Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (Full Version)

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Indigo -> Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 3:36:55)

Hi all, Indigo here. For those who haven't met me, either here on the boards, or in the chat room, my name is Indigo, just like my net-nick.
I'm a bit reserved, tend to be a bit shy, and lurk about, though I can get pretty talkative once I get comfortable.
I've been around AQ for a little while, creeping up on a year now I think, and I've been around on the 'net for far, far longer. When I'm not around here cleaning up the forums, or helping people out in chat, I spend a good deal of time doing 3d modeling, game modding, programming, writing digital music, playing one of the few different instruments I keep around, fixing computers, and tending my animals. I don't watch TV, havn't watched TV in years, save the occasional reruns of Star Trek (various series), or the occiasional cartoon. I do have a rather exensive movie collection, and tend to keep up with current films.

Being a mod around here is quite a bit of work, but I enjoy it, since it helps make the boards a better place for everyone. I think the best part of being a mod is the satisfaction of knowing I'm doing something everyone else can enjoy, even if they don't realize why =) The worst part would have to be the repetitive nature of moving/locking/deleting posts, especially those that pop right back up, like "Hey, where'd my post go" posts, but hey, it comes with the job.

I can't say I have any favorite people around here - you're all like one big, sometimes disfunctional, but otherwise snugglable family to me =)

Other favorites:

Films: Horror and Drama - I can't say I've seen an actual good horror film since... well... House of a Thousand Corpses was the best in a very long time. Other favorites include: Fight Club, Seven, Along Came a Spider and Phone Booth.

Foods: Most non-fish seafood, a rare steak and buffalo-burgers.

Music: I'm really keen on techno, but I also like classical, new-age, and a wide range of things in between.

Games: All the Final Fantasy games, except XI - I will not Pay-to-Play, Doom 3 (though it was way too easy), AdventureQuest and Sims 2 (I can't leave it alone).

Books: Wow, there's something I haven't done in a long time... read a book... though I'm a huge fan of Brian Lumley's Necroscope series, I've read most of Steven King, Anne Rice, H.G. Wells, H.P. Lovecraft and a few others. Most of the good horror is in print, not on film. =)

Color: Black (yeah, I know, it's not a color, but the absence of color, but close enough)

Non-Electronic Activity: Spelunking (that's cave-exploration).

Holiday: Samhain

Time of the Year: Fall

Animal: I don't have a single favorite, which is why I have so many pets (two chinchilla - they're *so* cute, a leopard gecko, a red-tailed boa, and an occicat).

I think that just about covers my list of favorite things....


Being photographed, rude people, most green vegetables, narrow minds, crowds, and advertisements.


The One Wolf -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 4:10:25)

/me leapingtacklehugglesnugglewuggles Indigo. Ala IRC. ^^


How's things? Different things are, well, different - but in general, no complaints.

What are your feelings about the new Star Wars movie? Have you seen it yet? Please, no spoilers. I've seen episodes 1 & 2. 3 is released today, but tickets have been sold out for two weeks. I'll let you know what I think in a couple days most likely.

D'you RP a lot? Not quite as much as I did a few years ago, but I still try to find time to do so.

Would you be interested in entering the AK/Mod RP in the RP board? That really depends on the story material, if it's good, holds my interest, then probably.

Can I get a picture of you? Only if you've access to sattelite equipment, and know my telemetry ;-)

Would you be an American? If no, what are you? Yes, I would.

Is it true that you are chinese? If no, what are you? No, but I have a great deal of respect for the Chinese.

Do you speak any other languages apart from english? Spanish, Hungarian*, a little Russian, and have been trying to learn Algonquin.

Know any martial arts? Yes, I've studied a few styles of Kung Fu, and am really wanting to find a good Iado instructor.

How old are you? Old enough to have stopped keeping track. =)

What's the easiest way to get you angry? Abject rudeness usually does the trick.

Can I get snuggle? ::snuggles::

What's the best snuggle? The best snuggle is the snuggle you're not expecting, when everything seems to be working against you.

Thats all for now. Ciao.

Chandler -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 5:04:10)

Well hello there stranger...

Like reading? Like it, yes, have much time for it? No.

Favourite book genre? Horror.

Favourite book/series? Brian Lumley's Necroscope.

Any pets? Yes, see above.

In a fantasy game, if you get a choice, are you usually a Rogue/thief/assassin type, Fighter/warrior/berserker type, White mage/healer/cleric type, necromancer/dark mage/summon-evil-things type, or other? It really depends, though I tend to favor mages over warriors and warriors over rogues.

Well, that's all for now, as I seem to have question-asking-person's block...

Sublex -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 5:07:04)


before i start, do you answer long question lists? Yes.


