Frogzilla (Full Version)

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Zenofax -> Frogzilla (12/15/2004 3:01:51)

Temporary Form

Also see Frogzilla Armor.

Location: Frogzard Sword.

Melee: 30
Ranged: 30
Magic: 30

Fire: 100%
Water: 100%
Wind: 100%
Ice: 100%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 100%
Light: 100%
Darkness: 100%

Note: These do not use your weapon's stats. Weapon Specials do not happen.
    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 6-26 damage plus 100% Stats
    BTH: +10 plus Stats
    Rate: 67%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 6-16 damage plus 100% Stats each
    BTH: +10 plus Stats each
    Rate: 33%

Correction from DJBeif.

Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:46:07)


«Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

Also see Frogzilla Armor.

Level: 7
Power Level: 7, Mastercraft
MP Level: 7
Location: Frogzard Sword (7)

Melee: 26
Ranged: 26
Magic: 26

Fire: 96%
Water: 97%
Wind: 99%
Ice: 98%
Earth: 96%
Energy: 97%
Light: 98%
Darkness: 96%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 124.1% Base, 124.1% Random, and 149.7% Stats
BTH: +0 plus Stats

    Nuclear Zarbreath!
    A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 33SP!

    You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

      Hits: 2
      Type: Ranged
      Element: Earth
      Damage: 3-11 plus 56.2% Stats each
      BTH: 1 plus Stats each

      Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

    If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

      Level: 7 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    ***The level of the Burn is 7, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.02564, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
      # of Hits	1	2
      Burn Power	1.02564	2.05128
      Burn Damage	1-2	1-4
    ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

    Cost: 33 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 121% Base, Random, and 146% Stats, with +0 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 102.564% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 9-19 damage plus 146% Stats, with 1 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 102.564% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. As there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 102.564% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 76.923% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:46:22)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth skill that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 27
    Power Level: 27, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 27
    Location: Frogzard Sword (27)

    Melee: 29
    Ranged: 29
    Magic: 29

    Fire: 86%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 97%
    Ice: 93%
    Earth: 84%
    Energy: 90%
    Light: 93%
    Darkness: 86%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 205.6% Base, 205.6% Random, and 315.7% Stats
    BTH: +3 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 66SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 10-30 plus 118.4% Stats each
        BTH: 6 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 27 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 27, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.13572, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.13572	2.27144	
        Burn Damage	1-7	3-13
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 66 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 181% Base, Random, and 278% Stats, with +3 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 113.572% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 23-70 damage plus 278% Stats, with 6 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 113.572% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 113.572% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 85.179% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:46:42)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 47
    Power Level: 47, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 47
    Location: Frogzard Sword (47)

    Melee: 33
    Ranged: 33
    Magic: 33

    Fire: 80%
    Water: 85%
    Wind: 94%
    Ice: 90%
    Earth: 74%
    Energy: 85%
    Light: 90%
    Darkness: 80%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 302.1% Base, 302.1% Random, and 513.9% Stats
    BTH: +5 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 104SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 19-56 plus 192.7% Stats each
        BTH: 11 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 47 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 47, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.25432, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.25432	2.50864	
        Burn Damage	3-15	5-29
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 104 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 241% Base, Random, and 410% Stats, with +5 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 125.342% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 40-120 damage plus 410% Stats, with 11 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 125.342% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 125.342% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 94.0065% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:46:55)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 67
    Power Level: 67, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 67
    Location: Frogzard Sword (67)

    Melee: 36
    Ranged: 36
    Magic: 36

    Fire: 76%
    Water: 81%
    Wind: 93%
    Ice: 86%
    Earth: 65%
    Energy: 81%
    Light: 86%
    Darkness: 76%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 429.5% Base, 429.5% Random, and 773.4% Stats
    BTH: +8 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 147SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 32-96 plus 290% Stats each
        BTH: 16 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 67 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 67, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.42699, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.42699	2.85398	
        Burn Damage	4-28	9-56
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 147 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 301% Base, Random, and 542% Stats, with +8 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 142.699% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 60-179 damage plus 542% Stats, with 16 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 142.699% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 142.699% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 107.02425% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:47:04)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 87
    Power Level: 87, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 87
    Location: Frogzard Sword (87)

    Melee: 39
    Ranged: 39
    Magic: 39

    Fire: 72%
    Water: 78%
    Wind: 91%
    Ice: 84%
    Earth: 57%
    Energy: 78%
    Light: 84%
    Darkness: 72%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 572.3% Base, 572.3% Random, and 1068.5% Stats
    BTH: +10 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 196SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 49-147 plus 400.7% Stats each
        BTH: 21 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 87 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 87, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.58537, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.58537	3.17074	
        Burn Damage	7-46	13-91
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 196 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 361% Base, Random, and 674% Stats, with +10 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 158.537% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 83-247 damage plus 674% Stats, with 21 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 158.537% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 158.537% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 118.90275% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:47:15)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 107
    Power Level: 107, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 107
    Location: Frogzard Sword (107)

