=AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Closed - Done) (Full Version)

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Chii -> =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Closed - Done) (9/12/2007 0:00:26)

Thread status: Closed and finished

Rawr! I finally decided I was in the mood for a Meet the _____ thread, after better than a year of procrastination. You've caught me in a friendly moment, so I shall try to answer your questions as sweetly as the soulbiting kitten that I am. >^.^<

If you're unfamiliar with a thread like this, here's the way it's going to run: First, you'll post a reply to the thread whenever it's open. You'll know when it's not, because the thread title will say (CLOSED) and it'll be locked, so no reply button will be there. If I'm available, it'll be open and you'll be able to post. I will edit my reply in to your post in the order in which they are received, so check back in a little while after you post.

My replies will be in teal.

A few ground rules for the thread:

  • Please limit yourself to three questions and one post.
  • Don't ask stupid questions. I like being silly as much as the next person--possibly quite a lot more--but I draw the line when I start getting questions like "Which would you rather take with you to a deserted island, a mutant gerbil or a pie?"
  • Don't ask me to look at your suggestion thread. I do so already. Suggestions rules do apply here, which also means I'd prefer that you not use your signature here. I'm on dialup, so signatures slow me down and make it harder to load the page. You want me to answer quickly, don't you?

To head off the most common question, "Are you a boy or a girl," I shall answer this as best I can ahead of time: I'm an angel, we don't do physical bodies substantial and lasting long enough to where gender is an issue. :p

Aside from that, have fun.

Wyvern Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 0:06:59)

Hello and congratulations to your um... position of which you've held ever since I've been on the forums?

1) Which of the current events going on in the world are you most interested in and can you share?

I manage to keep fairly neutral in politics and current world affairs by not watching the news or visiting news websites, heh. I suppose the biggest thing I've been watching is the way the American economy has been grinding. Other than that, I've been watching interaction between video game industries quite a bit, hoping to find a company I can lend my skills to. My eye is currently on Capcom, actually.

2) What is your take on global warming?

I believe it exists. Where I was staying, which should have been a very temperate zone, it didn't even snow last year until after the new year rolled in.

3) What are your thoughts on cloning, be it on humans or animals?

No problem with it. Even an identical clone will usually turn out very differently from the original, so there's no such thing as immortality through "exact" copies.

Well... that's three :p. I mean, I've seen Limitless, I've seen 15, I've seen 13... even 10... but three.... wow :p. Anyway, congratulations... even though it happened ages ago, and I'm out!

BTW: And some of the limiting ones let us post limitlessly! >.> Errr, now I'm REALLY out :p.

Vaseline28 -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 0:07:59)

Three quesitons, yo uare awesome having the nerve to do that.
/me snugglehugglesandallthatmeetinAKstuff

Note: the following quesitons were hand-picked from a selection, specially for you!

1) Spots or Stripes?

Neither, I'm either solid white or solid black, depending on the light. Either way, I seem to be bad luck.

2) Curtains or Blinds?

I don't know, I have no window in my room! Someone put a big cardboard wall up and painted it. My room's always pitch dark without a light. o.o

3) I used toask, and why the name? but after doing MtAK myself, I know how annoying it can be, so how about: Wjem did you first give off a heavenly glow?

Shortly after the tears of the source fell and made the great tree, I suppose. ^^;

I would say congrats, and settle down well, but you've been around for ages!

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 0:15:45)

M'kay, serious question time. *Crackes knuckles*

Do you personally believe that the rules in this forum are more PG-13ish, or more PGish?

Depends on the forum, since each moderator has their own style. I'd say it usually leans more toward PG-13, though.

Where do you live? And I mean country/state-wise?

I live in the United States, currently in Michigan, although I tend to meander around. I've been in Tenessee, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Texas.

What's your reaction to this article?

Huh, that's interesting. I wish them success in finding an alternative fuel, but I don't think salt water is really an opportune source. We may have more salt water than fresh water, but I feel that our water supplies are more finite than people appreciate.

Byes, k?