P.S. if you do, i ll be back later with the longest list you've ever seen!

Pastici -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 7:34:07)

What do you think if dishes that incluse organs? (LIver kidneys, etc...) I suppose it depends on what it is. I don't mind a good paté, but I'm no fan of liver-and-onions.

Seahawk -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 9:28:19)


Foods: Most non-fish seafood, a rare steak and buffalo-burgers.

Non-fish seafood... you eat whales and dolphins????? Maybe =) But I prefer things like shrimp, lobster and crab.

(Sorry, couldn't resist) [;)]


dlent -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 9:40:30)

yay i finaly noticed one of these early on

favorite smily?[sm=banana.gif] This one: =)


*pulls out a gun*im robbing you muhahahahaha

*shoots himself*ow why does this always happen to me!?

*gets thrown in an ambulence*cya!


Wolf Boi -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 9:57:01)

Never done one of these ask a question things before but here goes some questions.

Do you think Kefka was the best FF villan of all time? No, I liked Adel much better.

If Kefka was a real person how long do you think it would take him to take it over? A very long time.

What is your fave Star Trek series? I'm torn between DS9 and Voyager.

Do you think Riker is better with a beard or none? Definately with a beard.

Why don't you have a ancatar of your own and just the normal wolf one? I made that wolf avatar. =)

Do you like wolves? Yes.

Do you have any clue who I am? Not off the top of my head.

And one more have you ever sceen the best horror movie ever made, Hour Of The Wolf It sounds familiar, but I can't recall.

Hero of Winds -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 10:24:04)

Ello, Indigo.

May I tap dance on your head? If I said no, would you listen?

*does so anyway*

Who ish more ebil: Zorbak, Twig or Morgul? Twig, definately Twig

May I take your order? Just some fries.

Do you want fries with that? Hello? Now we know why you're in the fast-food business. ;-)

If you could give me any good title besides the one I have now, what would it be? "Helpful Paladin in Green w/ pointed ears", oh, wait, I can....
LOLz0r. I never thought you'd actually do it...but its a nice touch.

Why did you pick your title as that? 110% humor value.

I think I'm done now. Byez0r.

jimbo_99987 -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 10:27:03)

Can I touch your shirt? If you really want to.

Can I take a pic of you? The magic 8-ball says: "Outlook not good."

Can I touch your arm them tell everybody I did? Yes, but you won't be healed of whatever ails you.

Can I ask you multiple questions? You already have.

Can I shake your hand? ::shakes::

What would you do if Anakin came to your house? Make him take me with him. Earth is so overrated.

What would you do if I came to your house? Wonder how you found me.

Who is more evil? Sauron, Darth Vader, Me, My dog, Sepiroth? Sauron, by far.

Reens -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 12:42:42)

*squeee! Indigo!*

Heh. Hey Indigo!

What is your favorite part of being a mod? Making the fourms a better place to be.

Your least favorite? The locking/deleting threads that produce "Why'd my thread get locked/Where'd my thread go?" posts, usually minutes later.

Where do you actually live? (part of the country is fine). NE Ohio, in the middle of Amish country, right next to the middle of nowhere.

*snuggles* ::snuggles right back::

DarkMagi -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 12:54:42)


Do you like ninjas? There's no such thing as ninjas.

If yes, are you a ninja? There's no such thing as ninjas.

Did you know I am a ninja? See above.

What's the velocity of an unladen forgot the rest! An African or European swallow?

What do you think of samurai? The samurai are honorable persons, though far from what is commonly concieved. They had a job to do, and did the best they could.

Do you like pirates? Other than the Captain, I can't say I know any.

If yes, are you a pirate? No.

Is it possible to be a ninja pirate? I suppose so.

Do you like Hanzo Hattori? I liked the role of Hatori Hanzo played by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi.

Do you like VGCats? Never heard of it.

Do you like Ninja Burger Bar? The what?

Would you like to go large for 99p extra? No.

If yes, ninja!

have I scared/annoyed you with my ninja obsessiveness? Nah.

Did you know I'm nearly a Jedi? Then may the force be with you.

Shall I go now? Final quote! VGCats~"Roffle? Is that English?" Aloha!

Ollierulez1 -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 13:00:10)


Who are you? I havent seen you around the boards before. I'm Indigo, and I've been around for a while now. I tend to stay behind-the-scenes, so as long as you behave, you may not hear much from me. But if don't... =)

What do you think of my title? I like.

*Pokes indigo with spoon* ::is not a badger::

If a fire breathing cow, A laser shooting pig, a flying horse and a duck with a bomb strapped to it got in a fight, Who would win? The pig.