    Melee: 43
    Ranged: 43
    Magic: 43

    Fire: 69%
    Water: 75%
    Wind: 90%
    Ice: 81%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 75%
    Light: 81%
    Darkness: 69%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 667.4% Base, 667.4% Random, and 1277.8% Stats
    BTH: +13 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 250SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 64-193 plus 479.2% Stats each
        BTH: 26 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 107 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 107, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.58537, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.58537	3.17074	
        Burn Damage	9-58	17-115
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 250 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 421% Base, Random, and 806% Stats, with +13 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 158.537% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 108-325 damage plus 806% Stats, with 26 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 158.537% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 158.537% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 118.90275% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:47:26)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 127
    Power Level: 127, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 127
    Location: Frogzard Sword (127)

    Melee: 46
    Ranged: 46
    Magic: 46

    Fire: 66%
    Water: 73%
    Wind: 89%
    Ice: 79%
    Earth: 45%
    Energy: 73%
    Light: 79%
    Darkness: 66%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 762.6% Base, 762.6% Random, and 1487.1% Stats
    BTH: +15 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 310SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 81-245 plus 557.7% Stats each
        BTH: 31 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 127 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 127, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.58537, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.58537	3.17074	
        Burn Damage	11-70	22-140
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 310 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 481% Base, Random, and 938% Stats, with +15 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 158.537% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 137-412 damage plus 938% Stats, with 31 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 158.537% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 158.537% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 118.90275% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:47:38)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 137
    Power Level: 140, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 139
    Location: Frogzard Sword (137G)

    Melee: 48
    Ranged: 48
    Magic: 48

    Fire: 63%
    Water: 71%
    Wind: 89%
    Ice: 77%
    Earth: 41%
    Energy: 71%
    Light: 77%
    Darkness: 63%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 824.4% Base, 824.4% Random, and 1623.4% Stats
    BTH: +35 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 348SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 94-281 plus 608.8% Stats each
        BTH: 35 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 140 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 140, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.58537, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.58537	3.17074	
        Burn Damage	13-78	25-156
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 348 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 520% Base, Random, and 1024% Stats, with +17 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 158.537% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 158-472 damage plus 1024% Stats, with 35 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 158.537% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 158.537% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 118.90275% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

  • Koree -> RE: Frogzilla (8/2/2013 2:47:48)


    «Mastercraft Neutral Earth Armor. Can only deal Melee Earth damage, but has a stronger attack. Has a built-in Earth spell that can Burn the monster.»

    Also see Frogzilla Armor.

    Level: 147
    Power Level: 150, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 149
    Location: Frogzard Sword (147G)

    Melee: 50
    Ranged: 50
    Magic: 50

    Fire: 61%
    Water: 70%
    Wind: 88%
    Ice: 76%
    Earth: 40%
    Energy: 70%
    Light: 76%
    Darkness: 61%

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 872% Base, 872% Random, and 1728.1% Stats
    BTH: +18 plus Stats

      Nuclear Zarbreath!
      A powerful built-in Earth attack that can elementally burn the monster! 382SP!

      You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell:

        Hits: 2
        Type: Ranged
        Element: Earth
        Damage: 103-310 plus 648% Stats each
        BTH: 37 plus Stats each

        Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20, with an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

      If at least one hit connects, it will attempt to Burn* the monster. The monster can resist this with a save:

        Level: 150 vs MonsterLvl
        Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      ***The level of the Burn is 150, it has a Power of [# of hits connected]*1.58537, it lasts for 5 rounds, and it does Earth damage.
        # of Hits	1	2	
        Burn Power	1.58537	3.17074	
        Burn Damage	14-85	28-169
      ***If the monster is already Burning, the existing Burn will be enhanced* instead, and so it is possible to reach higher Burn Powers than what is listed above.

      Cost: 382 SP
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • When using the armor, you are forced to use the Frogzard Sword that you used to equip the armor. If you change weapons, the Frogzard Sword will be automatically re-equipped**.

    *The nuclear breath leaves your opponent with a nasty radiation burn!
    **The Frogzard Blade is fused to your hand!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


    The armor attack starts off as a standard armor attack, which is 550% Base, Random, and 1090% Stats, with +18 BTH. Since it's locked to deal Earth damage, it deals 158.537% damage to compensate.

    The armor's Mastercraft bonus is used to get a built-in skill without a penalty. This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 174-522 damage plus 1090% Stats, with 37 BTH. Like the normal attack, it's locked to deal Earth damage, and also deals 158.537% damage to compensate. Since the skill can Burn the monster, it deals 75% damage. Since there are two hits, each hit deals 50% damage.

    The Burn also receives the elemental compensation modifier.

    In summary:
  • Armor attack deals 158.537% of a standard armor attack.
  • Nuclear Zarbreath deals a total of 118.90275% of a standard spell.
  • The armor uses its Mastercraft bonus to avoid the compression penalty that a skill would otherwise bring.

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