Shield

    Level: 0
    Power Level: CharacterLevel-5 (with a minimum of 0)
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: N/A
    Location: Given to characters who have Leather Armor as their no-drop armor, and then upgrade to Guardian. It can also be semi-permanently swapped in the Guardian Tower by paying 20 Z-Tokens.
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 23
    Ranged: 27
    Magic: 23

    Fire: 100%
    Water: 100%
    Wind: 100%
    Ice: 100%
    Earth: 100%
    Energy: 100%
    Light: 100%
    Darkness: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: round(100 + 3*PowLvl)*765/880 % Base and Random, plus round(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)*765/880 % Stats
    BTH: +round(PLvl/8 -0.5)+3, plus Stats
    Rate: 65%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: round(100 + 3*PowLvl)*765/1408 % Base and Random, plus round(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)*765/1408 % Stats each
    BTH: +round(PLvl/8 -0.5)+3, plus Stats each
    Rate: 25%

    ATTACK #3
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As weapon»
    Element: «As weapon»
    Damage: round(100 + 3*PowLvl)*153/352 % Base and Random, plus round(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)*153/352 % Stats each
    BTH: +round(PLvl/8 -0.5)+3, plus Stats each
    Rate: 10%

    You can visit Nimrod in the Guardian Tower to select an elemental affinity for your no-drop items out of the 8 basic elements. Depending on your choice, the armor's resistances will change;
    • Your selected element will decrease by round(0.59*PowLvl - 0.0013 * PowLvl^2) %
    • Allied elements will decrease by round(0.52*PowLvl - 0.0014 * PowLvl^2) %
    • Neutral elements will decrease by round(0.37*PowLvl - 0.0015 * PowLvl^2) %
    • Poorly related elements will decrease by round(0.37*PowLvl - 0.0015 * PowLvl^2) %
    • Your opposite element will decrease by round(0.19*PowLvl - 0.001 * PowLvl^2) %
    • If you haven't chosen an element, all elements will decrease by round(0.39*PLvl - 0.00107*PLvl^2) %.
    For more information on elemental relations, see this thread.

    All of your combat defences increase by round((PLvl/2-0.5)/3)

    While you have this armor, Guardian Shield, and any of the basic Guardian no-drop weapons equipped, your Ranged player attacks deal 107% damage. If you have selected an elemental affinity for your no-drop items, your Ranged player attacks deal 110% damage instead.

    This armor follows the Custom Color Scheme you have set for your Guardian Plate. To customize the colors, visit Valencia grumbugly.

    The elite light armor of Guardians. This armor grows more powerful as you level.
    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Appendix thanks to In Media Res and Ello. Image thanks to feral___john. Write-up thanks in part to Ello. Correction thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Costs to change elements correction thanks to Rhowena.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Guardian Leather (10/29/2007 21:31:29)

    [image][/image] [image][/image]
    Guardian Leather

    Location: Guardian Tower Armoury

    «Otherwise, EXACTLY as above»

    Koree -> RE: Guardian Leather (8/2/2011 7:56:10)


    Cost to change elements

    Formula for cost of changing elements is: round(7*(1.11^Plvl+53)
    Plvl	Cost
    0	60
    5	65
    10	73
    15	86
    20	109
    25	148
    30	213
    35	323
    40	508
    45	820
    50	1345
    55	2230
    60	3721
    65	6234
    70	10469
    75	17605
    80	29629
    85	49890
    90	84031
    95	141561
    100	238502
    105	401854
    110	677111
    115	1140935
    120	1922505
    125	3239496
    130	5458703
    135	9198196
    140	15499460
    145	26117454
    150	44009393

