RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (Full Version)

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TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/24/2007 17:55:57)

Her speeding form burst from the pillar, the beginnings of flames swiftly snuffed out by the winds of her Sphere. That damn dragon had nearly had her, and she'd suffered more from the thing's heat than she'd have liked. But her speed had saved her once again, allowing her to escape just before the thing had landed upon her.

Earth was yet standing at the Ice Pillar, a welcome target. She drew, aimed, and fired, the arrow's power not even manifesting before it buried itself into the unfortunate champion's skull. Her feet lifted off the ground, the Sphere continuing to carry her on the path she had set for it, and she swiveled to face her opponents. For a time, she simply watched, as Fire and Darkness had their scuffle. Her choices were made as Water showed himself again, this time sending a beast of his Element to bear down on Fire.

Three arrows, one to each string. She drew back, and fired the first of them, the other two held in place by binding winds. The Fortissimo plowed into the ground as Water's beast attempted to crash down on Fire, its tremendous roar reverberating across the Arena as it sent out its blast of wind. The second arrow, Luna, cut straight through Fortissimo's blast, its crescent blade of air pushing aside the winds with ease, and promising to cleave through flesh and bone with similar ease.

The third did not follow in the path of the first two, but rather arced up, to shatter into a swirling ball of wind. She reached for her next arrows as she headed for the Pillar of Energy once more, the freezing block of Ice having cooled her off as she passed it. Ah, blessed comfort.

SomThngWickdThsWyCms -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/25/2007 18:30:21)

Things had been working so well.

From the moment his fingers left the cold shaft of his glaive he thought his execution was flawless. His feet danced through the dirt beneath him, kicking it up gently around him – his mouth curled up into a smile. A scream of agony graced his ears with such a disenchanting melody that he reveled in his work, prepared now to make the finishing blow upon his adversary. He cherished the wound he caused; he cherished the blood flowing from it.

The tearing of flesh was not apparent to him, no, and when he saw that awful glaive of his soar through the air – the blood and gore glistening subtly in the sun – he realized that nothing was what it seemed. Aiden’s chest collided with the hard thing, holding him back for a split second, but that was too much time. His escape was destroyed, ripping at the seams and decaying rapidly.

“No,” He made his voice whisper, lips separating gently as he watched the elemental arm of his opponent rush through the air; from its palm fire incarnate was let free. Tears streamed down his face because he doubted not that this was the end. It struck him in the stomach and tore though his shirt like tissue paper, the area immediately catching fire. The skin beneath was ravished by flame, tarnished by the heat, and then finally after moments of unbearable destruction it ended.

His clothes caught quickly, fire running up his frame in dancing lilies of orange and yellow, and instantly his arms went to work on ripping the threads from his skin; tossing them onto the floor in a swift movement. The flames had only licked his skin a little every where else except for his stomach, where blisters were already forming on fragile flesh. His own hand shot out as he stumbled forward, gripping onto his glaive with his unwounded hand, he himself collapsing into the fire champion. With every short breath he could smell the awful miasma what was burning flesh and he did not allow it to enter his nostrils any longer by means of intaking the air through his mouth.

Aiden let his head rest on the shoulder of the other champion, wrestling to get the glaive free with one hand as pain ran through his body with every movement. Where had he gone wrong? The previous actions were all a blur to him now, a simple collection of movements sent on fast forward, all clarity absent. It was when he wrangled free the weapon from the arms of his newfound enemy that he brought it into the air to bash in his face with, to punish him dearly for the damage that had been done. His arms moved to bring it down and… and then suddenly he was stopped by something inside of himself.

His mind clicked. His arms slid from their positions and fell to his sides, discarding the glaive all together next to the fire pillar. A smile covered his face, it was pleasing, care-free… and yet glistening tears slid down his face like waterfalls. It was over. He had failed and his Lord had abandoned him. Aiden looked down at his own hands before him and saw the blood, saw the grime, saw it all. The marks of war and yet now it meant nothing. His head drooped and again he fell against the man who he almost killed, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck gently, the other resting its elbow on the opposite side.

He shook his head as he pressed it into his own arm, holding back as much weakness as he could. Pain flowed within him like molten iron, like Hell’s forge was running within his body and it was using his nerves to transport that damned metal. He sneered, feeling betrayed, thrown to the wayside because he was simply not good enough. He lifted his head from the shoulder of Davian and saw the stretching bit of liquid, a torrential downpour that threatened to crush them both.

