RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/6/2008 4:48:39)

Ok let me know when you have.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/9/2008 18:08:58)

BDR may be on the HC, but he is NOT the only active council member. I am on EVERY day, even if I don't post. I am always ready for emergencies. :P

So you're sending Gaia over to us? I guess it's ok...

I see that BDR has been busy with y'all, I'm going to have to mob him now :P

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/9/2008 18:11:01)

Pie, that was happening when you were on vacation. So technically, I was the only active member

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/9/2008 19:48:55)

I blame RL for that vacation! I did not go along willingly! XD

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/10/2008 2:00:34)

Well if it is ok with you then it is finally time to set a date.

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/20/2008 13:20:13)

Okay.... at the behest of the moogle, when do you want to do it? I'm fine for today and tommorow but I go away from early friday to late saturday.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/21/2008 5:20:52)

What about Sunday as you should be back then and it gives us time to let members know. I have pmed Ultrapowerpie to get his opinion on the date aswell since he is Aerodu's clan head.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/23/2008 23:01:44)

Sunday is quite fine. I am glad that my subordinate is taking care of buisness here. Delegation is a good thing. :D

*Mobs Nightly with Moogles*

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/24/2008 10:09:32)

wow u agree with this thats a shocker

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/30/2008 12:39:06)

Updated. Gaia has finally gone to Aerodu in about a week from today she will return.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/30/2008 20:38:26)

did we get our pet?????????
is he cool???
wats his name

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/31/2008 22:59:04)


Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/14/2008 19:48:46)

ok now the trades done . but oliver can we get more then one pet or a cooler pet who is unbielvbly strong

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/15/2008 11:16:07)

Well to end this I just need to pm Ultrapowerpie. As for a new pet I may do an insainly overpowered one but if I do I don't want anyone complaining that it is stronger than Gaia.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/15/2008 17:38:13)

now we won't i will try to help you make the cool new pet. and maybe eventually they can merge. YAY!!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/16/2008 11:07:52)

I said I may do an insainly overpowered pet but first I want to focus on this part of Gaia's storyline.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/16/2008 15:59:03)

[:(]OKkkkkkkk. *cryes* i thought we would get cool pet[:(][:(]

Terrigenus79 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/16/2008 21:02:20)

Gaia is cool. Any other pet would just be a side kick[:)]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 7:44:05)

Gaia is back everyone and she has recieved a nice little stat boost.

Mosh -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 7:45:36)

Good to hear! Now we have an Uberpet!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 8:01:09)

I don't thnk she is Uber yet but only I know what the next stage will bring.

Mosh -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 8:09:45)

And what will that be? Missilelaunchers?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 8:12:26)

Not likely but just wait and see rather than try to guess.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/21/2008 8:25:44)

now that i got rid of my computors virus problems i will end u the picks soon that i was going to like a month ago

neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (9/27/2008 10:32:14)

I don't get all this Gaia pet stuff, how exactly is she helping geoto in game. Is this Giai pet donation a rouse just to get us to donate z-tokens or is there some in game purpose that she aids GEOTO in??

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