    Level	Plvl	BR1	Stat1	BR2	Stat2	BR3	Stat3	BTH
    0	0	86.9	86.9	54.3	54.3	43.5	43.5	3
    5	0	86.9	86.9	54.3	54.3	43.5	43.5	3
    10	5	100.0	115.6	62.5	72.3	50.0	57.8	3
    15	10	113.0	144.3	70.6	90.2	56.5	72.2	4
    20	15	126.1	173.0	78.8	108.1	63.0	86.5	4
    25	20	139.1	201.7	86.9	126.1	69.5	100.8	5
    30	25	152.1	230.4	95.1	144.0	76.1	115.2	6
    35	30	165.2	259.1	103.2	161.9	82.6	129.5	6
    40	35	178.2	287.7	111.4	179.8	89.1	143.9	7
    45	40	191.3	316.4	119.5	197.8	95.6	158.2	8
    50	45	204.3	345.1	127.7	215.7	102.1	172.6	8
    55	50	217.3	373.8	135.8	233.6	108.7	186.9	9
    60	55	230.4	402.5	144.0	251.6	115.2	201.2	9
    65	60	243.4	431.2	152.1	269.5	121.7	215.6	10
    70	65	256.4	459.9	160.3	287.4	128.2	229.9	11
    75	70	269.5	488.6	168.4	305.3	134.7	244.3	11
    80	75	282.5	517.2	176.6	323.3	141.3	258.6	12
    85	80	295.6	545.9	184.7	341.2	147.8	273.0	13
    90	85	308.6	574.6	192.9	359.1	154.3	287.3	13
    95	90	321.6	603.3	201.0	377.1	160.8	301.7	14
    100	95	334.7	632.0	209.2	395.0	167.3	316.0	14
    105	100	347.7	660.7	217.3	412.9	173.9	330.3	15
    110	105	360.8	689.4	225.5	430.9	180.4	344.7	16
    115	110	373.8	718.1	233.6	448.8	186.9	359.0	16
    120	115	386.8	746.7	241.8	466.7	193.4	373.4	17
    125	120	399.9	775.4	249.9	484.6	199.9	387.7	18
    130	125	412.9	804.1	258.1	502.6	206.5	402.1	18
    135	130	426.0	832.8	266.2	520.5	213.0	416.4	19
    140	135	439.0	861.5	274.4	538.4	219.5	430.7	19
    145	140	452.0	890.2	282.5	556.4	226.0	445.1	20
    150	145	465.1	918.9	290.7	574.3	232.5	459.4	21

    Combat Defenses:
    Level	Plvl	Melee	Ranged	Magic
    0	0	23	27	23
    5	0	23	27	23
    10	5	24	28	24
    15	10	25	29	25
    20	15	25	29	25
    25	20	26	30	26
    30	25	27	31	27
    35	30	28	32	28
    40	35	29	33	29
    45	40	30	34	30
    50	45	30	34	30
    55	50	31	35	31
    60	55	32	36	32
    65	60	33	37	33
    70	65	34	38	34
    75	70	35	39	35
    80	75	35	39	35
    85	80	36	40	36
    90	85	37	41	37
    95	90	38	42	38
    100	95	39	43	39
    105	100	40	44	40
    110	105	40	44	40
    115	110	41	45	41
    120	115	42	46	42
    125	120	43	47	43
    130	125	44	48	44
    135	130	45	49	45
    140	135	45	49	45
    145	140	46	50	46
    150	145	47	51	47

      Level	Plvl	All
      0	0	100
      5	0	100
      10	5	98
      15	10	96
      20	15	94
      25	20	93
      30	25	91
      35	30	89
      40	35	88
      45	40	86
      50	45	85
      55	50	83
      60	55	82
      65	60	80
      70	65	79
      75	70	78
      80	75	77
      85	80	76
      90	85	75
      95	90	74
      100	95	73
      105	100	72
      110	105	71
      115	110	70
      120	115	69
      125	120	69
      130	125	68
      135	130	67
      140	135	67
      145	140	66
      150	145	66

      Fire Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	97	99	99	99	97	97	98	98
      15	10	94	97	97	98	95	95	96	96
      20	15	91	96	96	97	93	93	95	95
      25	20	89	95	95	97	90	90	93	93
      30	25	86	94	94	96	88	88	92	92
      35	30	83	93	93	95	86	86	90	90
      40	35	81	92	92	95	84	84	89	89
      45	40	78	91	91	94	81	81	88	88
      50	45	76	90	90	93	79	79	86	86
      55	50	74	89	89	93	77	77	85	85
      60	55	71	89	89	93	76	76	84	84
      65	60	69	88	88	92	74	74	83	83
      70	65	67	88	88	92	72	72	82	82
      75	70	65	88	88	92	70	70	81	81
      80	75	63	87	87	91	69	69	81	81
      85	80	61	87	87	91	67	67	80	80
      90	85	59	87	87	91	66	66	79	79
      95	90	57	87	87	91	65	65	79	79
      100	95	56	87	87	91	63	63	78	78
      105	100	54	87	87	91	62	62	78	78
      110	105	52	87	87	91	61	61	78	78
      115	110	51	87	87	91	60	60	77	77
      120	115	49	88	88	91	59	59	77	77
      125	120	48	88	88	92	58	58	77	77
      130	125	47	89	89	92	57	57	77	77
      135	130	45	89	89	92	56	56	77	77
      140	135	44	90	90	93	55	55	77	77
      145	140	43	91	91	93	55	55	78	78
      150	145	42	92	92	93	54	54	78	78

