Moglo-Habilis (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Moglo-Habilis (11/9/2007 14:56:50)


Level: 35 62
Price: 4 000 3050 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 3 600 2745 Z-Tokens (< 48 Hours); 2 000 1525 Z-Tokens (> 48 Hours)
Location: Z-Token Item Shop

Element: Light
Damage: 5-15
............Listed in-game as 15-45.
BTH: 25
Training Difficulty: 50

ATTACK RATE: [42 + CHA/2] %
Rate at 0 CHA: 42%
Rate at 50 CHA: 67%
Rate at 116 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 100% Base, 500% Random, and 100% Stats
BTH: +0 plus Stats
  • If the hit connects, the monster is "nerfed". Its Attributes decrease by 7 each, and its Element Modifiers are multiplied by 95% (or 105% if the modifier is negative) each. Only listed Element Modifiers are affected.
  • Yes, this makes the monster more resistant to your attacks.
  • A monster can only be "nerfed" four times by this effect. ("Nerfs" from other versions of this pet, the Nerfbat pet series, and from the Nerfkitten pet count toward this limit. "Nerfs" from other sources do not count.)
      100% Modifiers become 95%. -100% Modifiers become -105%. 50% Modifiers become 47.5%, which rounds to 48%.
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0
    Rate: 50%

    The small and rare Moglo-Habilis live on Paxia, but a few have ventured away to help us battle the forces of evil. Moglos have a special attack that can actually drastically lower a monster's stats!


    Basic stats from jonfun8. Training Difficulty from Angelique. Attacks from Ocoma. Attack #1 damage from Chii (via ayashi). Image from ssjgoku5. Note from Knightstar2001. Corrections from Asenbesen, Count Crimson Helx, and ricepatty99i7 (via Asenbesen). Typo correction from Tyrantannic. Nerfbat from Dray`Gon.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Moglo-Habilis (11/9/2007 15:00:11)


    Level: 70
    Price: 42,000 2617
    Sellback: 8,400 21,000 1308
    Location: Guardian Shop

    Element: Light
    Damage: 4-14
    ............Listed in-game as 12-42.
    BTH: 20
    Training Difficulty: 80

    ATTACK RATE: [27 + CHA/2] %
    Rate at 0 CHA: 27%
    Rate at 80 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 146 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light
    Damage: 100% Base, 500% Random, and 100% Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats
  • If the hit connects, the monster is "nerfed". Its Attributes decrease by 10 each, and its Element Modifiers are multiplied by 92% (or 108% if the modifier is negative) each. Only listed Element Modifiers are affected.
  • Yes, this makes the monster more resistant to your attacks.
  • A monster can only be "nerfed" four times by this effect. ("Nerfs" from other versions of this pet, the Nerfbat pet series, and from the Nerfkitten pet count toward this limit. "Nerfs" from other sources do not count.)
      100% Modifiers become 92%. -100% Modifiers become -108%. 50% Modifiers become 46%.
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    The small and rare Moglo-Habilis live on Paxia, but a few have ventured away to help us battle the forces of evil. Moglos have a special attack that can actually drasticaly lower a monster's stats! (Guardian version)


    Basic stats from jonfun8. Training Difficulty from Alopex Lagopus. Attacks from Ocoma. Attack #1 damage from Chii (via ayashi). Image from ssjgoku5. Note from Knightstar2001. Correction from Count Crimson Helx and ricepatty99i7 (via Asenbesen). Typo correction from Tyrantannic. Nerfbat from Dray`Gon. Guardianship for algimantas2.

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