Zard Droppings (Full Version)

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Reyn Roadstorm -> Zard Droppings (9/13/2007 0:36:48)

Zard Droppings

Level: 60
Price: 8,000 1,861 Gold
Sellback: 4,000 12,000 Gold
Location: Jagged Peaks

Element: Wind
MP Cost: 219

Hits: 6
Element: Wind
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 9-26 plus 122% Stats each
BTH: +15 plus Stats each

Cloudzards can be so annoying. Especially to monsters when you summon a flock of them to do some 'dirty work'.


Image courtesy of .*. .*. .*.. Update from Kalanyr and Rayf Drayson (via ArchMagus Orodalf).

Ianthe -> RE: Zard Droppings (7/7/2008 0:48:43)

Zard Droppings

Level: 60
Price: 8,000
Sellback: 4,000 12 000
Location: Jagged Peaks

Element: Wind
MP Cost: 90

Hits: 6
Element: Wind
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 4-14 plus 100% Stats each
BTH: +20 plus Stats each

Cloudzards can be so annoying. Especially to monsters when you summon a flock of them to do some 'dirty work'.


Image courtesy of .*. .*. .*.. Some info from Reign Man and .*. .*. .*.. New sellback from Windy.

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