RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (Full Version)

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Izon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 8:47:02)


Hows the whole AKing thing going?
LoL, haven't been too much to do, but I *hope* it's going okay :P

You wouldn't delete any of my posts would you? lol
/me goes and deletes random guides in EC

[Insert Random Tolkien Question here:]
Tolkien blablabla Anduril blablabla Angband blalabla means blablabla Gurthang really blablabla. Never ask a Tolkien question :P

Well mostly I just came by to congratulate you my friend. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! :) LoL, haven't actually done that much work XD

UZ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 8:55:37)

Ah, Hello, ZZ!
Hello UZ!

Do ya like being AK?
So far, so good ^^

Tolkien is the best writer ever!!

Does the fact ya being AK Mean I must be more careful when posting "Help Me" posts? *Cough I posted months ago many topics like this: "Ziragat PWNZ me, help!" cough*
Those kind of posts will get an input from an AK, yes.

Oh, Congeratulations and Hiyas!
Thanks, and bye!

warriorblader -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 9:21:53)

Hi Zz

Bye Zz (I'll be back)

Hi again Zz

Bye again Zz (I'll be back,muahahaha)

Now here come the lame questions that most non-maniacs despise,ready?

Does this hurt?*taps with Twilly's stick*
Nope, could you scratch my back with it?

What about this?*Pokes with Robina's arrow*
A tad, yes

This? *Stabs with Anduril I got from some random guy's pocket*
*Takes up Gurthang, beats Anduril out of warriorblader's hands, takes Anduril and runs after warriorblader with Anduril in his left hand and Gurthang in his right hand*

Opinion on those 3 questions?

What question # is this?
No idea

Did you just scroll back up to find out?
Nope, I'm lazy

Where was I?

Who are you?
Don't ask me, how am I supposed to know?

Hey I remember you....hi!
I can't even remember myself, but hi!

Anyway, bai bai! (Hmm,I have the strangest feeling that I forgot to return something I borrowed from 7 questions back...meh)
No, I took it back myself

P.S Btw,congrats! Have a radioactive cookie as a prize! (Makes you glow in the dark)
Thanks! Oooh, shiny!!!

hamed123456789 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 10:24:30)

since your insane, mental hospital or solitary or rehab[8D]
I prefer to be locked up in a basement somewhere with access to a computer :P

rock or rap<----[:@]

how would you be killed
Erm... not sure XD

aq clan

favorite weopon in aq

favorite monster (hard to kill)
Undead ArMegoggon

would you lose a arm or a leg
I'd like to keep them both, thank you :P

so far thats all [:D]
bai bai!

littlejuror -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 10:41:20)

ZOMG!!! Zz!!

I is back [:)]

Happy to see me?

/Tickles Zz
/me uses anti-tickle shield

So more important questions. Think you can handle them?

16, 84 or a gorilla?
King Kong

Me or alcohol?
haven't tasted alcohol, but you taste like cookies, so you!

You or sushi?
Me :D

So if 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything, what is the ultimate question? O.o
What is 6 multiplied with 7? Dah :P

Can you swim?
Of course

More importantly, can you fly?
Dah! Of course I can, I'm SpiderPig! Wait, pigs can fly right?

Even more importantly can you swim and fly at the same time?
Yeah, but when I do that I usually drown o.O

I have no more questions at the moment.

But beware, I will be back!
Okay, I'll watch out :P

Calimehtar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 11:54:54)

Hi Zz
Hey Barum!

I'm surprised that your title isn't about Tolkien :o
LoL, will perhaps get one later, sticking with this one for a while though :P

All question I wanted to ask you have already been answered so I'm just giving you the Random Questions ^_^

Pie vs Cake?
LoL, I've been asked this question once or twice, but Cake ^^

Baruman vs Superman
Baruman of course! He's a SoPA :P

Aragorn vs Gurthang
Seeing Gurthang is a sword... Aragorn :P

Mormegil was Gurthangs Sword and not the other way, right?
Gurthang was the sword, Mormegil was the person ;)

What is the name of Calimehtar's Sword?
Don't know really, if I find out I'll tell you though ;)

If you could have another Forum name it would be?
Been speculating about that as well... though I do like Morgoth Bauglir or Gurthang ^^

Fave Smiley?

