=SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (Full Version)

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Astral -> =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 6:46:08)


Here we go :)!

Some of you may already know me from CR&A or from my Guides in EC.
For all of you who don´t know me, here´s the chance to ask some Questions!
Have Fun!!!!

I will edit in This Color.


And I suppose I make three(boy this may get crowded). If you recognize me then you will likely note that my MtAK is locked, questions go here now. If you don't, then considering the following a bonus. I AK in GGD and Spec&Theories and I will be editing in This color..


We're up to 4!

Some of you may know me, some may not -- I usually lurk here in GBI.

I will be editing in this color.


Unfortunately, Astral has quit, so no more questions to him can be made. Through this thread, anyways. ~NP

The Game -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 9:06:42)


/me snuggles his favorite rater
Favorite, ah? That's good to know.

I was hoping for one of these since I missed your MtAK.
Good thing you caught this one, then. I don't intend to have another one of these ever again.

1. Do you know who I am?
Of course I do.

2. When did you start rating?
My first rating was around the date of 10/7/2006 (Page 11 on the Rate The Character Above You thread.) though I should warn you, it is not too good.

3. Did you know you are the person that got me into rating?
No, I did not know that. Though I hear that I got quite a few people into ratings which is a statement I do not agree upon. You would have gotten to helping other people with or without my presence.

4. Do you think you will ever have time to be an active rater again?
Only time would tell. Currently, though, I have too many things on my mind to actively rate.

5. What do you think of the recent center merging?
A good idea. These two new centers gets more work than they got before the merge.

6. Do you play MechQuest?
Indeed. ID #2445- Challenge me and you shall PERISH. Seriously now, no. I don't have the time to play MechQuest.

7. Can I be your Minion?
Most surely. The first step in becoming my minion is putting my avatar as your computer desktop. Oh, wait, you've already done that.

Okay, that's all!

Gothmog -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 9:26:32)


1. Were you as excited about becoming a SoO as you were an AK?
It was a bit different. AK´ship came out of nowhere while I applied for SoO. But I´m still excited about both :)

2. Can I be your official minion?

3. Does this mean I have to rate more?
Why do you ask me silly Questions instead of Rating lazybone?

4. Wana play me in handball?
Hehe, I quit playing active, for now I´m happy when my team wins.

5. If you could trade your life and body for the life and body on Homer Simpson in Springfield would you?
Hmmm..... no. I like my life!

6. Favorite Simpsons character other than Homer.

7. Ever watch Futurama?
Bender FTW!

8. Bismarck or Wilhelm II?
My history teacher said 40 times Bismarck in one hour, so Bismarck.

9 Do you ever ask yourself.. what would Homer do?
Hehe, you caught me!

10. Did you celebrate becoming SoO in any way?
Still celebrating AK and SoO :)

That's all for me for now.. if i think of more i will add them!
Thx for coming to this Thread!

xtreeme -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 10:22:08)

And I was just beginning to wonder, why bleues STILL isn't a KoO/SoO ^_^

ok, I´ll start

1) does it consume alot of free time at your nnew <job> ?
It´s ok for now, but there are many new things to learn and think about.
It does but it is something I took into account when I applied for the job.

2) hints on archmage? ;)
Archmage? What´s that? Do you have more Info than me?

3)why THAT editing colour? :)
Isn´t this obvious?
It was the only color I liked from those who were available.

4) where didi you get your nickname?
I like the Color so it was easy
From the Shining Force II game. One of the best games ever made.

Everythings good!

-that's it - I don't want to disturb you.. much )

Feral Ninja -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 10:46:57)

Blues! =D

1) I'm back to ask you questions again, just like in your AK thread! Do you like that? >=D
I knew this would happen....welcome again :)!

2) Avatar = Balance, Right?
Wait til after christmas for my new Avatar....

3) Are you getting tortured even more now? xD
Pshhhh.... we are not allowed to talk about this.

4) Ultimate dream?
Win the Lottery

5) What sounds better? ''Overlord of Ninjas'' or ''Ninja Overlord''.
Ninja Overloard

6) Best Rockband?
One of my favourite is AC/DC

7) Best AK?
You mean beside me :P I like all, really.

8) Best SoO?
All are great!

