=Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (Full Version)

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Scakk -> =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/5/2008 21:21:36)

This thread will be used for comments on the artwork in the Paxia Gallery thread for Glacius.

Glacius Artwork Thread

Demonstar -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/21/2007 8:02:54)

hmmm.... maybe i should try a large peice of art.... one with latin.....
like remember the fallen in latin... or Feel the ice

Avro -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/21/2007 8:35:08)

awesome, now we have an artwork thread!

Apocalyptic -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/21/2007 15:03:02)

We always did. We had an artwork and an awards thread, but they got deleted and put in the new one.

Scakk -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/21/2007 18:49:33)

*pokes at Apocalyptic*

The old threads are in the Paxian Gallery. Set the forum to All Topics and you will see them.

Heding -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/22/2007 11:52:59)

Its look... ehh... specific....

Apocalyptic -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (9/28/2007 14:34:46)

I know that, I was just pointing out that we always had a thread, it's just in a different place now ^_^

djmendoza -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (12/12/2007 7:44:05)

hehe... i still use the awesome art from the awards thread as my sig

Sir Gnome -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (4/6/2008 14:51:35)

You can now discuss the Design Contest - Clan Banners! here. I'll edit in answers to any questions you have about it too.

brianspenceni -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (4/30/2009 12:22:41)

I thought the forum guidance said not to post on threads if they'd been inactive for several weeks under 6, no spamming. Or should this have been stickied? Too many rules *head goes pop*.

Cryogenesis -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (5/1/2009 21:50:10)

I hope this thread takes off, doesn't die again, and I hope we can get even more artwork.

Baron -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (7/19/2009 22:20:05)

Hi all Glacians! I have just created a sig, it isn't amazing, but it is my first sig I have made. I used Gimp to create it & yeah, anybody can use it, I don't really mind. I will edit my post in the artworks thread whenever I create a sig or banner for Glacius[;)]

brianspenceni -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (7/20/2009 3:25:39)

haha, gimp. I love that.

Nice work, Baron.

137ben -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (7/20/2009 15:38:58)


chugg -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/13/2009 0:26:53)

The art contest sounds pretty cool, but I'm no artist so I won't enter. I am excited to see the results however

137ben -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/13/2009 11:36:23)

Same for me, when will it be over?

brianspenceni -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/13/2009 12:24:30)

http://z8.invisionfree.com/Glacius/index.php?showtopic=96 comp details can be found there.

137ben -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/13/2009 21:40:51)

I'm gonna be away then...not really expecting the reset to happen while I am gone.

Baron -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/22/2009 20:04:01)

I have added all of the competition entries for Glacius in the artwork thread, all Glacians can use them.

Thank-you to all that entered.

chugg -> RE: =Glacius Artwork Comments Thread= (8/23/2009 1:22:24)

The sigs made in the competition were awesome. That was a icy cool event.

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