He drew back quickly, shoving the person who almost murdered him, trying to save him from this unfortunate end – to let him continue where he could not. Another phrase caught his lips and he called above the sound that rivaled a dragons roar, filling the air with its cacophony:

“I have lost… and for this I will suffer.”

He thought, no, he knew he was going to die; to be crushed underneath this wall of pure liquid, but above him a cloud passed its way over the sun, casting its shadow upon the field. He smiled, and within an instant he was gone with the cloud, gone with the shade that was no longer as dark as his soul; his body melting into the shadows.

If only he could have seen his work, to be able to come back and take his actions away. Davian’s form tripped, falling backwards, beginning to twist and turn after being caught off guard by the shove… nearing the fire pillar.

Varin -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/25/2007 18:30:27)

Davian almost felt pity for the Darkness Champion's loss. Almost. His balance was off a bit, and he stumbled a step, biting back a curse as his wounded foot would not support him as fully as he wanted. That discordant, draconic roar would not allow him to focus. And then the arrow connected with the sands. Davian was thrown backwards, further towards the Fire Pillar. The ambient heat was getting intense, nearly uncomfortable. Davian started cart wheeling his limbs, flailing to halt his momentum, yet it may be too late.

Davian's balance was shaken. Aiden had given him a gift and a curse. That damned archer turned the whole situation on end once more. He stumbled back another step, arms still wheeling in air. Another pace and his left arm would be submersed to the wrist in the flowing lava. Davian's next lurching step was with his wounded right foot; his entire body fell towards the pillar, left arm backward. The final thing Davian felt was remorse that he hadn't made a better showing of himself, remorse that he couldn't hold onto his convictions, and then, nothingness.

To onlookers, Davian would have entertained even the most jaded of Arena goers. His blood ran free from his scalp, his foot gushed blood through shattered bones cloven asunder by Aiden's glaive. And then, he fell straight into the Fire Pillar; lava igniting clothes and greedily consuming flesh. Perhaps an onlooker noticed the red tinged hue on his flesh touch his right hand before he staggered in the rest of the way, but who would know what it meant?



Heat, blessed heat.

Something stirred in the heart of the Fire Pillar. The flow of molten rock seemed to divert itself around a man-shaped object in the center of the Pillar. The rock parted around the being, but the purity of the fire suffused it with a corona of reds, whites, oranges, and yellows. What it was was not readily apparent, a man, a creature, a monster? It was hard to tell. It knew what it was, it had been trapped in that pour soul's body for the duration of, well, it was enough. This being knew nothing more than the joy of flame, the wonder in heat. It raised a hand and pointed at the fallen glaive before the Fire Pillar and the wooden haft combusted quite beautifully. This creature chuckled happily to itself, more than quite content with the incineration. A random lift of its limb and a falling leaf, brown with the advent of fall, flashed to ash with the whim of this being. An unfortunate goose, separated from it's pack, winged its way over the arena. Another pointing gesture and someone in the arena was coughing, the singed odor of the goose tickling their sensitive nostrils, nothing showed there was ever any bird except one stray feather, twirling placidly on the wind.

All the while, the being chortled in delight, soaking in the wash of heat as a sponge would water if left in a bucket. The creature turned, arms outstretched, letting the fount of heat and flame stream over its form. Like a cat in the sunlight, it basked, never a care but for the heat, but for Fire.



For the Honor of Fire.

The creature was in a quandary, if it could even be said to think. These notions were not new to it, never that, ingrained to it's core. Fire above all else. It giggled as a not-quite-molten chunk of lava tickled it between it's shoulder blades. Of course Fire above all else, how else would it be? It seemed to remember the remnant of a purpose. To spin? Again it tittered and threw it's arms out wide, turning in a lazy circle, thriving in the blissful fount of fire. To win. That was the charge put to it's host. Former host. Now that it came to the elemental, it could feel the insatiable itch behind it's mind, or whatever it used to think. To cover the world in ash, to burn all that can burn and melt that which can't. Again the hand lifted and pointed, the tip of the glaive heated red, white, melted into the sand, the sand turned to glass and melted into the liquid steel in the space of another eye blink. It laughed with pure mirth at the enjoyment of the action. Of the other two contestants, this being had no real desire to follow it's missive, it was having too much fun turning the area around the Fire Pillar to molten glass to care overmuch of the Archer and the Liquid.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/25/2007 20:18:44)

Alex's massive wieght bore downwards with all the force of a directed tidal wave. His focus was absolute, his mind gripping the single thought to the exclusion of all others. Crush the Fire Champion. He needed the focus, it was all he had left to defend his sanity. His conciousness was being crowded, jostled, by thoughts that weren't his own, and latching onto one, even if he wasn't sure if it was actually his, was the only way to give his battered mind a reprive from the beating it was taking.