9) Best KoO?
Same as above, no preferences :)

10) It seem i have to go now... do you like that? xD
Ah no, you can stay, just not asking more Questions :)

Keno Chao -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 12:41:00)

Hooray! blues is finally a SoO! I always knew you would be eventually.
hehe [;)]

1) Why did you start to do the Equipment Comparison threads?
There are several reasons. It is fun, it helped my with my ratings and its good to know the Equipment.

2) Do you know who I am?(Yes, I am slightly vain)

3) Do you enjoy working with Kalanyr and the other KoO/SoO?
Of course, who would not?

4) What is your favourite flavour of Ice Cream?

5) What is your favourite flavour of Pie?

DoddiP123 -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 17:22:27)


1.you like cookies?
Who doesn't?

2. me snugglehugs
/me is snugglehugged.

3. Me steals your cookies while snugglehugging you

4. Dark or light

5. Why you play AQ?
Its simplicity mainly. I've noted my love for old school games at my first post. AQ is as old school as you can get.

6. so, how is that cage?
Not so bad once you get used to it.

7. Are you an AQ addict?
Most of my free time goes to AQ, yes. I am mainly addicted to these forums, however.

8. Seeya


1. You like pie?
Sure ;)

2. me snugglehugs
/me colorsnugs

3. me steals your pie wile snugglehugging you
:O (/me goes nerfing your Equipment!)

4. Fire or ice?

5. Why you like AQ
Itßs fun and you meet many nice People!

6. so, hows that cage?
Cage? /me looks around

7. you an AQ addict
Ah, no. Maybe a bit....

8. cya

i know I'm not that originall


Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 18:14:06)

Issabowt teim. :o

For both of ye:

What are your views on lazy moogles who fail to complete their own MtAKs even though it's months overdue?
I can understand his lazyness. GGD is a scary place to have your MtAK in.
Do you really know Moogles that are not lazy? :)

Chocolate-chip or Black-n'-White?

Do you feel AQ wars have become really tepid and humdrum recently? It's always the same old "a couple of new monsters are introduced, you have to fight them and other monsters with the same base element." I rather liked the Sinister Seven War, something different.
I dunno. Wars are supposed to entertain, and you've got to admit, they deliver their purpose. Of course, there's *always* room for improvement like adding different modes as the Sinister Sever War had but all in all, I still enjoy every war that AQ releases and that is the most important thing.
Wars are still fun, but as Astral said, theres for sure room for Improvement.

Moglopyres or Hippocampi?

If you had three cookies and a toothbrush, would you eat the pat from a pig?

Do you know the Soviet Russia reversal?
In Soviet Russia, the Soviet Russia reversal knows YOU.
Maybe they know us all *shrugs*


Do either of you smoke, why or why not?
Leaving the fact that I'm 16 aside, I'm against smoking and will, hopefully, continue to be against it 'till the day I die.

Are we there yet?
Not quite yet.

Are we there yet?
Yes, we ARE there, 10 questions asked.

Are we there yet?

Yes we are, baiz!

~El Be

bigwavedave -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 18:59:31)

For both of you guys!

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?
Why not?

Has Falerin ever baked something for you?
Why would he? I am but a simple minion.
No he has not :(

How do you feel about recent world events?
World events in what category? Well, since you did not specified I will just answer on what affects me most. I wish that the Writers Guild of America strike would end. I want mah showz.
I hate wars, so I hope they stop!

What is your favorite movie?
Too much to name, really.
Groundhogs day

What do you believe will be the most climatic point in AQ?
Devourer Saga.

In DF?
Never played DF so I wouldn't know.
Maybe the Xan saga

IF this is question 7, would it be lucky?
Every question I answer is lucky. :p
You´re lucky that we answer this questions :)

What are your wierdest superstitions
I do not have any superstitions.
That the sky falls on my head!

What are your favorite sports teams?
In European Basketball, Maccabi Tel-Aviv. Winner of several Europe Cups.
My handball team

And the biggest and most important question of all
Why did you choose that editing color?
Already answered that question in a previous post.
hehe, obviously!

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/20/2007 22:37:48)

Finally a MtSoO thread, eh?
It was time I think

Betcha that I'm the first to PM you yesterday!
Hehe, yes, all the others congratulated on IRC!

And Astral!
So cool, so sad. The spaceman is a SoO.

And deathisper too?
Thank you.

I'll be reserving the questions for after the war!