Okay those questions wasn't random >_>
Saw that :P

Vale Insane Tolkien Freak ^_^
Ohh, suggestion for my next title? :D j/k Bai bai!

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 11:58:59)

Have you eaten my other post?

Anyway...Hi Brainwashing Machine Zz!
Hmm... perhaps I'm a Braniac? O.o

What would you do with my mind if i said ''Pixel''?
Make you think that everytime you heard that word you'd have to slap yourself

Pixel, Pixel, Pixie, Pixzorz, Pictures, Pixel, Pixel, Pixel, Pixcel, Excell.
*slap* *slap* *slap* ? Oooh, pictures! *slap* *slap* *slap* (sounds the same when you say it, so:) *slap* Calculate!

Ok...That were the stupid questions! So guess what's coming now...?

A Quiz! Or...something like that...
Yay! I like a Quiz every now and then, on the last one it showed that I had 300 IQ :D

What is the cost of Pie?
Only $9.95!

Best pie? Cherry or apple?

Computers are ok?
They are for sure

Congratulations! you got a... are you sure you want to here this...?

Ok...Your IQ is...-140! Omg...
:O That's 440 lower than the last one. I PHAILED!

When will the end of this thread be? (What exact day?)
Erm... next sunday

DK Eternity -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 12:19:07)

/me drags a mountain-sized cookie to give to Zz
o.O a cookie on a size of a mountain? *Climbs the mountain first, drools, then starts eating it*

Congratulations on your AK-ship (Can you guess how many times I've congratulated you?)
Thankies! No, too many XD

What do you like most about being an AK?
Hmm... messing around with the other AKs :P

Favorite food?

Favorite console and games?
Don't play much other games really. I'm a fan of the Worms games though *points to avvy*

Play any musical instruments?
Used to play Piano, could play alright, quit after 2 years, practically don't remember a thing from it now. Can't play at all anymore XD
/me is guessing Zz is gonna have a hard time updating his guides after the sweep
O.O Oh yeah, any people around willing to give me a hand on them? XD

The Signs or the Orbs?
Both! Only need 1 more Orb and I have all the Orbs and all the signs on my secondary :D

Will I be expecting you to have a Tolkien avatar anytime soon?
You can, will change it next month perhaps, or take up a scary Tolkien avvy around Mogloween :P

Well that's all for now.
Bai bai!

/me will see you in IRC.
You will see me? o.O *checks for hidden cameraes around his PC. I'll chat with you at least although I can't see you *continues his search for the cameraes*

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 14:27:33)

Ok, More posties for you?
No, enough posts for today >.>

What is the square root of infinity and a half?
3.141592654 or wait, that's Pi o.O

Will you visit The Gallery of Creative adventurers sometimes?
Erm... probably no XD

If you do, visit my gallery. :P
See above :P

If not..then get your butt moving to it. >.>

Mechquest or Dragonfable?
Adventure Quest

What's a good name for a character that has the colors White and yellow in his armor?
Sunshine? Don't know, I've always prefered the dark/grey ones :P

Hehe... you will be my subject in on of my edits soon! Whahahaha!!! (Expect alot of shame. :P)
*hides in shame*

Zlord712 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:13:06)

hey congrats
Thanks :)

which character from any token's books would u want to be?
Turin Turambar, though perhaps not seeing he takes his life o.O

Which character do you dislike the most?
Saeros, but meh, he ran outside a cliff :P

Fav Anime show?
People really need to tell me what an Anime is, not known with that word o.O

why is the answer to life 42?
Because 6 * 7= 42 of course

what car would u want to drive in the future?
Not sure

Thats it.
Ok ^^

Calimehtar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:14:14)

Hello :D

So... Do you think I'm posting so you can't farm with your secondary?
Yes... it's an evil plot I tell you!

Aragorn vs Mormegil >_>
Aragorn, Mormegil is cursed :P

Calimehtar vs Baruman (For IRC)
Calimehtar, Tolkien names all the way!

