RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (Full Version)

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neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (4/2/2013 20:07:06)

so whats the progress with finding the stuff for Gaia

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (4/3/2013 18:22:15)

I have some of my old notes now, I just need to think exactly how to go about the next couple of changes, always good to have a proper plan that isn't years out of date.

EDIT: Almost done, just need plenty of free time to write out the update and re-organise the first post, probably some time tomorrow.

neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (4/25/2013 23:44:36)

so hows the new giai coming along?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (4/26/2013 2:39:48)

Not long now, hopefully this weekend; sorry about the delay but I should have the free time I need to update the post.

EDIT: Updated the first post with the story additions, this is basically what I had planned originally but I saw the chance to incorporate a current Paxia thread and decided to go with it. If we succeed even if it is only for one week then Gaia will visit Negatus and be cured, if not then we well have to find another answer, regardless Gaia will get an image update next time I update the story. This is the last story arc I have written so far for Gaia so any ideas for the next arc would be welcome.

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