Frayzer -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 5:47:32)

Yes again! Hello blues and Deathsiper! I am not going to ask too many questions since I've asked them in your previous respective MtAK Thread.

For blues and deathsiper
1) How's like being an SoO?
I have to get used to it, but... Cool!
I'll have to agree with Blues. Its pretty cool but takes a bit to settle in.
2) Does being an SoO feels better than being an AK?
Lol, no, just different.
/shrug I suppose its about the same.

3) Are you guys able to cope with your respective AK duties ever since you guys became an SoO?
Sure, just less time to play :)
So far its not that much of an issue.
Thats all, good luck guys!

Ricobabie -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 14:03:24)

:O! Bluesy you get to do a second one :D
Yeah, this Threads are fun!

/me asks questions for blues :P
/me likes Questions

How does it feel to be a SoO?
Good so far

So are you an Arch-Squire of Order now? :o
/me goes to change his title :)

Okie when I ask you to complete the sentence, please do :D
:o, I try....

I went to the...... and.....
town, suddenly

It snowed like....
there´s no tomorrow

ZOMG!! NO Wayz! I......
took out my snow Blaster and....

I running out of things to ask XD Hmmm I'll leave you alone now.
I´ll see you on IRC :)

/me byericesnuggles Blues ^_^
/me snugglehugglewuugles Rico :))))

Feral Ninja -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 14:23:02)

Ok, Deathisper and Astral to go! >=D

Both of you! >=D:

1) The one person you look up to?
I'd have to go with SCAKK on that one.
Going with people on the forums I'd say Falerin. Other than that, Craig Venter. If I ever got to work with him then I would be happy.

2) Rabbits on the loose! How can you catch them?
Why would I want to catch them?
How dare you suggest we should capture bunnies.

3) The rabbits are Ninjas! They evade you! What will you do?
Give up, probably. :P
Leave them rabbit sized ninja weapons and laugh as they caused havoc across the globe.

4) Ninjas > Pirates, Right?
False. And I should slap you with a large trout for even thinking otherwise.
Of course they are.

5) What is 80 divided by the power of sugar&spice? (And everything nice... - +2 Bonus points if you get the reference...)
The PowerPuff Girls 80-pieces puzzle.
The root of all evil? (which is girls btw)

6) Is the current war slow?
Slower than most, yes.
I'd blame the holidays.

7) Will you make the war easier please? xD
I wouldn't even if I could.
Im going to go with "no" on this one.

8) Don't nerf mah Weapons!!! Ok? xD
That would depend on the weapons you have.
/me looks at character page and takes notes on current equipment. What? I promis to behave. >.>
9) What is worse balanced? Undead Giant or a concert of Linkin Park? xD
Hehehe. Linkin Park's Live Earth concert was horrifying.
I must agree, none of the LP concerts I have been to were any good.

10) Favorite Rock band?
I tend to prefer Metal bands rather than Rock but a Rock band I like is Sum 41. (Punk Rock but whatever)
/shrug I really don't listen to "main stream" stuff. I prefer artists like Yoko Kanno and such.

Taimat396 -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 14:34:20)

Blues...You got SoO'ed already!? Eh, yall deserve it :P
Thx :)

Anyways, all three of you can pick and choose what to answer, any or none as you wish.

1.If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, what did you have for breakfast?
Nothing. I never eat breakfast if there's school.
Does it count as breakfast if you eat it at 11:00? No, I never have breakfast, either I am in class or sleeping in till lunch.
Breakfast? Isn't that supposed to happen before I leave home?
2. Do you hope to become a full KoO someday?
Sure, one day... :)
It is not something I strive for. I am perfectly happy with my position as an AK/SoO.
I am content as an SoO/AK.
Eh. I'll wait and see. It's not worth worrying about now.
2.5. Favourite anime?
I do not watch animes.
I enjoyed DeathNote quite a bit, I also like Suzumiya Haruhi. I watch quite a bit so its likely to change at a moments notice if I find something interesting.
6. Pick one: Rammstein, Slipknot or Alice Cooper.
Oh, choice between Sodom and Gomorrha
Slipknot. \m/ >_< \m/
I don't think I could actually name any songs they play. (at least I knew they played music..that counts for something right?)