Which kind of Pizza is your fave?

enjoying the ability to edit others posts?
Yeah :P

Don't Become a SoPA

May Baruman's Awesomness be with

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:26:23)


Huzza, it is I, the PaperClip, here to annoy you in your very own thread! >:D
*uses a magnet to keep the evil paperclip away*

So... how do you like all of the new buttons? Im getting bored with my plain old edit and delete, lucky you. ;p
*presses delete on this post* Yeah, it's fun :P

Do you like cookies? Can I have one? Im telling Sara! ;_;
I like cookies, no you may not have one, they're mine!

Does the color of your shackles match with your editing color in the oh-so-dark AK prison-dungeon?
Yes, I'm totally light blue

Which reminds me... you and Silverwing have the same color! Are your cells close to each other? :D
No we do not! :P SiLvErWiNg uses #00CCCC, I use #33CCCC. So even if you can't see it, there's a difference XD

My brain stopped thinking somwhere after replying to Cronc's thread. So.. that be all. :D (yeah yeah, the turture is over)
Yay! *Starts a party*

*Pokes in IRC*
*pokes back*

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:27:54)

More questions is nice. ^^
It also prevents me from doing my job >.>

Water with or without bubbles?

Why do you think we post more more posts to let you edit our posts to make newer posts? Postage?
...I'm seriously considering to make a post limit pr. person >.>

How many ''Posts'' words were there in the last question? (No peeking! >.<)
Too many, that's for sure

How does your character in DF look like? (Or AQ.)
My main in AQ looks like a statue (earl all grey!)

Do you know why i asked that?


Are you sure?
Quite sure

Here comes the answer.... It's!

Ehhh... Lemme think...

ok the answer is to make a edit with your character with. :P

Did you answer it correctly?
Of course!

Your IQ has increases to ~~~~~~~~~~~~Infinity~~~~~Infinity~~ (That's Alot eh?)
Less than I had expected :P

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:35:59)

*Checks Clock*

No.... >.<

Hows your day?
Good. How's yours?

Give me two small ways to improve my AQ character under my avvy?
Sorry, need to finish this one quick

How tall are you?
1.83-1.84 m or something like that, at least taller than 1.80 m

Who is your cellmate?
Madness doesn't like company >.>

Are you going to win the next rat race between the AKs and get a day off?
That would be lovely!

What will be your strategy?
To win!

Your MQ character ID #, level, and thoughts on the game please?
Meh... may we skip this one? Alright game, but prefer AQ

Are you scared of being triangulared by Alac?
Nope, alac is nice ;)

Are you scared of being turned into a waffle by Reens?
Meh... more scared when she called me Fred, and then told she used to call things she don't know Fred. Notice the word things :P

Did you resist the abduction and hypnotizem?
Don't know :P

Did blues help you bandage up the scars and bruises?
Yeah, some painkillers as well

Are you covered in bandages like a mummy or undead?
Covered in pillows, not bandages

What should the KoO do to the maze to make it balanced?
Remove it? Though I'm farming it for as long as it is here :P

How many inches is your monitor?
24/27, not sure

Wasnt the question limit 15?
You tricked me!

¿Like my sig?
Can't see it

lolol123123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:43:21)

Im back! Again! For the third time!
...I'm making a post limit now...

Im probably going to post everytime a new page comes up.
Not anymore :P

So, who abducted recruited you?
A Piraty looking Yeti


What is better?
A) Spam
B) Annoying Newbies that keep spamming up the black rider thread One more bad post there, and I lock it. Seriously, and then I won't open it either seeing it's been closed before.
C) Flamers
D) People in the C/A/T Clan

1+1 =
A) 2
B) A Window
C) 11
D) Its too hard. =( T'is!

The most random comment is:
A) he most random comment is:
B) I like Pie
C) Im Posting in this thread. Aha!
D) I don't know.

Yay! you passed the test due to the randomness of the test.