      Water Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	99	97	98	97	98	99	99	97
      15	10	97	94	96	95	96	98	97	95
      20	15	96	91	95	93	95	97	96	93
      25	20	95	89	93	90	93	97	95	90
      30	25	94	86	92	88	92	96	94	88
      35	30	93	83	90	86	90	95	93	86
      40	35	92	81	89	84	89	95	92	84
      45	40	91	78	88	81	88	94	91	81
      50	45	90	76	86	79	86	93	90	79
      55	50	89	74	85	77	85	93	89	77
      60	55	89	71	84	76	84	93	89	76
      65	60	88	69	83	74	83	92	88	74
      70	65	88	67	82	72	82	92	88	72
      75	70	88	65	81	70	81	92	88	70
      80	75	87	63	81	69	81	91	87	69
      85	80	87	61	80	67	80	91	87	67
      90	85	87	59	79	66	79	91	87	66
      95	90	87	57	79	65	79	91	87	65
      100	95	87	56	78	63	78	91	87	63
      105	100	87	54	78	62	78	91	87	62
      110	105	87	52	78	61	78	91	87	61
      115	110	87	51	77	60	77	91	87	60
      120	115	88	49	77	59	77	91	88	59
      125	120	88	48	77	58	77	92	88	58
      130	125	89	47	77	57	77	92	89	57
      135	130	89	45	77	56	77	92	89	56
      140	135	90	44	77	55	77	93	90	55
      145	140	91	43	78	55	78	93	91	55
      150	145	92	42	78	54	78	93	92	54

      Wind Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	99	98	97	97	99	98	97	99
      15	10	97	96	94	95	98	96	95	97
      20	15	96	95	91	93	97	95	93	96
      25	20	95	93	89	90	97	93	90	95
      30	25	94	92	86	88	96	92	88	94
      35	30	93	90	83	86	95	90	86	93
      40	35	92	89	81	84	95	89	84	92
      45	40	91	88	78	81	94	88	81	91
      50	45	90	86	76	79	93	86	79	90
      55	50	89	85	74	77	93	85	77	89
      60	55	89	84	71	76	93	84	76	89
      65	60	88	83	69	74	92	83	74	88
      70	65	88	82	67	72	92	82	72	88
      75	70	88	81	65	70	92	81	70	88
      80	75	87	81	63	69	91	81	69	87
      85	80	87	80	61	67	91	80	67	87
      90	85	87	79	59	66	91	79	66	87
      95	90	87	79	57	65	91	79	65	87
      100	95	87	78	56	63	91	78	63	87
      105	100	87	78	54	62	91	78	62	87
      110	105	87	78	52	61	91	78	61	87
      115	110	87	77	51	60	91	77	60	87
      120	115	88	77	49	59	91	77	59	88
      125	120	88	77	48	58	92	77	58	88
      130	125	89	77	47	57	92	77	57	89
      135	130	89	77	45	56	92	77	56	89
      140	135	90	77	44	55	93	77	55	90
      145	140	91	78	43	55	93	78	55	91
      150	145	92	78	42	54	93	78	54	92

      Ice Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	99	97	97	97	99	99	98	98
      15	10	98	95	95	94	97	97	96	96
      20	15	97	93	93	91	96	96	95	95
      25	20	97	90	90	89	95	95	93	93
      30	25	96	88	88	86	94	94	92	92
      35	30	95	86	86	83	93	93	90	90
      40	35	95	84	84	81	92	92	89	89
      45	40	94	81	81	78	91	91	88	88
      50	45	93	79	79	76	90	90	86	86
      55	50	93	77	77	74	89	89	85	85
      60	55	93	76	76	71	89	89	84	84
      65	60	92	74	74	69	88	88	83	83
      70	65	92	72	72	67	88	88	82	82
      75	70	92	70	70	65	88	88	81	81
      80	75	91	69	69	63	87	87	81	81
      85	80	91	67	67	61	87	87	80	80
      90	85	91	66	66	59	87	87	79	79
      95	90	91	65	65	57	87	87	79	79
      100	95	91	63	63	56	87	87	78	78
      105	100	91	62	62	54	87	87	78	78
      110	105	91	61	61	52	87	87	78	78
      115	110	91	60	60	51	87	87	77	77
      120	115	91	59	59	49	88	88	77	77
      125	120	92	58	58	48	88	88	77	77
      130	125	92	57	57	47	89	89	77	77
      135	130	92	56	56	45	89	89	77	77
      140	135	93	55	55	44	90	90	77	77
      145	140	93	55	55	43	91	91	78	78
      150	145	93	54	54	42	92	92	78	78

