Lucian Clan Art II (Full Version)

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_Aian.89_ -> Lucian Clan Art II (9/13/2007 23:02:46)

Lucian Clan Art Thread
Lucian art only! xD

Have a sig/avvy/other you want to share with the clan? Want to show off your skills to further the clan? Feel free to post them here, i'll add your piece of work to the database when you post.

I thought since the new clan event was around, there might be more signatures and the like flowing in, so I made this form.


Artwork type - Creator Name - URL link.



Signature - Mobuis -

Anything not following this form won't be considered, and double check to make sure that your artwork follows all the forum rules, more so if it is a Signature.

Signature Guide/Info
Ultimate Web Resource Guide - Look here to learn sig making

Signature 1 - Zero Hex
Aq Stats Sig - Lucian
User bar 1 - C
Hikari - May the Light Show the Way by Eternal Chaos
La Luz de Lucius by Eternal Chaos
Lucius by gio1000
Light by lostkause1473
Choose the Light by X~Zaros~X
Signtaure - Venom Wabbit
First Sig by (v. 1) - Lycan5523
First Sig by (v. 2) - Lycan5523
First Sig by (v. 3) - Lycan5523
Lucian sig 5, v1: Lycan5523 Click
Lucian sig 5, v3: Lycan5523 Click
Signature - Dragon_Kind
Sig by Deimius Click
Joshuatks's Sig 1 Sig 2

Avatar 1 - Nickwright

Lucian Moglin!
SoA 1 - Zero Hex
Lucian Render - Ellopez159
SoA 2 - Venom Wabbit
SoA 2 (second try) - Venom Wabbit
Lucian Art - jorgesoc
Lucian Armor - Zero Hex
Lucian Armor [Splice] - NarutoFoxNinja

Just keep with the rules the original followed.

Omega Meckberg -> RE: Lucian Clan Art II (9/14/2007 14:24:13)

Here is my art: :D

Lucian Clan Armor

Lucian Clan Randomnes #1
Lucian Clan Randomnes #2

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