The back half of Alex's mass slammed down with a massive burst of sand, then the Wind Champion's first arrow struck in the center of the Arena. The mighty blast of wind slammed into his mass. His tight hold over the mass was such that the wind blast actually managed to shift his top half to the side, rather then causing a blasting off of some of the mass as would have normally occured. That said there was still quite a large spray of water given off from both Alex's impact and the arrow's affect. Even given that he would miss the Champion of Fire, he might have had some comfort in crushing the Champion of Darkness, but that was not to be either, as the man dissappeared in a cloud of dissipating shadows.

Luna's crescent blade struck next, slamming into Alex's side and boring in. The great mass of water shuddered and remarkably, compressed slightly, as if pressuring the wounded area even as the wind blade dissipated into a mad froth of bubbles inside the watery mass. The attack was certainly not designed for such a use, and probably would have been better put to use against a formation of enemy soldiers, but it had certainly made an impression against Alex.

The mage's watery mass shifted, rolling in on itself to stop the outflow of water from the wound it had just suffered, but not before he had lost some few gallons in the process. The water formed into a great ball, Alex's magical eyes roving the field. Forcing his mind to contemplate what was happening, and ignore the distractions of the alien thoughts that seemed to be coming from the rest of his watery body.

The Champion of Fire was gone, Alex caught a glimpse of him flailing wildly before falling into the Pillar of Fire. He couldn't quite count the Fire Champion out though, Alex himself had proven the folly of that. It was little matter at the moment though, the Wind Champion's last arrow had created some swirling current of air which for the moment presented no threat. The Champion of Wind was the logical chioce for attack right now, logical because she was currently the only one left too attack. Starting slowly, but quickly gaining speed, the ball of water that was Alex began to move, a rolling charge with the ponderous wieght of a tsunami behind it. The Champion of Wind was headed for the Energy Pillar, all Alex could think of was how great it would be to smash her against the Pillar's gleaming metal surface.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/26/2007 12:18:10)

She nocked another arrow as the Fire Champion tumbled into his own pillar, Fortissimo having done its work well. She knew better than to simply mark him as dead, but the water beast, having simply absorbed Luna's blade, was now after her. She drew, and released, sending a second arrow sailing into the swirling winds. It shattered as the first had, and the sphere, only given form by the random bits of sand they had picked up, doubled in size.

She grinned as she put her feet back down to the ground, using them to guide the sphere into another path. Water was on a collision course with the humming metal pillar, no doubt hoping to crush her body against its unyielding surface. She would not play into his hands, not when all she had to do was go behind the pillar, rather than in front. Nevertheless, it was possible that that alone would not do enough. The Ram was her arrow of choice once again, sending it to batter its way into the roiling mass of water.

Her eyes shifted to the Fire Pillar as she approached the metal shaft, and widened. There was something in the pillar. What, she could not see, not before the Energy Pillar blocked her view, but it was certain that Fire was not out of the picture. So as she passed out from behind the Energy Pillar, she fire a third arrow. The Fortissimo flew straight and true, aiming to bury itself in the creature's body.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/26/2007 17:17:43)

The great mass of water had gained quite a bit of momentum in its rolling charge, bearing down on the Wind Champion. The Wind Archer's answer to this was to launch yet another of her enchanted arrows at Alex. Despite the obvious conclusion that he should in no way be able to do so, Alex tried to shift his momentum to track with the Wind Archer's movements and avoid the incoming attack.

The arrow's magic manifested itself in a great forward rushing blast of wind, like the charge of some great cattle herd, to smash aside whatever was in its path. Try as he might, Alex could only move his unwieldly mass slowly, and so the incoming wind blast crushed into him just off his center. The force of the winds battled with Alex's magical compaction of his mass, causing the once round ball to begin to deform, its backside stretching out in an odd hump.

