A Very Simple Smardge Tpag Tputorial (Full Version)

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13thokazaki -> A Very Simple Smardge Tpag Tputorial (8/18/2007 4:25:04)

A Very Simple Smardge Tpag Tputorial by 13thokazaki///TarVanimelde

For Adobe Photoshop CS and Above.


TyberAlyx -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 4:35:05)

Wow, Thanks for the Tut! its really Nice!

13thokazaki -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 4:35:52)

Now you know why I say it's so easy?

TheShadowed1 -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 5:35:35)

Great one ed. Mind posting brush settings?

TyberAlyx -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 5:39:54)

Yeah, post the settings.

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 5:41:01)

curses is there anyway to make that possible in gimp

13thokazaki -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 5:41:49)


ORIGINAL: TheShadowed1

Great one ed. Mind posting brush settings?

I will the next time I open PS.

UChihaSteven -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 6:26:32)

nice =D and hot tag too :P

13thokazaki -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 6:43:42)

btw if you guys try it, please post your results.

Dark_Wurm -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 6:47:54)

once ya post those brush settings, I'll definitely try it =]
looks really sweet m8.

_Eowends_ -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 8:45:34)

I love this tag. Thanks for the share tar :)

relykswalton -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/18/2007 21:10:04)

Mind posting the .Psd?

I want to see how you got that great coloring and such.=)
Brush settings would be nice too.

13thokazaki -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/19/2007 1:01:23)

fluff (hard round 21px)
scattering 137% pen pressure
opacity jitter 73% pen pressure

size jitter 100% pen pressure
min diameter 10%
angle jitter 7% fade 1
roundness jitter 100% fade 25

relykswalton -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/19/2007 21:01:53)

[image]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m209/relykswalton/SnudgeDcopy.jpg[/image] -Smudged
[image]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m209/relykswalton/SnudgeD.jpg[/image]-C4D ****d
I barely followed your tut D=
lets just say I added my own... thing to it xp
I also used my own smudge settings, I'll have to say I like them better.

Ed, can you also post the scatter settings, and/or the settings for the edge brushes? Ty.
You can just post screenshots, y'know. =d

Kitsukaru -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/19/2007 22:11:56)

Very nice, but the placement of the render ruined it for me =[

Cristal -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/19/2007 22:56:43)

Here's what I got
Didn't take smudge settings, but took coloring and such
Text was put on the second layer, after the colored layer and before everything else :o


relykswalton -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/19/2007 23:01:55)

I didn't put the render in last, tho', I put it somewhere in the middle.
Is it me, or is my smudging more blended?

Middle of the layers.

13thokazaki -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (8/20/2007 3:00:53)

relyks: i think now, what u need to do is add more detail. use a finer brush.

cristal: nice, but i think it needs more flow, maybe smudge with a general direction in mind.

relykswalton -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (10/23/2007 0:21:51)

finer brush? Like what? You mean different setings, sure. I'll go for that.

TyberAlyx -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (10/23/2007 3:56:55)

I love the Outcome:

Trip -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (10/23/2007 4:32:18)

Oo Nice tyber
I Love How it goes Dark To Fire kinda in the BG..

Il Try THis tomarrow =D

Dabbleh -> RE: A Very Simple Smudge Tag Tutorial (10/23/2007 7:37:52)

I THINK I might have a go at doing this in GIMP, if I get it i'll post it =D. I'll have ago at it.;)

TarrianLoki -> RE: A Very Simple Smardge Tpag Tputorial (10/26/2007 16:46:19)

heres my result:

its my first smudge sig. Also i didnt follow ur tut exactly, more used it as a corner stone. thx its a great tut

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