      Earth Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	97	98	99	99	97	98	99	97
      15	10	95	96	98	97	94	96	97	95
      20	15	93	95	97	96	91	95	96	93
      25	20	90	93	97	95	89	93	95	90
      30	25	88	92	96	94	86	92	94	88
      35	30	86	90	95	93	83	90	93	86
      40	35	84	89	95	92	81	89	92	84
      45	40	81	88	94	91	78	88	91	81
      50	45	79	86	93	90	76	86	90	79
      55	50	77	85	93	89	74	85	89	77
      60	55	76	84	93	89	71	84	89	76
      65	60	74	83	92	88	69	83	88	74
      70	65	72	82	92	88	67	82	88	72
      75	70	70	81	92	88	65	81	88	70
      80	75	69	81	91	87	63	81	87	69
      85	80	67	80	91	87	61	80	87	67
      90	85	66	79	91	87	59	79	87	66
      95	90	65	79	91	87	57	79	87	65
      100	95	63	78	91	87	56	78	87	63
      105	100	62	78	91	87	54	78	87	62
      110	105	61	78	91	87	52	78	87	61
      115	110	60	77	91	87	51	77	87	60
      120	115	59	77	91	88	49	77	88	59
      125	120	58	77	92	88	48	77	88	58
      130	125	57	77	92	89	47	77	89	57
      135	130	56	77	92	89	45	77	89	56
      140	135	55	77	93	90	44	77	90	55
      145	140	55	78	93	91	43	78	91	55
      150	145	54	78	93	92	42	78	92	54

      Energy Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	97	99	98	99	98	97	97	99
      15	10	95	98	96	97	96	94	95	97
      20	15	93	97	95	96	95	91	93	96
      25	20	90	97	93	95	93	89	90	95
      30	25	88	96	92	94	92	86	88	94
      35	30	86	95	90	93	90	83	86	93
      40	35	84	95	89	92	89	81	84	92
      45	40	81	94	88	91	88	78	81	91
      50	45	79	93	86	90	86	76	79	90
      55	50	77	93	85	89	85	74	77	89
      60	55	76	93	84	89	84	71	76	89
      65	60	74	92	83	88	83	69	74	88
      70	65	72	92	82	88	82	67	72	88
      75	70	70	92	81	88	81	65	70	88
      80	75	69	91	81	87	81	63	69	87
      85	80	67	91	80	87	80	61	67	87
      90	85	66	91	79	87	79	59	66	87
      95	90	65	91	79	87	79	57	65	87
      100	95	63	91	78	87	78	56	63	87
      105	100	62	91	78	87	78	54	62	87
      110	105	61	91	78	87	78	52	61	87
      115	110	60	91	77	87	77	51	60	87
      120	115	59	91	77	88	77	49	59	88
      125	120	58	92	77	88	77	48	58	88
      130	125	57	92	77	89	77	47	57	89
      135	130	56	92	77	89	77	45	56	89
      140	135	55	93	77	90	77	44	55	90
      145	140	55	93	78	91	78	43	55	91
      150	145	54	93	78	92	78	42	54	92

      Light Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	98	99	97	98	99	97	97	99
      15	10	96	97	95	96	97	95	94	98
      20	15	95	96	93	95	96	93	91	97
      25	20	93	95	90	93	95	90	89	97
      30	25	92	94	88	92	94	88	86	96
      35	30	90	93	86	90	93	86	83	95
      40	35	89	92	84	89	92	84	81	95
      45	40	88	91	81	88	91	81	78	94
      50	45	86	90	79	86	90	79	76	93
      55	50	85	89	77	85	89	77	74	93
      60	55	84	89	76	84	89	76	71	93
      65	60	83	88	74	83	88	74	69	92
      70	65	82	88	72	82	88	72	67	92
      75	70	81	88	70	81	88	70	65	92
      80	75	81	87	69	81	87	69	63	91
      85	80	80	87	67	80	87	67	61	91
      90	85	79	87	66	79	87	66	59	91
      95	90	79	87	65	79	87	65	57	91
      100	95	78	87	63	78	87	63	56	91
      105	100	78	87	62	78	87	62	54	91
      110	105	78	87	61	78	87	61	52	91
      115	110	77	87	60	77	87	60	51	91
      120	115	77	88	59	77	88	59	49	91
      125	120	77	88	58	77	88	58	48	92
      130	125	77	89	57	77	89	57	47	92
      135	130	77	89	56	77	89	56	45	92
      140	135	77	90	55	77	90	55	44	93
      145	140	78	91	55	78	91	55	43	93
      150	145	78	92	54	78	92	54	42	93