Something had to give, and Alex's divided concentration could not hold before the wind's incessent push. There was a muffled whump noise, and a great spray of water blasted loose as the wind buckled Alex's hold over that portion of his mass.The mage screamed, unheard by anyone but his own mind, what was left of the water ball dropping to form a large, rippling puddle of water.

Alex lay there, quiescent for the moment. He was still about three times his original mass in water, but the previous moments had battered him beyond what he had thought possible. The water's demands had been hammered back for the moment, sealed behind the wall of agony that Alex had experienced as a large part of his "body" was shorn away. He had to focus, he had to think.

He was too large, that was the problem, the Champion of Wind could pepper him with arrows all day with her eyes closed as long as he was such a big target. Yet the increase in mass was necessary for him to survive and to be able to cause significant damage. Where was the middle road?

The puddle rippled, and began for form upwards, Alex focusing intensely, for the moment he left part of his mass unformed at his feet, yet with about as much as had made up his original mass he constructed a similacrum of his old form. The mage wasn't sure why he was doing it, but for some reason it seemed to help him focus on his thoughts and exclude the intrustions of the water.

Alex stretched out his arms, and began to glide forwards, skirting the Energy Pillar towards where as he had seen the Champion of Wind do moments before. He wasn't sure yet what he would do when he got close to her, or even if he could, but those were problems to solve when he got to them.

Varin -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/26/2007 20:09:26)

The creature giggles, delighted in the puddles of glass it has caused. It's attention wavers, never settling on one thing for too long, being far too many sensations and objects to occupy its time. A remnant of cloth somewhere in the arena bursts into flame, an arrow shaft arcing in towards the Fire Pillar crumbles to ash, the carcass of the dead Earth Champion smolders as if on a pyre. The smell of burning flesh and the sound of crackling meat pervades the area to all who can notice it.

A pause on the part of the element is effected as it studies the bit of ash that was Fortissimo. The connection it made was slow, yet clear; this was something that was intended to do it harm. Ingrained into the creature was a command more pervasive than that of the Fire Lord's; before it can win, it must survive. It chortled with glee as it watched the corpse of the Earth Champion blaze brighter. It might have figured that one didn't follow that command too well. If anything, the Elemental did not appear to dwell, quickly turning it's attention onto something else.

It watched the other two, one zooming about on it's little ball and the other that had stopped rolling about as a ball. The show it received of water sprays and arrows launched was quite amusing. One of the contestants no longer wished to fight, it seemed, as she sighed almost wistfully and disappeared in a soft flicker of light. The large ball of water took the form of a human, stalking behind a large Pillar of metal. The creature buried in the Pillar of Lava frowned, not at this, but at the fact that try as it might, the nice chunk of wood off to it's right would not catch fire. Some steam could be seen to come off patches, but that was all that it was able to affect. Not perturbed, it busied itself with reducing some of the spent arrow shafts of the Wind Contestant into bright puffs of flame and smoke.

Not content with used arrow shafts, the elemental of fire decided to focus its attentions with the utmost care. The figure zooming about on the ball of air had something that would burn quite nicely, unspent arrows. Nothing more than a puff of smoke would tell that all of the arrow shafts the Archer was carrying on her person burst into flame; the elemental gurgled happily as it came to realize that nothing else was affected, as the heat around the arrows themselves was compressed to ignite it, leaving a cold shell around them that did not allow the cloth to burn. Pleased indeed was the creature, knowing the benefits of not wasting effort. The flow of heat and lava was soothing to this creature, enjoying it's shower with the utmost satisfaction.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/27/2007 0:18:59)

Smoke? Where was that coming from? She checked her person, hand reaching for another arrow... and her eyes widened in horror. Ash. Her arrows were ash. All the time, all the effort, all the power that had gone into the creation of them, wasted, in a single instant. Months of work, turned to ash. A set that could have meant the difference between victory and defeat in a siege, and that... thing, that creature of fire, had simply destroyed it with a thought.