42. What is the meaning of life?The Universe, and everything?
12. Favourite film of all time?
Groundhog�Ls day
Too much to choose from.
Way to many to choose from. Even narrowed down by genre would be difficult.
Who can pick ONE???
0. Do you read? If so, what genres are your favourite?
I read a lot. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thrillers but also classical things
I'm the guy who only reads Harry Potter and a couple of Dan Brown's books.
Lots of stuff. Fantasy, Sci Fi, I don't really like horror but it can be interesting sometimes. I also read alot of silly things like the Darwin awards or similar short reads.
Oh, yes. SF and Fantasy, mostly.
777. Do you consider yourself a lucky person in general?
So and so
I have no complaints thus far.
Yes. Wait a minute.... /me spills soda on keyboard. No.
Definitely. Doesn't everyone know where the Luck Factory is?
X. Favourite non-moogle pie?
Cheese cake.
Pecan Pie.
1546565. Are you celebrating Christmas this year, or another holiday?
I celebrate it a bit with my Family
I celebrate Hanukkah.
Yes, tho its more of a hassle than celebration...so much running around. Nice to see the family tho.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that I won't celebrate other holidays, too. New Year's was good, for example.
11. Do you answer questions that go over the set limit?

Ok, thats all...Congratz, Arch-Squires :P

/me nuclearsnugs

Clyde -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 15:39:28)

Well congrats to all of you, though I never met you Astral I'm sure you're a good person. Maybe not. :P

The Game -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/21/2007 19:57:37)


1. How's it been?
Good so far!

2. What do you think of the recent center merging?
I think that was the best what could happen. Now we have to high Quality Centers which work really fast.

3. What was your reaction when gus suggested it to you?
Yeah, let´s do this!

You seem less busy as far as ratings are concerned these days.
Yes, thats good. So I have more time for other things.

4. Are you busier these days as an SoO?
There are many things to learn now, so a bit.

5. Do you have any regrets on closing down Voids and merging with Angband?
Void´s was my home for many months, so I was of course a bit sad to close it. But the new Center works perfect!

6. Do you think the merging has a positive effect in the CR&A?
Yes. I think it can show others how Centers should work :)

Well, that's all. I still have 4 questions I can ask you, and 3 questions I can ask Astral!

BlinxV3 -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/22/2007 6:39:17)

For blues and Astral

1. What jobs do you have?
No job currently.

2. Do you watch DBZ?
God no. A simple Goku-Frieza fight takes up to 38 episodes. Sorry, but I have no such patience for that kind of shows.

3. What favorite food do you eat?
Cretan, Italian and Asian Food, but also German and Burgers!°

4. Have you played Super Bmash Bros Brawl?
Not yet.

Thats all I have.

Sara -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/22/2007 11:16:19)

/me gets ready to fire questions at blues and Astral

This one is for blues and Astral. Mental math FTW!

3.5426^14312.3 ÷ 4.143^42 = (Insert real answer here with no words)
1.18242281656^474 :) My Calculator can handle this easy!
Yeah, I'll have to take blues' word for it.
My calculator says "OVERFLOW Error." I am using a TI-30XIIS. There must be something wrong.
*Chucks TI-30XIIS out the window* Fine. You win this question. Wait until joo see question NUMAH TWO!
I wonder if a PC could even handle that calculation... ~Yagno


Please describe with a paragraph what you see right now above this text. Thank you.

Angelina Jolie and I on a beautiful Caribbean Island....
Yeah, I know that one. That's the image where you suppose to look at something and see something completely different. Let's just say that I've seen the image that I were supposed to see. Cool? Cool.

I still have nine eight more to use wisely! [:)]

To Blues: I guess I haven't said this yet...
Click This Link Of Doom

To Astral: I made yours upside down so it looks cool...
Click Your Link Of Doom [:)]

No signatures in GBI.

boomies -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/22/2007 19:43:56)

Ok, Ill ask 5 questions for all of you, then 5 for each of you. Got it?

5 For all:

I still remember you guys MtAKs. Any comments?
And I still remember you from my MtAK. That makes us pretty even no?
dito. Guess why we have a limit this time :)
I remember you as well, and I assure you I am just as sane as I was back then.
Have you ever considered a name change? if yes, what would it be?
I already changed my name from Pashtidot to Astral.
No, I like my name
No, I was careful when I picked my name.
I considered it once but nothing came to mind and I have formed an attachment to this one.

What exactly does a SoO do?
We help the KoO in their respective forums and help balancing items at times.
We´re Minions of the KoO
Help the KoO.
We help the KoO.

