RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Pink_Star -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/14/2008 2:11:10)


Z-Token Items List (Under "Pets")


50 Purple Malzar Z[/link
55 [link=]Fundead Lynx

The link is broken. The correct version:
50 Purple Malzar Z
55 Fundead Lynx
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/14/2008 23:13:40)


All Brownies have TD 0 with a bonus equivalent to a TD of -66
50/50 chance of each attack when it attacks
The jump attack does 90/90/100 and the thrown brownie does 110/110/100
Name      Stat BtH
Brownie   254  20
Walnut    180  12
Dbl Fudge 106  5
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Kalanyr -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/15/2008 7:38:42)


The listed Woolly Thoctar stat percents are only 10% of the correct value.

Fixed now. Thanks. ~Astral

chugg -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/17/2008 0:52:20)


( This is my first shot at a info submission. Unfortunately I don't have all the info )

Blue Krabb
Training Difficulty 10
Level ?
Damage ?


It has 2 attacks

1 does 1 hit melee
and the other does 2 hits range

I don't have a picture

"Krabbs can live outside of the water for a little over a month.
This one is enchanted with Moglin magic and will make a good
companion for you"
It's under the Krabbs entry. ~In Media Res

Ranloth -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/17/2008 2:48:22)


There is... It's called "Krabb" and there's all the info about it
Ditto. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Kevinsparky11 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2008 18:20:59)


Woolly Thoctar V now requires 40 SP each turn.
The lower level versions were also probably lowered...
Astral got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

arnulfinho -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2008 21:19:29)



The Dream of Twilight Shadows

In further news relating to the Wooly Thoctar, the SP costs are so high becauses they are wrong it should be 9/14//21/30/40 SP (MP Cost was used instead of SP), fixing it now.

Taken from this post...
Yes, the sp requirement for all the versions have been lowered, still uses sp though...LoL...
Astral got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Kalanyr -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/19/2008 4:30:22)


Woolly Thoctar II has 1 too many points of random damage in its entry (this is a mistake in the Paedia).

Woolly Thoctar V has 10 too few base damage (and hence 10 to few maximum damage as well) , this was a bug on our part thats fixed now.

Got it all. ~Astral

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/20/2008 18:56:55)


Asgardian Lion, Valhallan Lion, Thunder Cat, and Thunder Kitten need a locational link; Thunder Mountain. They should probably also be linked to one another.
Linked. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Aravan -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/21/2008 13:52:16)


Velocigobbler's are back. They can be found in the Harvest Festival event
Noted. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Shinseiki -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/23/2008 9:42:17)


Not sure if this is a bug but the Pickled Punk Z sometimes do not paralyse the monster even though the text which states that the monster has been paralyse appeared
I'm guessing that the monster is just resisting the Paralysis. ~In Media Res

arnulfinho -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2008 10:53:11)


Gift Box (2008)
Location: Guardian Tower
Level: 90
Price: 15,000
Sellback: 3,000

Element: Neutral
Damage: 12 - 36 (listed in game)
Training Difficulty: 60

Type: Melee
Element: As the element that hits the monster... Even if the weapon is, for example, fire, but it has an special with another element, the pet will attack with the element from the special (if the special happened of course)... Proof that I'm not that crazy...LoL...

If something is alive inside this box, you'd better get it out quickly. Or maybe just take your chances and hope it's undead and doesn't need to breathe. This box will open up on the first day of the new year to reveal the rare pet inside! (Guardian Only)
Added, although the element thing was a bug. Thanks! ~In Media Res

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2008 14:58:10)


Name: Gift Box
Level: 5
Location: Guardian Tower
Price: 150 Gold
Sellback: 30 Gold
BtH: ??%

Hits: 1
Damage: 2 - 8, listed in game
Type: Melee
Element: Neutral in shops
When attacking: As your last attack (even if it was a spell)
Training Difficulty: 5

If something is alive inside this box, you'd better get it out quickly. Or maybe just take your chances and hope it's undead and doesn't need to breathe. This box will open up on the first day of the new year to reveal the rare pet inside! (Guardian Only)

Name: Gift Box
Level: 25
Location: Guardian Tower
Price: 600 Gold
Sellback: 120 Gold
BtH: ??%

Hits: 1
Damage: 4 - 12, listed in game
Type: Melee
Element: Neutral in shops
When attacking: As your last attack (even if it was a spell)
Training Difficulty: 10%

If something is alive inside this box, you'd better get it out quickly. Or maybe just take your chances and hope it's undead and doesn't need to breathe. This box will open up on the first day of the new year to reveal the rare pet inside! (Guardian Only)

Name: Gift Box
Level: 50
Location: Guardian Tower
Price: 3 000 Gold
Sellback: 600 Gold
BtH: ??%

Hits: 1
Damage: 6 - 18, listed in game
Type: Melee
Element: Neutral in shops
When attacking: As your last attack (even if it was a spell)
Training Difficulty: 25

If something is alive inside this box, you'd better get it out quickly. Or maybe just take your chances and hope it's undead and doesn't need to breathe. This box will open up on the first day of the new year to reveal the rare pet inside! (Guardian Only)

Name: Gift Box
Level: 70
Location: Guardian Tower
Price: 7 500 Gold
Sellback: 1 500 Gold
BtH: ??%