Your IQ is now 4x than what it was.
4x300? Wow! :D

Dream Character?
Minion's :P

Have you seen Minion of Poelala's character?
Even rated it ;)

I'll be back... on page four.
Wanna bet? :P

Minion of Poelala -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 15:45:27)

Once again I predicted an upcoming AK...
Admit that I told you, didn't I?[;)]
You did, this is weird... Perhaps because I've seen the TV show Medium with phsychic people perhaps? XD

Congrats a lot and bye lol... (I have a lot of homework to do so I don't have time for questions)
Thanks! Bais!

Wind Lord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 16:58:09)

Ahh page 3 time for me to strike again you will see me on every page muhahahaha!
Again, you won't :P

(maniac Questions)

Choclote chip vs Choclate chip who would win (i think hammy would)
Hammy would eat'em all!

So how did yeti like that piratey gift he still regretting it (hehehe)

What would you say if i said what did you do cause i know you did it and don't say 42!
The answer to everything is 42! That's what I put on all the answers on my math-test, never fails :P (notice to people: a joke, don't put 42 as an answer on everything on your math test XD)


1+2*(3+7)*2 squared=

A) i don't know
B) i don't want to know
C) to hard
D) i flunked math =)
E) yeah so this goes to that and...wait you lost me at 1+ Was it 10?

2 k+l+d+g=42

A) true
B) the world is the answer to it
C) what is 6 x 7 42!
D) Intresting
E) i don't care so it doesn't matter

ok you iq is now 0 i am sorry to say everyone but our new AK is.......DUM
Hey, last time I had 1200 IQ! :P

Ok see yeah on page 4
Nope :P

Zizzy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/9/2007 17:45:18)

Okay, new thing added to the first post. You can only post 2 posts with questions, people who post more than that will get their post deleted (okay, those who posted more than 2 before this will keep their posts).

This is so that I can actually work some other than in the MtAK thread :P

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 5:23:07)

I'm back, and so are the questions... with reinforcements! *Laughs evily*
I knew it! You're an Ebil Legenday Blacksmith! :O

1. Is this question annoying?
Not so annoying as it could have been annoying if you really tried to be annoying as annoying-possible. Is this answer annoying?

2. Is this new question annoying?
As annoying as my last annoying answer on your not-so-annoying question when you tried to be annoying, but you had to realize I was more annoying than you! *Head spins around* This is starting to get confusing :S

3. Pi or pie?
Pi, I like math ^^

4. Why make MtAK threads?
Honestly, don't know. They're always crazy anyway o.O

5. Why become an AK?
To get some of Reens Waffles? They're delicious :D

6. Who AKed you?
Icemaster Yeti

7. There is no question <insert question number here>.
*This question never existed*

gladiator hawk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 7:50:52)


So i ask the question like every other new AK's i usually ask:
*checks below*

*gives a pile of cookies *
Ooh! Cookies! /me snuggles



Lets start the torture with the questions.

Sooo.. you have been kidnapped AK'ed?
Yes, was ambushed by a Pirate-looking Yeti in a n alley

How does it feel? (the chains)
So heavy!

Who kidnapped AK'ed you?
The Pirate-looking Yeti >.>

Why were u kidnapped AK'ed?
Because I went in a dark alley on the middle of the night, not a wise thing I tell you

Like my sig?
Yes, it's nice

Fine by me.
Fine by me as well o.O

Favourite food?

Favourite drink?

Favourite places to travel/were you have traveled?
some Mountain trip of some sort, not really the guy who likes to lie on the beach ;)

Like the weather?
T'is nice, the snow is nearing where I live now ^^

Mee too, its rainy here =(
It's almost snowing here :D

Enough of this *gives another bag of cookies*
Oooh! *eats them all*

Cookiepiece! Or, peace! :P

UZ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 8:07:37)

Hello again, ZZ!
Hey UZ!

Silmarillion and Narn In Hin Hurin are the best books, right?
I basically love them all, but yes, they're awesome!


Who was fourth king of Nümenore?
Tar-Elendil, you almost stumped me there :P

Who was Mormegil?
Turin Turambar, son of Hùrin, which got his family cursed by Morgoth. He was adopted by Thingol, the king of Doriath, then he killed someone and fled Doriath and experiensed many things, cursed things (too many to mention really)

Who was Niniel?
Niniel was Mormegil's sister, and then later she was his wife (weird thing, though it was a memory loss that created this situation)

Morgoth vs Sauron!
Morgoth, Sauron was just his servant. Morgoth was actually the most powerful person in the world except for Eru.