What did you do when you found out you were a SoO?
I began to shake. I believe I even spelled my own name wrong when replying back to Kalanyr. ><
Could not believe it.
Smile, and try very hard not to make loud noises ... there were people sleeping, after all.
I jumped up and down for a bit...and then went to bed (it was like 3 or 4 am iirc)

Do you hate me?
No. Why would I hate you?
Maybe a bit? No, just joking!!! :)
Now, why would I do that? No, really, is there a reason?
Why did you do something? Really tho, no. No reason to.

5 For Astral:

Why'd you change your avvie? A dwarf thing with a hammer, a Joker, and now this blue streak. Why?
I already had this avatar when I first became 'Helpful'. I don't intent to keep it for too long, though.

Tell me exactly, is your brother annoying?
We're teenagers and we live in the same house. You do the math.

Favorite book?
Lord of the Rings.

Did you ever mix up pops to change the flavor?

What clique are you in at school, if you are in school?
My school is very different from the schools you see in movies. We have no cliques here.

Now 5 for blues:

Hey blues. Remeber me?
Sure :)

Homer vs Peter Griffin?
Homer FTW!

Lisa vs Bart?
Bart Cabawanga!

Family Guy vs Simpsons?
Simpsons FTW!

Who is more Tolkien, ZZ or TF?
I think Zz.

5 For Deathisper:

Hello. Mind if I call you DH?
I dont see a problem with it, but wouldn't it be DI?
Why did you choose that avvie?
Because I like mongooses and I see all.
Snake vs Mongoose?
Doom vs Good?
Neutrality always wins.

Aelthai! (Lets see how long it takes you to find this....)

Why Aelthai?

Why did you choose italic pink?

In any clans?

Do I know you?

Could you please tell me if they will be changing RuB in the sweep? All the time I hear it, but it never seems to happen.


Wilderock -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/22/2007 22:47:51)

I'm back to bother you. Some saw me in MtAK, but I'm back. :P

1. Blues, your font is belonging to me.

2. Astral, I has ur colorz
Yes, apparrently you have.

3. So, Blues. That one day on IRC when we brought up United Raters Associatio ... Look at the Rating Center subforum now! Isn't it great?
Yes it is. I really like it!

4. Astral: How's Typhoon Claymore going? Do you like it? More than Ragebreaker?
Ooh, it's actually quite nice. Khold is super talented when it comes to Flash and the design is simply wonderful. I really hope a lesser version will come out for some of you guys to enjoy. Such good art should not be enjoined by two members and several staff alone. Yes, I do prefer it over Ragebreaker. Although Ragebreaker is considered the stronger one, Typhoon Claymore has that unique factor. Plus, I got a cool 200K for selling Ragebreaker.

5. Deathisper: CONGRATULATIONS!.
6. All: What is your favorite movie?
Groundhog´s Day
Meh, these questions will come over and over again so I guess I should answer it once and for all. Zoolender, perhaps.
Its a hard choice. I enjoy so many that I doubt I could pick just one.

7. Last one, Astral: Aren't these threads quite the annoyance? ;p
Quite the annoyance indeed but it's a good thing for spending some free time.

ALL THREE: Congratulations, /me snuggles, etc.

Bahamut966 -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/23/2007 11:45:30)

[dynamic entry] WHOO! I love these! [/dynamic entry]

For Astral:

What is your Quest?
To help people as much as I can.

How much more do you plan on overstressing yourself between the Pedia, GBI, and IRC? =^P
Hmm, don't forget CR&A. Actually, there's another thing I am aiming for in the future. (It is an AQ thingy but it is not related to these forums or the actual game itself.)


"Sentences" without verbs vs Questions that aren't really questions but people know what's going on anyway? (see above =^o)
Wait, what?

Smileys with noses, yae or nay?

Favorite Book EVAR?
I would need to read every book in the world to answer that one.

Where should I put the Zoot Suit?
Wait, WHAT?

Coriander Chutney?



What is your second favorite color? (I thought your first favorite was fairly self evident?)

I'm fairly certain the director of Groundhog Day had originally intended for Phil to be trapped on Feb. 2nd for 10,000 years. Do you think he would have gotten any better at ice sculpting over that much time?
His sculptures were pretty good, not to speak of his Piano playing :)

What is your favorite Work of Literature? Book or otherwise.
Das Glasperlenspiel, Siddartha

What style of literature do you enjoy most?
Fantasy and Science Fiction

Where did my lamp go?