Hits: 1
Damage: 8 - 24, listed in game
Type: Melee
Element: Neutral in shops
When attacking: As your last attack (even if it was a spell)
Training Difficulty: 45

If something is alive inside this box, you'd better get it out quickly. Or maybe just take your chances and hope it's undead and doesn't need to breathe. This box will open up on the first day of the new year to reveal the rare pet inside! (Guardian Only)

arnulfinho has the level 90 pet and Pic.
Edit: Updated the Sellback and Traning Difficult!!! Sorry for the Sig, btw "/


No sigs in the 'Pedia. ~In Media Res
Added everything. Thank you! ~In Media Res

NecroDrake -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2008 16:57:02)


I don't know if this is abug or not, but the lvl 90 gift box seems to do all elements instead of just fire, and it doesn't seem to take into account the monster's elemental resistance. For example: I was fighting a werepyre in the war and my gift box did 25 earth damage even though the werepyre had -110% to earth. has this happened to anyone else? does this belong to the bugs forum?
That's a bug, and it's been fixed. In the future, please use AQ Bugs for reporting bugs. Thanks! ~In Media Res

skyboy59 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/28/2008 10:09:55)


Walnut Brownie
Double Fudge Chunk Brownie

just noticed but on all three of those pets, their attack rate is
Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

anyways, it looks strange since we cant get negative stats normally and 100% with 0 cha seems odd too, just wanted to make sure it is right :S but im not sure how so i'll just bring it to aks attention lol
Yes, it's correct. They're meant for builds without CHA, so they shouldn't require any CHA to have the 100% rate. The only way they won't attack is if you have negative CHA (such as by Bad Medicine or something). ~In Media Res

BattleMage -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/4/2008 15:44:38)


Guardian HanuBoy/HanuBoy/Playful HanuBoy/HanuBoy Z/Sprightly HanuBoy/Spirited HanuBoy
Level: 7/21/42/63/63/84
Price: 300gold/700gold/3500gold/4200tokens/7000gold/28000gold
Damage: 4-12/4-14/8-28/18-50/14-40/20-58
Type: Melee
Element: Light

No. Hits: ???
Bth: ???
TD: ???
Attack Rate: ???

Description: One of the Misfit Monster Gang, HanuBoy and his friends are not sure of whether they should be good monsters or bad monsters...
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Mourinho68 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/4/2008 21:07:27)


Spirited HanuBoy has a TD of 50 and sellback of 5,600 gold
Added, although the TD is an error. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/4/2008 21:27:07)


Guardian/<None>/Playful/Sprightly/Spirited Hanuboy

Level: 7/21/42/63/84
Price: 300/700/3,500/7,000/28,000 gold
Sellback: ???/???/???/???/5,600 Gold
Location: Misfit Monster Gang

Element: Light
Damage: 4-12/4-14/8-28/14-40/20-58
Training Difficulty: ???/???/20/???/50
BTH: ???

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

One of the Misfit Monster Gang, HanuBoy and his friends are not sure of whether they should be good monsters or bad monsters... (add Guardian Only tag for the first pet)

HanuBoy Z

Level: 63
Price: 4,200 Tokens
Sellback: ???
Location: Misfit Monster Gang

Element: Light
Damage: 18-50
Training Difficulty: ???
BTH: ???

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

One of the Misfit Monster Gang, HanuBoy and his friends are not sure of whether they should be good monsters or bad monsters... (add Guardian Only tag for the first pet)

All added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2008 18:49:32)


Mana Spirit

Summon using Archmage Research Spell

You lose 59 MP per turn. If you have less than 59 MP, the guest disappears.

Hits: 3
Type: Melee
Element: Random
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Effect: ???
Rate: ???


Thanks to BexnDan for correction
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

BexnDan -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2008 21:09:55)


It's 59 MP, not SP.
Noted. Thanks! ~In Media Res

SmokeXIII -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2008 23:40:38)


Mana Spirit does incredible damage... I wish there was some way to focus the element.
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

BloodyKhaos -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/13/2008 21:01:46)


This is only a guess, but my tests with 3 different characters show me that the attack rate for the mana spirit isnt fix 50%.

with 200 Int and 190 Cha he attacks 100%
with 200 Int and 0 Cha he attacks ~ 80%-90%
with 100 Int and 0 Cha he attacks ~ 70%-80%

my suggestion is that Int and Cha affect the attack rate
That was a bug, and it's been corrected now. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Lord_Verius -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/19/2008 2:21:30)


Dynamo isn't in the energy section of the pets/guests index(it is in the alphabetical section).
Err, yes it is. ~In Media Res

Comparison -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/23/2008 22:23:54)


buccaneer trobble doesn't have an element specified in the pedia, it is energy.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

SoulShatter -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/26/2008 4:23:51)


This is my first Pet/Guest Submission so sorry when its incomplete.

Type: Guest.
Location: Frostval 08' Slay Bells (Click his tail).

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: ??? (10-27?)
BTH: ???
Rate: 90%

Hits: 0
Type: None
Element: None
Damage: Heals your HP and MP for 5. (Goes over max Health).
BTH: ???
Rate: 10% (P.S: He can do this 5 times in a row so a total of 25 MP and 25 HP healed.)
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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