Anduril vs Gurthang!
Anduril, I don't really like cursed things :P

What were the names of two wizards "Who goed to East-side of Middle-Earth and never Returned"?
Pallando and Alatar perhaps? Not really much written about them, but they went to the east and no one knows what happened to them.


Are ya a nerd?
Probably, yes :P

Can I join Angband Center if I first rate at Void Center?
We'll see, not sure if I'll keep the command in Angband Rating Center either

Favorite thing in AQ?
The Sagas

Do ya support my suggestion about LotR & AQ Crossover?
Totally!! Though I think it would be more interesting with a Silmarillion cross over with the Silmarills, Morgoth, Ungoliant etc. :P

Okies, Im doing it right now! Thanks for idea, ZZ!

Now I must go. Byes!
Bai bai!

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 8:11:02)

Zz? What is going on here? How did you get in here??
I thought you knew that, don't know it myself, really :P

You're supposed to be still chained up, undergoing the torturing hazing initiation welcoming ritual!
Yeah, I fled away from that welcome ritual ;)

Lucky for you that Brilliancy and Croncler need to be broken welcomed, so we need the "equipment".
Hehe, I'm not the fresh meat anymore! :D

Things are pretty quiet in BatStrat, huh?
Yes indeed

Well, let's put you to work in other places too *meh heh heh heh*

As is probably well-known by now, when I got AK'd, I stayed up on the forums for about 30 hours straight, grinning like a maniac until my face actually hurt from all that smiling [;)] What was your reaction?
Can't remember how many times I've heard that story really XD Could've done it myself as well methinks since I had vacation, but 1 AM was enough, was tired from a long mountain trip I had earlier on the day. Was very shocked and happy when I got the question though :)

Ah well, I'm off to check on the dungeon AK welcoming room. Enjoy!
I'll meet you there later, have to do the welcome ritual on Brilliancy and Croncler as well now :P

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 9:57:29)

Hello ZzIzhtT!

Did I get your name right?
Almost, it's a small L, not a large I :P

What does your name mean?
Nothing at all :P

Car vroom ate bubble pdding fabulanatic!



Ask the police!

Like meh siggy?

Whose your forumite idol?
So many, so many...

In any clans?
In-Game: Aerodu, Forum: Rice Cake

i am comin 4 u
I'll be waiting

can u sav her

Pancakes are better then waffles!
Nooo! You obviously haven't tasted Reens' waffles :P

Well, see you around!


Dev -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/10/2007 18:52:52)

Bah I'm back for more..../me slide snuggles Zz
/me snugattacks dev

Your chosen Squire?
Don't have any Squire so far :P


Blueberries or Apples?

(:P) or (XD)?

Do you trip over your own feet a lot?

Pizza with ice cream or marshmallows with Yorkshire Pudding?
None, sounds gross o.O

What is the meaning of life?
I have told this many times.... 42!!

Bacon and Eggs and Fried tomatoes, or Black Pudding?
Bacon and Eggs

I'm watching you....
Well, I'm watching you as well :P

Nice speech in the

Nautica Rating Thread
<-- spoiler tags on for a reason

Bai! /me slide tackle snuggles
/me dodges

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ZzlzhtT (10/11/2007 2:05:31)

Yeah..I am abit slow...I just noticed that you are an AK 3 days later. Anyway, congratulation on the promotion frm Helpful! to an AK!

1. What does ZzIzhtT mean?
Absolutely nothing at all. Surprised? :P

2. Where did you derive/get the inspiration from?
To be able to help others

3. Age?

4. I suppose you are a student, so what would you want to be when you leave school?
Starting High School next year, going to take Math, Physics, Chemistry and stuff, thinking of educating as an engineer.

5. Honestly, have you ever thought that you are going be an AK someday?
Popped my mind every now and then, but it was all just a dream

That's about it. Another well-deserved person for the job.
Thanks! :)

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