IRC vs Forums?
IRC, its more personal



For Deathisper:

What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen reaper?

Calmness vs I CAN DO ANYTHING! attitude?
I prefer calmness. To much noise makes me uncomfortable
Monty Python or National Lampoon?
Monty Python.
Zombies vs Mummies?
Where were the cowboys?
In space.

Hmm, I think Aelthai should get some if I'm going to be fair...

Pastries vs Regular food?

Favorite music?

Favorite status effect from any [video]game?

Monopoly vs Sorry?

When do things descend from quirky to buggy for you?

Favorite War/Sage from any of the AE games?


Thank you all, and congratulations!

The Terminator -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/23/2007 13:05:44)

For Astral:

Why did you change your job from an encyclopedia mod to a this?
I am not a Mod, simply an AK. I did not change my job as I simply added SoO'ing to my work at the 'Pedia and CR&A.

Are you strong in AQ?(sor not bother looking at char pages)
Quite. I've been told to have a perfect character and I do have more than a few Z-Token items.

How do you like your new job then?
It's time consuming, but rewarding.

Will you rather be a normal member instead?
I wouldn't be able to help as much as I could without my powers, so no.

How are you doing at school?
Pretty good.

U like chinese food?
Well, I don't hate it.

Fav book?
Lord of the Rings.


umm did you come to Hong Kong before?

thats all for now and good luck~

Sara -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/25/2007 12:10:24)

To blues: How did you get into rating?
Don´t know, I just started for fun and to help others.

A new post, with new questions! These ones are for all three of you. [:)]

Do you guys intend to give us a 5000% Gold Boost on New Years Day and Eve?
Hehe, dream on!

Aren't gold caps a bad idea?
No! /me never hits the caps

How many questions do I have left for each of you?
10-already asked! :)

Should the maze receive a gold reward bonus? It is so hard to farm AQ. And the ubers are so expensive.
Sure, but then you can do it only once per day!

Fishtank -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/25/2007 19:22:28)

Whew, almost missed this, an anonymous source gave me a tip off.

This is perfect, I missed all your MtAKs.

Except Deathispers. I'm sure he remembers that one well.

*Sets timer*

For each of you, I'll only ask ten.

1) Define the vortex of time and space in your own words.
I won´t tell you that :)!

You were all wrong.
Vortex of time and space? Why should I let anyone else in on that?

2) Can I please have a cookie?
Sure. Would you like chocolate chip or white chocolate macadamia nut?
/me gives Fishy a Cookie!

3) What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear "dancing woopie cushions"?
Bright red, or another color?

4) Has thou felt the pwnage?
Um ...no?

5) Do you all like my signature?
Ah, yes

6) Why are you an SoO?
I felt like I ought to try to help out.
Why not?

7) Did you frop anything when you found out you were going to be an SoO?
No. What's a frop?
No, I whoopied!

8) Do any of you know me?
I think you can answer that as well as I can :)

9) One morning as Paul was getting his newspaper, he noticed on his new house something that needed to be fixed. Heading over to the hardware store, he spoke to the manager, describing his problem. The manager said, "I know just what you need". He led Paul down some aisles and stopped in front of some bins. Digging down into some of the bins, he set something up on the shelf. "I saw your house when it was built", the manager said. "Here's all that you'll need and how much it'll cost... five will be 15 cents while fifty will be 30 cents, 250 will be 45 cents, while 2507 will only cost you 60 cents. One lady, about 20 blocks from your house, bought 30247 and only paid 75 cents! These are black, but they also come in gold and silver." What was the manager selling?
Obviously peanuts

10) Can i ask another question?
No, that's 10.
Tis teh last!

Oh wait, I just did. [&:]

See you soon!.... Wait!


Whew. Same thing every year.

Clyde -> RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: blues, deathisper, and Aelthai (12/26/2007 2:07:32)

I'm not sure if there's rule against this, if so please delete the first post.

This is for deathisper. :P

1. So from AK of S&T and now SoO how does it feel?

2. How come you never log onto IRC anymore? (You don't have to answer this one if it's personal)

3. So Isper, what's your opinon on Mongooses?

Well thanks for your time. :D

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