Necromancer X . -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 0:19:57)

ok im gonna make this lees stupid this time

why is your name Chii

I got it from the manga/anime Chobits, which I absolutely adore. I used the name on IRC chat one night and it just stuck. Before that, I was called Sanmei.

whats the meaning of life

I can't answer that, of course. My strongest hint is that it involves a great number of experiences, but not necessarily your own. Once you understand how human interaction is like the gears of an incredible machine, you'll be closer to the truth.

you dont like necromancers dont you[:(]

Actually, one of my greatest role-playing characters was a necromancer for a long period of time. I still have a few, including a lich named Seng.

MB -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 1:08:52)

Heh, finally the angel shows h- emm, its face [:D]

I'll try to be "normal" this time...

1.: What's your favourite type of music ?

Chinese pop. It ranges from cute to tranquil to upbeat. My favorite artist is Sandy Lam, though a close favorite (but not Chinese) is Kelly Chen.

2.: Where do angels come from (if you are an angel, you have to know [:)] ) ?

Most of the first angels were direct creations of either the source or the great tree. Later on, groups of angels began clustering together (much like birds, if you follow the adage) and spawned new generations of angels in their likenesses, giving birth to the various types.

3.: What games do you like to play (if you have time) apart from AQ/DF ?

Konami holds a place in my heart. My first video game appearance was with the NES, and Konami games dominated it with Contra, Life Force, and Castlevania. Now I play Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Castlevania and Dance Dance Revolution, among others. Lately, lacking a PS3 and mourning the fact that I'll miss Silent Hill V, I've been playing Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii. Both are quite good -- surprisingly, in the case of RE4.

Zeshion -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 1:14:51)

1.)How did you get started with AE/did you choose to work with suggestions?

Well, I initially first found AQ on some multiplayer game collection site. I don't know when I started going to the forums, but I just got dug deeper and deeper into them. I can't even recall how I was entered in the Grand Council elections, but those were the slippery slope that got me into the staff, I suppose. That and knowing more than not just the average forum user, but having game knowledge (functions and mechanics) on par with some of the upper staff. GC moderated Suggestions, and AKs came out shortly after the GC, and KoO eventually got AK and GC powers combined, so I basically went from one job to the next.

2.)What do you like to do in your free time(when you have it that is)?

Write, whenever possible. I have a series I'm hoping to release as an anthology. I can't link it here, though, since it's intended for older readers (~20-30ish) and has a lot of mature content.

3.)What do you think your best trait/feature is?

Hard to say, since my personality tends to change quite fluidly from little or no special stimuli. I like to pride myself on my creativity, though. When I lock my mind on something, I can run with it forever and keep finding new things along the way.

mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 1:23:11)

WOW! I never thought I'd see the day Chii, probably the most well known AK ever...making a MT(Insert Title Here) thread! Though I must say---I don't believe any others have allowed THIS few questions...ANY way...

<<<By the way, left plenty of room for you!>>>

1: Err...Chii, are you alright? No seriously---you actually are doing it?(Depending on how Cruel/Nice you are, you can technically call this two questions)

Hm, what do you mean? Doing this meeting thread, yes. Managing to drag myself along in life? Well, I suppose so. School? Pfft, easy. I can pull myself along anything.

2: Are you annoyed by people asking you questions you already answered? What about people re-responding to your responses?(Again, how many questions this is depends on opinion)

I probably won't even see them, heh.

(Assuming you don't count the above as 3/4 questions)

I'll save the other one for later---maybe.


Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Open) (9/12/2007 2:21:57)

Hey there Chii! Since you said you are 'an angel who don't do physical bodies substantial and lasting long enough to where gender is an issue', then i would assume that you are the cute female angel in your avatar. *Fantasizes Chii and me living happily ever after*...*Ahem*, Sorry about that let's get down to this. (Sorry, I missed the part where you limit only three questions, but you don't have to be so mean and delete my post right? [:(] )

3 Questions here.

1) Your job in real life?

I'm a transcriptionist. I download recordings of business meetings for companies like IBM, SYSCO, and BMC and a bunch of others and write down word for word what people say so they have a text version of their meetings. The pay is horrible (about $4.15 USD an hour at best, as littel as $2.00 an hour at worst), but it's something, in an area where we have the highest unemployment rate of pretty much any state.