If George Bush, Tony Blair, Sadamn husain and Osmama binladen got in a fight, who would win? Well let's see... bin Hidin' wouldn't show up, Hussain would run away, Bush would spend months telling you he was going to fight you... so I'd have to say Blair.

Goodbuy. For now. *mwa ha ha ha*

Zylo -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 13:04:30)

Unfortanetly enough, I haven't actually met you yet, Indigo. Well, I'll just have to make that change, won't I? Hence, Meet The Mods =)

*Waves.* Hiya, I'm Zylo. (I bet you didn't know that, did you?)

Umm...questions...let's see...not TOO many...but not too few...That'll be hard...*Breaths in and starts.*

What do you find yourself doing most often? Working.

Least often? All the things I havn't done yet.

Why don't you like being photographed? I never have, and I can't really say why... it's one of those irrational personality quirks.

What would you do if someone photographed you anyways? It's happened, and I complain about it.


you're all like one big, sometimes disfunctional, but otherwise snugglable family to me

Do I fall under the big, disfunctional, snuggable, or some other part? Hard to tell yet, being this is our first converstaion.

Or do I not fit in at all? See above.

Do you want to hit me with a mallet yet? Do you need hit with a mallet?

A paper towel maybe? Maybe.

Then what?

If everything tastes like chicken, then what does chicken taste like? Everything else.

If that's the case, how do we know that everything tastes like chicken? Couldn't it be that chicken tastes like everything else? You got it.

Why do people eat chicken, but not rooster? LOL I've tried to answer this question in every way I can concieve, and there is no way to do it where the innuendo isn't painfully obvious.



before i start, do you answer long question lists? Yes

P.S. if you do, i ll be back later with the longest list you've ever seen!

If you do, I'll wait until he comes with a longest list and then come up with one longer.

Do you believe me? Sounds like a challenge.

*Scrambles away and comes back in with a plate full of oven-fresh roosters.* A token of thanks for not strangling me...yet.

MADemocrat -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 17:15:24)

'lo, Indigo!

I'm on a holy quest to find a mod/AK that likes rap. So, do you like rap? Your quest does not end here.

You pretty much answered anything I'd ask you in the beginning, so I haven't anything else to ask. So, goodbye!

The Almighty Striker -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 18:31:58)

If a pshychotic mad-dragon-lover came in to ask you questions pertaining to the inevitable murder of Galanoth at a dragon-lover's hands, would you support or scorn him? It depends on the size of the bribe.

In a fight between a flying Gorilla and a T-rex (who also flys) got into a fight who would win? Pound for pound, it would be the T-Rex.

Know anyone who can train a secret service of Penguins Martial Arts? Yes.

Why is the mod called Indigo called Indigo, Indigo? Because that's what Indigo is called. I wrote a disertation on the signifigance of my name once. The short version is that it defines who I am better than any other name ever could.

Dwarves or Orcs? Dwarves.

Dragons or *cringes* Dragonslayers? Dragons.

Gnolls or Giants? Giants.

If you did answer these 'which is better' questions, why? Because they were there.

May ye stuff yer fist down an orcs throat e'eryday, (dwarven farewell)
The Almighty Striker

P.S. Wanna donate to the 'murder Galanoth' fund? Hmmm....

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 19:12:32)

Am I the darkness elemental lord? If you were, would you really need to ask?

The ultimate hybrid=me? Hmmm...

Dragon or ninja? Dragon.

Join my club? M.I.C.K.E.Y. M.O.U.S.E. ?

Do you like my sig? It's alright, but "embrace" only has one "c" in it. =)

What it is and what it will be? It is what it is and will be what it becomes.

What's your favorite smilely [sm=evilking.gif] ? This one: =)

Whats your flame repellent, mine is *ah the flames* ( for board uses only)? This thing called "Delete".

Are you scared, frighted, confused, or grateful? More like ambivalent.

Your the first mod I ever said bye to first. +1 Special Point

Wolf Boi -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 22:42:38)

More questions from me thats the movie hour of the wolf, have you sceen it
(i just really want to know becuse every horror movie fan needed to see this movie

What is your fave Star Trek movie? That's a tough one... Insurrection was really good, so was Nemesis.

Have you played Final Fantasy Mystic Quest before? Actually, no.. that's one that escaped me.

Did you know that Rob Zombie is making another movie? Yes, The Devil's Rejects.

Do you hate Nelix? Nah, Nelix is alright.

What H.P. Lovecraft novel do you think is the best? The Dunwich Horror.
Alsodo yo belive that he really was a profit?

