RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (Full Version)

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Lord Asrius -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/10/2008 21:32:01)


ORIGINAL: Masasume_Dragon

I'll get on with drawing the dragon right away. :)

EDIT: Done!

Hey, I have one of those! I write Chinese with it! :P

Didn't Masasume do that for some other form? Or was that just a nomination?

Masasume_Dragon -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/11/2008 15:43:30)

Yeah, I did, looked pretty pathetic though; too robotic. >.>

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/11/2008 19:48:50)

Well, you could give it to Dynami or something then....

Masasume_Dragon -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/11/2008 21:34:41)

I'm not sure...

It looks liek dis

Hansuke -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/14/2008 20:15:10)


ORIGINAL: Masasume_Dragon

Yeah, I did, looked pretty pathetic though; too robotic. >.>

If I remember well, it looked more like a pokemon :P I thought it was good (except for the claws and scary eyes, too freaky) but people didn't like it, so I couldn't use it for aero+skye...

Segamen -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/22/2008 0:51:02)

How 'bout this??

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/23/2008 17:52:41)

o.o Segamen likes dragons a lot. :P
More than me. :P

Dryn -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/23/2008 20:02:31)

Its good, but It doesnt look it has anything to do with wind. At least, without color.

Segamen -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (6/29/2008 10:25:50)

Actually it suppose to be either like this or this. And yes, I LOVE Dragons, Gryphons and and mixing them with Dragons. Oh yes, I don't really want to colour them coz' of my BAD colouring.

xRaedqwex -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (7/4/2008 3:43:45)

i should really start making art for my clan... i mean thats one of the reasons i became a approved artist lol


Segamen -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (7/13/2008 3:38:38)

Finally got my tablet and now it should be my chance to fix my sketches.

BWNocturne -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (4/13/2011 15:59:59)

Ah, a separate thread for commenting. I'd like to say that your drawing looks great, Exodus.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (4/13/2011 16:47:32)

I was looking for that thread too. Nice job you did there, Exodus.

Exodus Winter -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (10/9/2011 12:51:03)

@BWNocturne and Dread_Shadow_Max: Thanks, sorry for the latest reply ever.

There's a new piece in Aerodu Gallery Artwork in the Paxian Gallery. It's been awhile since I drew anything, so yeah go easy on me. :3

(there we go all corrected)

BWNocturne -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (10/9/2011 16:43:22)

Holy schweet, another great piece of art, Exodus. If those were implemented in game, it would almost make me reconsider my clan.
Can't we hire you for some schweet Lucian armor design? [;)]

Kinzdor -> RE: =Aerodu Artwork Comments Thread= (1/13/2012 16:51:30)

So I decied to a take a peek at this thread,and some of this art is darn good. Especially the 2 latest pieces by Exodus.

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