2) Who made you an AK?

I can't recall. It might have been Pae, I think she was an admin at that time.

3) Were you suprised when you heard about this piece of information?

Not really. I've been a moderator, admin, operator or staff member for many sites, including GameTalk and Illusionary Minds Chat, so I have a lot of experience and confidence in the area. Any place I hang around in long enough, someone usually gives me the keys.

That's it Chii. Peace out! *Prays that you wouldn't delete this post*...*Continues to fantasize*

Crimzon5 -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 4:58:44)

Hola Chii

1) What's your favortie sport?

To participate in, hockey or soccer/football. To watch, hockey or World's Strongest Man.

2) Favorite day of the week?

Saturday, right when I first wake up and remember that I still don't have to do anything for another 48 hours. ^_~

3) What's the most number of threads you've locked in one day that you can recall?

Probably around 50 in the chaos of the Carnax War.

Cubal -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 5:38:20)

Ahoy Chii. Questions from me here:

How long have you been AKing anyways?

I don't even remember anymore, hee hee. A couple of years?

Like music?

The arts in general, just about every one of them.

Have a MtAKer block, so I can't come up with anything else.

Elmedor -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 6:45:21)

Ok since I am bored here we go!

1)Do you consider yourself a Liberal or Conservative?

Neither one. Political alliances seem silly to me. I can't subscribe to all of what either side says, and muting my individuality to be part of an unwieldly group is anathema.

2)Favorite Game of all time?

Hard to say, I've played so many... I suppose the one I keep finding myself coming back to is Final Fantasy IV, though. It's what really got me started playing RPGs.

3) Are you Evil/Good/Ebil?

I am Chii. We define new concepts of evil. 0:)

Ok peace I am out to distsurb other Ak/KoO/Admin/Mods!

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 6:52:13)

Chii? Chii! (Edit: I took that from your greet, not the title of this thread. :P)

1. Where is your avatar from?

She's a cosplayer modeling a Chii outfit from Chobits. You can see why I adore the series.

2. Why teal? (I like it.)

I have just the barest touch of color blindness, and certain shades of blue and green mesh together so that I can't tell them apart. Teal is the precise mixture of blue and green, so to me, it's almost like a different color entirely.

3. Favorite genre of books/author? Why?

Ooh, another hard one. It depends on the genre. Robert A. Heinlein does my favorite science fiction, Ray Bradbury competes with Stephen King for best horror, King writes the best serious fantasy, Piers Anthony does the best non-serious fantasy, and I write them all and rock. :p

That's all - have fun answering the questions. ^_^

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 7:11:05)


Are you a KoO or an AK?

Both. I began as a Grand Council member, became an ArchKnight, became a staff member, then became a Knight of Order.

Why didnt you ever have one?

Ever have what?

Whos in your avvy?

I actually have no idea who she is. I only found her pictures on one website, and I wasn't awake enough to translate the Japanese.

Okay. Byes!

Hinkage -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 7:16:10)

Hi(Does that count as a question? Wait - that last sentence did d'oh!)

So how long have you been a KoO?

That one's easier to answer. Going back into the records, my first official post in there was on 9/9/2005. Earlier posts could have been purged, though.

CanyoUreAdthIs?(As a suggestion AK you need good eyes, some threads are messy[;)])

Are you kidding? One of my Internet siblings is the deity of typographical errors. He once inserted several 6's into the word "glasses." And it wasn't 1337 speak.

P.S. .... I don't know if I can ask or not! >.<

Infinite Shadow -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 7:19:14)

Hiyas Chii!

Aww man 2 questions already...Or one?Oh...That was a question!!

What would be your Fav AK?

Well, the people who I'd first name are now moderators, not AKs... but of the current list? Maegwyn.

Maegwyn -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 9:22:48)

This comes as quite a shock! Not ^ that; ^ although I am delighted, "shock" isn't quite the word ... what came as a shock was simply the existence of this thread.

1) The character who exclaims, "BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!" is from a kids book. What book did you read under the age of 13 or so that had the greatest impact on you (including what this impact was)?