Ohh can I have a snuggle too? Yes. ::snuggles::

Do you think they should make a Star Trek DS9 movie where Sisko comes back to life? Sisko isn't dead, he walks with the Prophets. But it would be great to see a ST movie that isn't centered on the Enterprise and her crew.

Oh and I just want to say very nice work on the wolf avatar
and I'm the guy who gets confused for a girl almost as much as Chii dose hehe ^^;

The One To Rule -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/19/2005 23:02:03)


do you wanna see SW ep. 3 Yes.

if you don't, why????

what was your favorite star wars? I don't think I have a favorite, though Empire Strikes Back is definately the one I have the hardest time watching.

who is your least favorite band? Any in the genres of "Country" or "Rap".

Wolf Boi -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 1:59:11)

ah yes thats what i meant I just haven't sceen DS9 in over a year and there names slipped my mind

yay *returns the snuggle*, can I have another? :3 Yes. ::snuggles again::

What do you think of "Q" the main Q of course Q is an interesting character. He reminds me in many ways of another god-like being encountered in the original series, one which aged in reverse.

Would you like to a Star Trek based on a difrent species say like the Kilgons, the Q, the borg, ect? I'd like to see *anything* new.

Have you read the action/horror manga Priest? I've never read any manga.

Whats your fave kind of ice cream? Haagen Das, perticularly White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.

Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, and Mexico, and Romania, and Germany, and even Antartica.

Am I asking too many questions? I hope not Nope.

and Finaly what do you think of me so far? No complaints.

lillerare -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 6:23:14)

hello Indigo.

if you could pick one and just one of this super powers and you must pick one what would it be? I'd have to go with bugged super intelligence, since if I were so intelligent I could easily figure out ways to obtain the other powers without the side-effects.

super fast but with a bug, when you even if you are walking you are so fast that one step takes you four miles away.

super strength but with a bug, when you are gonna hug someone you almost sqeesh the life out of them.

super intelligence but with a bug, you are for smart to your own good so example: when maybe a friend of you have gotten a new costume or something and he/she ask you if you like it and you say ``well its ¤O+A-CM8+DF5=KJ069 so yes`` and your friend will not understand a thing of what you said .

was that hard to pick a power? Nope.

ok thats all bye.

theaya -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 7:25:17)

squirrels or llamas? Here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama. Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama duck.

if you were a chipmunk what would your name be and why? Ixiatha'axia, because can you pronounce it either?

did you know the wood chuck really doesn't chuck wood? But, hypothetically speaking, if it could, it probably would chuck as much wood as it could.

how did they make green eggs and ham in Dr. Suess's book Green Eggs in Ham, was it dye or what? Very special green chickens.

If peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers where did peter pick them?.. At the pepper patch.

am I scarying you yet? Nope, keep trying.

if not then I'll have to try harder..hmm...but for now i gotta jet..baiza! -waves and runs off into a wall- ouchy...

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 14:50:04)

Ever read Stevan Kings Eyes of the dragon? Sounds familiar, but I'm really not sure.

*guides reader towards flash powder and runs away screaming darkness*

Wolf Boi -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 15:07:15)

I'm back for for at least one more sets of questions becuse your a nice guy and not getting enough from others

yay for all the snuggles :3 *snuggles you some more* so can we snuggle more? and do you like suggling with me :3 ? I've plenty of snuggles to go 'round, so sure. ::snuggles::

Wow you have been to tons of places, what was your fave place to visit? That's a tough one... I'd say, all-in-all, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.

have you sceen the episode of futurama where the cast of star trek was on it? and if you did, did you like it? Nope, missed that one.

Should Shatner never be alowed to sing again? Never heard him sing.

If you could chose would you rather be back in time with knights or foward in time with starships? Definately back in time, so I'd know already where to invest.

Have you made any other avatars? Not on this forum.

Do you think $50 was too much for a wolf ring? Depends on what it's made of, how well it's made, and how much you enjoy it.

And with the guy from the original trek do you mean Trelane, te guy that made kirk and the lizard guy fight, the alien who took care of that kid or other? Definately other. If I happen upon an episode guide, I'll look up the number/title.

Last question in this set, what did you think of the last enterprise episodes that where made for the fans of the other shows? I've only watched one episode of Enterpise... I'm not much of a fan of Scott Bacula.

tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the Mods - This Week: Indigo (5/20/2005 15:36:02)


Do you like pretzels? Pretzels are good.

If yes,with or without cheese? Without.

Favorite food? See page one, under favorites.

Fav. snack? Hmm.. snacks... Brie cheese with fruit, peel & eat shrimp and mulled mead.

Could you help me withmy school report on Romania? Maybe.

Pwetty pwease?

Oh well

Nice taliing to ya,
the pretzel stealer

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