      Darkness Elementization:
      Level	Plvl	Fire	Water	Wind	Ice	Earth	Energy	Light	Darkness
      0	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      5	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
      10	5	98	97	99	98	97	99	99	97
      15	10	96	95	97	96	95	97	98	94
      20	15	95	93	96	95	93	96	97	91
      25	20	93	90	95	93	90	95	97	89
      30	25	92	88	94	92	88	94	96	86
      35	30	90	86	93	90	86	93	95	83
      40	35	89	84	92	89	84	92	95	81
      45	40	88	81	91	88	81	91	94	78
      50	45	86	79	90	86	79	90	93	76
      55	50	85	77	89	85	77	89	93	74
      60	55	84	76	89	84	76	89	93	71
      65	60	83	74	88	83	74	88	92	69
      70	65	82	72	88	82	72	88	92	67
      75	70	81	70	88	81	70	88	92	65
      80	75	81	69	87	81	69	87	91	63
      85	80	80	67	87	80	67	87	91	61
      90	85	79	66	87	79	66	87	91	59
      95	90	79	65	87	79	65	87	91	57
      100	95	78	63	87	78	63	87	91	56
      105	100	78	62	87	78	62	87	91	54
      110	105	78	61	87	78	61	87	91	52
      115	110	77	60	87	77	60	87	91	51
      120	115	77	59	88	77	59	88	91	49
      125	120	77	58	88	77	58	88	92	48
      130	125	77	57	89	77	57	89	92	47
      135	130	77	56	89	77	56	89	92	45
      140	135	77	55	90	77	55	90	93	44
      145	140	78	55	91	78	55	91	93	43
      150	145	78	54	92	78	54	92	93	42
    New costs by BlackAces.

    Koree -> RE: Guardian Leather (8/2/2011 7:56:30)

    [image][/image] [image][/image]
    Guardian Leather

    Also see Guardian Plate, Guardian Robes, and Savant's Robes.

    Level: 0
    Location: Become a Guardian with a character with Leather Armour
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 25/30
    Ranged: 30/35
    Magic: 20/25

    Fire: 95%/ 90%
    Water: 95%/ 90%
    Wind: 95%/ 90%
    Ice: 95%/ 90%
    Earth: 95%/ 90%
    Energy: 95%/ 90%
    Light: 95%/ 90%
    Darkness: 95%/ 90%

    Guardian Leather Armor
    The elite light armor of Guardians. Power ups unlock at level 40 and level 70.

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Damage: 90% Base and Random, 100% Stat
    BtH: +5%
    ...Level 0-39
    ...Level 40+

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Damage: 90% Base and Random, 100% Stat per hit
    BtH: +10% each
    ...Level 0-39
    ...Level 40-69
    ...Level 70+

    ATTACK 3
    Hits: 3
    Damage: 90% Base and Random, 100% Stat per hit
    BtH: +15% each
    ...Level 0-69
    ...Level 70+

    +5 Ranged Player or Spell Attacks, -5 BtH Magic Spells

    You can visit Nimrod in the Guardian Tower to have him set 1 Element to have -5% Resistance at the cost of having +5% resistance to its opposing Element.

    This armor follows the Custom Color Scheme you set for your Guardian Plate by going to Valencia -> Visit Grumbugly -> Customize Items


    Info from Kalanyr (via Crimzon5). New Colour Customization location from s4tchel. Image from feral__john. Permanency from ChristmasDragonBlade. Links from BadHulk.

    Koree -> RE: Guardian Leather (8/2/2011 7:56:38)

    [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]
    Guardian Leather

    Location: Guardian Tower Armoury

    «Otherwise, EXACTLY as above»

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