I can't remember back that far. Actually, 13 is my cutting off edge, since that's when things happened that basically disrupted my memory and core identity. I'd guess from context that it had to be A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony, since it's my oldest fantasy book and fantasy happens to be my favorite genre.

2) Do you write at the keyboard or with old-fashioned pen and ink? (I know this is a boring 'either-or' question, but I'm curious.)

Both. When I have no access to a computer or just don't want to be in my room, I have a yellow notebook I fill with everything that comes to mind. Sometimes it resembles a printout of coding. I'm told my handwriting resembles chicken scratches...

3) Er ... I think question #1 is technically two questions, and I don't know how to word the other question that comes to mind to make it a single question, so I'll wander off, saying, "Never mind for now."

Beta Dragon Rider -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 11:34:00)

Hoo... well, questions then.

1) Are you aware that this thread says "Semi-pen" instead of "Semi-open"?

Hee hee. It was 3:00 am by the time I toddled off to bed, and I'd been working twelve hours by that point. Nope! Wasn't aware at all. ... I also have no memory of my alarm clock going off. ._.

2) Why did you decide to do this thread ("Meet the...") now, and not earlier?

Every time I'd had the urge earlier, we were already having a Meet The thread going on, and our rules for organization said only one at a time. I scheduled one once, but my computer broke the week I was supposed to do it, so it got shuffled out. When I got back, the urge had gone away again.

3) You seem to keep only one avvy. Why's that (well, I do the same...)?

I actually had quite a few, but almost all of them are on my old computer (which is in a scrap heap). I'll see about remaking them someday, when I get enough time. They're all variations of Chii, but some are manga, some are anime, and another is one of the girl I currently have up.

Well, that's it. I would have one more, but since I can only post three...

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 12:59:37)

YAY you have one now ^^

Hiya ^_^ /me Hi snugs

How are you today ?

Actually quite decent, although I'm always in a rush on Wednesdays. Work, school, and the forums, all at once.

Do you prefer the rain or snow ? and why ?

Well, I used to prefer the snow, but Michigan's winters were starting to get really awful before last year's. The rain is also getting colder, so I don't know. Probably the rain, for lightning, though... I like watching it.

What's your favourite day of the year ? (can't say your b-day) :P

The day the school semester ends. Booya!

Well since I can't ask more it shall end here ^_^

/me wave bye bye ^_^

Cerbero -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (Semi-pen) (9/12/2007 13:11:24)

Bonjour, Chii.

Alas, for the first time 2/3 of my questions in a Mt (insert title here) will be serious.

What is your motivation as an AK/KoO?

Improving the quality of the game and the community. It sounds cliché, but seeing the world gradually degenerating gives me the desire to set things straight for as many people asp ossible.

Do you consider yourself optimistic, pesimistic or does that depend on the moment?

Many people call me pesimistic, but I think I'm mostly grounded in realism. I'm actually optimistic now, a lesson one of my significant others taught me.

And finally(now i ask this in every MtAK/MtSoO, etc)...

Ever danced with the devil beneath the pale moonshine?

I wore ballet slippers for the occasion.

Blue Stranger -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (OPEN) (9/12/2007 15:55:47)

Well my 1st post got deleted, so I'll try other questions.

1)AQ or DF?

AQ, and not just for the class I'm currently working on. DF just... repeats itself too much. Not just in terms of overall content, but in each individual quest. I like doing something once and getting a feeling of accomplishment out of it.

2)Do you like being AK?

There are days when it's frustrating, but overall, yes. I'd rather have this job than not.

3)Would you like to be "The Apprentice"?

I'd laugh too much at the hair piece. I'd rather be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, since I'd have won it about eight times over by this point.

That's all. Bye!

chaostrom -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (OPEN) (9/12/2007 16:30:37)

Ooh, interesting. Mind if I ask a few things?

1. Whose suggestions, in your opinion, are most likely to be implemented?

I can't really answer that. I've seen a few good suggestions and I've seen a lot of threads that have some good and a lot of blah. I read them all, even so.