"You..." It was a whisper, just barely passing her lips as she ground to a sudden halt, her sphere having carried her a ways from the Metal Pillar. "You... bastard son of a camel!" Her shout was deafening, the sheer volume of it causing many in the audience to wince, hands on their ears. "I care not what you are, maggot, or what power you wield! You have just bought your end!" Her bells rang out, their tone discordant, and loud, far louder than anything that should come from such a small source. She thrust her bow arm towards her own Pillar, still given form by the sands which it continued to consume, and pulled. The currents shifted, sending a gust of sand-swept wind flying out to cross the abandoned pillar of Ice, freezing the sand in an instant and turning the wind into a winter gale. The chill air swept across the arena, an unending current that wrapped itself around Tasha, encasing her within its chill.

With her arm, she pointed to the swirling ball of wind that she had created earlier, and clenched her hand into a fist. Instantly, the ball compressed, and began to consume the air surrounding it. Tendrils of current reached out towards the fire pillar, the heated air in that region responding to her command, its motion sluggish, at first, but swiftly accelerating. Air was leaving, but none was taking it place.

Her own sphere lifted her up, the chill winds that had come to her call augmenting it, allowing her to fly. The sand within it blocked her from view, her location within the growing storm impossible to determine. Tasha Terrel, Field General of the Hurricane Elite, would no longer hold back.

Varin -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/28/2007 5:38:08)

The tittering elemental could not but fail to decipher the intent behind the Archer’s actions, in fact, they did not even register as anything more than random stirrings of the wind. Of the Liquid, the elemental had no idea, its lesser heat blending in with the ambient temperature when it tried to locate him. If a name could be given to the display on the elemental’s visage, it could be said to have a pensive frown, if that were possible. Perhaps it appeared to be confused. Over what, it couldn’t say; physically at least. The elemental at least knew what was sensing, and was debating what to do with it.

The icy winds in the Archer’s balls were easily sensed, as easy as if it were body heat. The once-giggling elemental would have been dry-washing its hands in though if it were human. Humming softly to itself, it was wondering, searching. Different areas in the arena appeared differently to it; the immediate vicinity of the Ice Pillar was a dull gray, the area around the Pillar it was ensconced in more vibrant, the color of pure life come alive. It tapped a finger against its side in thought. Deciding it much preferred the color of life itself, the Elemental gave of its surroundings, suffusing the ambient temperature of the arena with heat, glorious heat.

In a slow, delicate bloom, the temperature in the arena seemed to climb; not enough to burn, not even enough to be more than moderately uncomfortable, but spread it did. At this, the elemental lost all thought in its face, and sniggered freely once again, quite proud of its own handiwork. It might do nothing at all, but it was enjoying itself in only a way that a newborn can. A slow smile spread its way across the elemental’s caricature of a mouth as it enjoyed the view of lifeless gray turning slowly into the vibrant colors of life.

Of the air rushing out of the fire pillar, that made no consequence, and even served the elemental in aiding to bring heat to all corners of the arena. The elemental could have been said to smile once more as it watched the streamers of heated air rush out of the Pillar. It would have worried if it took breath, it would have worried if its form combusted; instead it was... peaceful, content, even happy as it warmed the air. Everything was so much more brilliant with this new glow on things, it couldn’t help but start off in a new wave of giggling.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/28/2007 12:24:57)

The Champion of Wind reached up one arm behind her back, on hand groping uselessly for what should have been her next arrow. Alex gurgled with glee, the Fire Champion must have reemerged from the Pillar and burnt up the Wind Archer's arrows. To say that the Archer was angry was to say that a tornado was a refreshing breeze. The Champion of Wind screamed out her anger at the Champion of Fire, or at least he assumed so, as her mouth moved and her eyes stance shone with anger, but Alex could not hear the noise. Alex glanced past her and saw the Fire Champion, who seemed to be coated in lava, perhaps the man had taken on an elemental form much as the mage had not too long ago. It was a pity if he had, some paths, Alex had discovered, should not be tred.

The Wind Archer's next move was to create a swirling vortex of wind swept sand around herself, shielding her from Alex's view. Her winds blasted forth towards the Fire Champion, but Alex turned his attention from both of them before he saw the result.

The Champion of Fire's new form was a great danger to him, Alex would need to remedy that problem. The simplest of solutions was sometimes the most elegant, though that may not be the case here. The fact of the matter was that the Water Pillar was right next to the Fire Pillar. He would simply rip a section of the Water Pillar out and douse the lava coated Champion with it.

