Static Charge Spines (Full Version)

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Astral -> Static Charge Spines (12/19/2007 11:45:58)

Static Charge Spines

Also see other Spines ( Cold Steel, Electro-Spines, Winter Edge, Static Charge, Brittle Marrow, Neuro Shock, Frozen Time, Synapse Jolt, Absolute Zero Z, Absolute Zero).

Level: 56
Power Level: 56
Price: 13,550 1,235
Sellback: 6,775 617
Location: Jagged Peaks

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 12-24
BTH: 7

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 140.6% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 90.9% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +24
Rate: 20%
Effect: If at least one hit connects, then the weapon attempts to Freeze* the monster, or Paralyse the monster instead if the monster is immune to the freeze. Ice-element monsters are immune to the freeze, and Energy-element monsters†† are immune to the paralysis. Regardless of which status, the monster gets a bonus to its** save††† equal to 25 - (ItsIceResistance-100)/10:
    Level: 56 vs MonsterLevel
    Major: 130 vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
*Your foe is frozen!
**Your foe resists the chill!
Your foe is paralyzed!
††Your foe shakes off the shock!
†††Your foe cannot be paralyzed.

All normal player attacks deal *85/82 damage, but take -3 BTH.

This Drakel-crafted spine weapon is great for close-in combat. This weapon has a chance of freezing OR paralyzing your opponent on its special attack.


Image from ssjgoku5. Update from Aelthai.

Ianthe -> RE: Static Charge Spines (1/19/2011 0:34:43)

Static Charge Spines

Location: Jagged Peaks
Level: 56
Price: 16,000
Sellback: 8,000 32,000

Element: Energy
Attack Type: Melee
Damage: 6-22 8-29
BTH: 8%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Attack Type: Ranged
Damage: 90% Base and Random per hit (Total of 270%/270%)
Stats: No
BTH: +10%
Rate: 14%
Effect: If at least two hits connects, the weapon attempts to Freeze the monster. If the monster is immune to freezing, it will attempt to Paralyse the monster instead.

This Drakel-rafted spine weapon is great for close-in combat. This weapon has a chance of freezing OR paralyzing your opponent on it's special attack!


Basic information from Nickwright, ninjamonkeee and Glint. Special stats from TheKholdOne. Image from ssjgoku5. Correct effect from ShadeSlayer and Ciaran. Typo correction from feral__john, Billy Bob, and RASTAFARIAN.

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