2. I asked you in cverneo's thread about classification triggers, but you never answered. Could you answer? (If not, that's fine)

PM me the full question, I'll answer it there.

3. What are the criteria in getting one's suggestions accepted? I know having details increase the likelihood, especially if it's not unbalanced, but I don't think the staff look at every single thread that appears here. (It's okay if you don't answer this either)

Interesting concepts and needed items (filling in holes) are both good starts. If it doesn't scream imbalance, that's even better. And yes, with at least 14 people who go through this forum, each thread does get read at least once a month.

Sorry I haven't asked a personal question, but I'm still relatively new here and don't really know you.

Taimat396 -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (OPEN) (9/12/2007 16:41:52)

hmm...seems that instead of being burned alive for asking a fourth question...it was deleted...ill try again :P (if you dont want to answer one...dont) heh...i probably shouldnt have tried that in YOUR MTAK/KoO thread lol...

1. do you feel that wars dont have the same 'feel' as they used to? think of the great fire war,it was like a huge quest,that involved everyone...than the carnax saga/future war...the best war ever in my opinion...but now? it seems that they are just very small wars designed just as a 'filler',your thoughts?

The Great Fire War had a lot of complaints about repetition, though, so the size was a double-edged blade. The current saga is unfolding slowly, but I like that it has a much grander scale and ultimately effects everyone.
i never really thought about it like that...still,id prefer a long war,with some really good items at the end,instead of a really short one with so-so items (bonesaw anyone?)

2. i asked in my old post,and ill ask again,are you a boy or girl? (i assumed girl for quite a long time cos of avatar...but then i learned that just guessing from avvy's is a bad idea...this would clear up some confusion for me :P)

The best answer I can give is in the first post.
oops...i missed that...and wasted a whole question at the same time! :(

3.how well do you know me? *grin*

I've seen you around. I don't really get to know anybody unless I associate with them constantly, due to my memory.
heh...bad memory? i know what you mean...i still dont know all the people whos phone numbers i have in my phone...kinda annoying

heh...i guess thats it! (and even though you just overtook Pie in deleting-my-post-ness,your still my favorite AK [:D])

and i guess its customary to say congratukations...even though you did set TWO precedents in this thread...least amount of questions askable...and longest time since being 'ordained' till you get a MTAK

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (OPEN) (9/12/2007 16:49:41)

w00t! finally I get to ask Chii some questions!

What is the most ridiculous suggestion you have ever read?

Hard to say, I've seen some pretty awful stuff. Classes with skills that cost virtually nothing and fully heal you, kill the monster, weapons that deal hundreds of damage... I actually keep a list of the worst. It's pretty bad.

On a rating from 1 - 10, how would you rate most suggestions? (1 being utterly dumb/worhless/etc, 10 being utterly great)

By the law of averages and the fact that most of our player base are casual gamers who don't come here to think deeply on any subject, probably around 4. We do have hundreds upon hundreds of single suggestion threads with something like "How about a 3-14 damage weapon." Since they outnumber the good threads...

What is the maximum amount of warnings you give before locking a suggestion?

Depends on how well I keep track of them. I forget things very quickly, so I might give one person five warnings for minor things before I realize why their name seems familiar and swat them for not learning faster. These days, I try to keep a physical record of everything I've done instead of just sending out reminder PMs.

Well, thats it!
(for now! hehehehe [ebil laugh])

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK/KoO: Chii? Chii! (OPEN) (9/12/2007 17:28:18)

Chii. :D Questions, then:

1) Of all your many "duties" for AE (IRC, AKing, balancing, etc.) which do you enjoy most?

Creating things. Ragebreaker, although I can't even use it myself, is my champion accomplishment. The next thing I'm working on, I hope, will trump it tenfold.

2) Ever planning on changing avvies? ;)

Hmmm... sure. Done.

3) How'd you first stumble on AQ and/or the forums in the first place?

I think the site was something like mporpg.com. Just some huge gallery of online games. I went through about twenty of them in alphabetical order. Good thing AQ doesn't still use Land of Rising Evil as a name, or I might never have found it!

Anyway, that's it (obviously). /me byesnugs

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