Alex closed his nonexsistant eyes and reached out towards the Water Pillar, advancing forwards to remove himself from the interference caused by the proximity of the giant metallic Pillar of Energy.

Part of the Water Pillar slowly halted its slowly downward fall, and then began to seperate itself from the Pillar itself. The water formed four boulder sized masses, and with a flick of Alex's watery arm, flung themselves across the intervening distance towards the Fire Champion.

The mage began to move immediately upon completing his casting, for some reason the ambient tempurature of the Arena was rising. Alex suspected that this was the doing of the Fire Champion. This could eventually present a problem to Alex, for if the tempurature was increased to a certain degree Alex would begin to boil, not a pleasent prospect at all. Until such an eventuality occured however, the situation could work in his favor. Increasing the heat in the Arena caused the water molecules the made up Alex's body to vibrate at a faster speed, which resulted in a faster rate of movement, it wasn't much, but perhaps it would be just enough, as the tempurature rose, to surprise his enemies.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/28/2007 19:33:53)

She raised her bow, the strings trembling in the rushing wind, their thrumming creating a counterpoint to the angry tolling of the bells. The sound grew in tandem with their trembling, building until, finally, they snapped. Within seconds, the strings had dissipated into nothing, and the winds within the slowly growing sphere of air suddenly doubled their speed. It just needed a little more. And so she began the spell.

"I invoke the pledge made to the Zephyr and his consort, Foehn, at the dawn of my age, on my authority as their heir!" Her voice was strong, its tones resonant with the magic she was channeling. It was clear to all that the result of this spell would be formidable. "I call upon the Sons of Wind! Lorekel, Flame of the East, bring to me your fury!" The winds increased in speed, once again, and her sphere began to draw from everywhere at once. "Knutt, Hunter of the North, I set to your quarry!" The sphere responded with a hunter's keen, a warning that the hunter had found a target, and would not rest until the hunt was finished. The keen rose, then fell, and as it died, so did the sphere cease its rabid feeding, her own bells falling silent. For a moment, all was silent, her voice amplified by the sudden contrast. "Merkesh, Ram of the West, begin your charge!"

The sphere shot forward, its charge beginning as Water's boulders sailed in upon the beast of Fire. Mere moments after they would strike, the Warrior's Finale made its own impact, the sphere simply exploding in a tremendous blast of air. Glass shattered as the shockwave struck, mixing with the sand and lava that was borne upon the roiling winds. "Drakt, Shepherd of the South, defend me!" This last was a scream, a true cry for aid, and as the shockwave reached Tasha herself, the result became clear. The winds with which she had surrounded herself were obliterated, the sand and other debris they carried whisked away with them. The archer, however, remained unaffected, an invisible shield of air splitting the onslaught as it washed over her, following her as she slowly fell to the ground.

Varin -> RE: =Elemental Championships= Grand Finals (9/28/2007 21:51:47)

The elemental frowned, if liquid heat could be said to frown. Four gray orbs joined the one zooming about the field of colors. What they were and what they were doing, it could not guess. Its visage turned to puzzlement, they resisted turning to vivid colors like the other things did! Try as it might, it wasn’t able to heat them like it wanted, perhaps it was due to them being made entirely of the essence of the Element of Water, it wouldn’t know.

It staggered, threatening to flare into flame if air enough was around when the concussive blast of air slammed into it. If not in such a fluid form, the elemental would have fallen to its knees, breathless; such an explosion would have a crammed a staggeringly large quantity of air into any creature’s lungs, near to the point of bursting. Unfortunately, the elemental did not respire. Even as it was, the elemental could barely get its bearings, wondering why the orbs of water were not there, but instead they were replaced with fine walls of gray. To any other observer, the shockwave force of the air had torn through the flying boulders of water, shredding them to fine droplets of mist.

The elemental grumbled in displeasure as the droplets started raining onto the Pillar of Fire, evaporating on contact and slightly cooling the Pillar. Though, cooling may not be the right word of it, as well as take a candle’s heat from the Sun and call it cooled. One droplet hit the elemental and sizzled into nothingness; even at the perceived pain, it tittered once more, glad to be rid of the gray. The streamers of heat that the elemental had formed earlier were gone; they had dissipated at the explosion of wind. The elemental had a bemused expression on its face, wondering what to do next; it really had seemed to enjoy immolating that one downed contestant...

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