(Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (Full Version)

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DeathKnight2 -> (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 16:53:58)

Yes seconds! Guarenteed...

Step 1-

Get any brush (I used rains clipping mask brushes) and mess around with settings



Step 2-

Take any random brush I used a spatter brush and check Dual Brush and mess with the settings


You're done O.O



Here I present more advanced brush techniques- But really its still real easy :P

Color Dynamics

Color Dynamics is like color simlified if you know how to use it.
Foreground Background Jitter- I have no idea what it does but i'd put it at 50%

Hue Jitter
- Basicly it is the amount of colors in your brush
0% is basicly you fg color and as you move the slider up more colors are added
If your FG was purple at 50% it'd be colors such as purple,light purple,pink, and red
100% would be all the colors of the rainbow. Get it?

An Example- (100% Hue)
Saturation Jitter- The saturation of your colors
It does not turn you colors black or over contrast it but
instead can create a wash-out color


Brightness Jitter- Can make you brush a combo of your fg color and black or normal

Here is an example- (100% brightness jitter)



Purity- Is basiclly the purity of you fg color
For example 0% is normal
-100% is light gray
100% is a dark color (mine would be dark purple)
Thats it for Color Dynamics!

My result so far-


Perfecting you brush
For making Brush Sets
Well now that you have your brush its time to perfect it for a brush set! Right now its kinda...meh...But this chapter helps perfect your bush by certain techniques such as
Sharpening,Smudging, and ect.

Now lets begin-

Step 1

Ok now check other dynamics under brush settings and set all the way to 100%. After that brush randomly around. Now you need some flow in the brush so then take the eraser (soft brush) and erase to create a shape. But not too much (so it doesn't look blurry on the edges) . Then uncheck other dynamics and brush more but not too much, you don't want to too be too dark.

So this is my result-


Step 2

Now to add some depth. Duplicate this layer. And take a circle brush and smudge it a bit. So the smudged layer should look like this-
I have the dots in mine because it looked to dark in those parts.


Now place the layer under you unsmudged layer so it should look like this-

Now lets compare

Before- [image]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i103/Lordsoccer10/TutP1.png[/image]
After- [image]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i103/Lordsoccer10/TutP3.png[/image]

Step 3

Now its time to add some finishing touches-
First Apply image and then filter-sharpen-sharpen. Erase in ugly parts.
You should get something along the lines of this-


Now make a new layer and for stylize-trace contour. Use the wand tool to remove the white areas. And erase.



Now onto the next section :O

Effects to Add to you brush
-Dodging and Burning
-Sponge Tool
-Gradient Maps
-Displacement maps
-Many More :P

Have fun :O


Its a brush set >.>

[image]http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z85/Burned_Fire/Abstract.png[/image]<<<Burned Fire's result

Also another addition


If you smudge the brushes a bit and make a new layer and brush some more you can get results like the second one ^^

lguan -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 17:21:07)

Cool tut.

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 17:27:35)

All my useless knowledge in one package :P

and thx :D

Burned Fire -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 18:31:31)

Me likes this tut :D, but how do you guys smudge so good [8|] when I try smudging it always turns out crappy XD. and this tut is very useful, *me thanks DeathKnight2 then pokes him and runs away :D*, Burned Fire Strike again!

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 19:52:39)

Ow that hurt ><

Smudge settings :P


Burned Fire -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 20:02:53)

I only got PS 7.0 so the only things I can change when smudging are shape dynamics and other dynamics :(.

Coheed fan:Crimson -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/23/2007 20:16:42)

the photoshopers are lucky to have your knowledge.
*kicks self for not being able to buy photoshop*

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (9/30/2007 14:50:20)

Thanks for replies any results lol?

rikimaruw** -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/5/2007 17:30:43)

Can anybody make a gimp smudge tutorial, I love smudges like that and really want to learn the technique.[:-]

nolraitru -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/5/2007 18:18:51)

Stuff I didn't even know about Photoshop. Hotness yo. :)


Rorras Akari -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/5/2007 22:56:10)

Wow. Dk2 impressing Char-char? Now im Super Ultra Giga Ginarmously impressed. xD

rikimaruw** -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/6/2007 4:55:31)

Wowee, lol I made that brush as gimp :) I am trying to cut them out [:'(]

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/6/2007 17:27:48)

Thanks everyone :)
Yeah I was really bored one day and I got this tut :)

Also a addition if you take the brushes you made and smudge them and then make a new layer and brush more it can look really nice :)
Also I'll post some more results in a sec...

rikimaruw** -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/6/2007 17:52:18)

Is it possible for you, or a group of people to convert this into gimp for the rest of us?

That would be great, I need some good brushes :)

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/6/2007 17:56:04)

Well I can try. But the main problem is that I cannot guareentee that the tutorial willl be exactly the same. Gimp doesn't have the brush funtions that photoshop does. But I can try :) Maybe LIMN can help considering he has converted my brush set up there.

rikimaruw** -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (11/6/2007 18:25:02)

I don't care if its spot on, just a re-creation of somewhat like that.
Good luck :)

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/18/2008 15:02:41)

Trying not to let this thread be deleted...
I'm prolly gonna add more stuff and all...
But yeah...

KickingFriedCats -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/18/2008 20:56:28)

Forgive me for this stupid question but... after I do all that stuff, how do I use the newly created brush? How do I even know its created?

SufferMe -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/19/2008 5:33:11)

Go to edit, define as brush preset.

Nice tutorial :)
The hue jitter bit makes a whole lotta more sence to me now lol.

.Tera -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/19/2008 6:44:41)

First time I clicked on a tut of a friends with the intention to "Thanks for sharing :D"

And ended up learning something




DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/19/2008 11:49:28)

Thanks xD
Anyways work on updating it more :)

New Update



Perfecting you brush
For making Brush Sets
Well now that you have your brush its time to perfect it for a brush set! Right now its kinda...meh...But this chapter helps perfect your bush by certain techniques such as
Sharpening,Smudging, and ect.

Now lets begin-

Step 1

Ok now check other dynamics under brush settings and set all the way to 100%. After that brush randomly around. Now you need some flow in the brush so then take the eraser (soft brush) and erase to create a shape. But not too much (so it doesn't look blurry on the edges) . Then uncheck other dynamics and brush more but not too much, you don't want to too be too dark.

So this is my result-


Step 2

Now to add some depth. Duplicate this layer. And take a circle brush and smudge it a bit. So the smudged layer should look like this-
I have the dots in mine because it looked to dark in those parts.


Now place the layer under you unsmudged layer so it should look like this-

Now lets compare

Before- [image]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i103/Lordsoccer10/TutP1.png[/image]
After- [image]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i103/Lordsoccer10/TutP3.png[/image]

Step 3

Now its time to add some finishing touches-
First Apply image and then filter-sharpen-sharpen. Erase in ugly parts.
You should get something along the lines of this-


Now make a new layer and for stylize-trace contour. Use the wand tool to remove the white areas. And erase.



Burned Fire -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/19/2008 15:46:09)

[image]http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z85/Burned_Fire/Abstract.png[/image]<<<Woot wot? My outcome.

DeathKnight2 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/19/2008 19:16:42)

Thats great :)
Better than mine by like 100 times xD
I'll add it

.Tera -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/27/2008 9:26:09)


Foreground Background Jitter- I have no idea what it does but i'd put it at 50%

Jitter between your Foreground/Background colours :)

dxb105 -> RE: (Photoshop) Making Brushes in seconds... (1/27/2008 17:41:11)

to make my brushes on an old v. like 6.0 or somten i click edit define brush

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