Bunny Jammies (Full Version)

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Astral -> Bunny Jammies (1/1/2008 9:50:19)

Bunny Jammies

Location: Gift Box (2007)
Price: N/A
Sellback: 1000
Element: Neutral
Level: 5

Melee: 15
Ranged: 15
Magic: 20

Fire: 110%
Water: 110%
Wind: 95%
Ice: 95%
Earth: 105%
Energy: 105%
Light: 105%
Darkness: 105%

Description: This armor will keep you warm at night and allow you to beat your enemies over the head with cuteness!


Hits: 3
Type: No Conversion
Element: No Conversion
Damage: 1st and 3rd hits: 40%/40%/40%, 2nd hit: 31%/31%/31% (Total of 111%/111%/111%)
BTH: +3%, +9%, +3%

  • "<Monster name> is incapacitated by laughter!" - Reduces the monster's BtH by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • GUARDIAN ONLY "<Monster name> is too busy laughing at you, to defend itself properly." - Reduces the monster's defences by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • If your CHA is lower then the monster's CHA, then neither of the above two effects are applied.

    Information courtesy of TheKholdOne (via blues) and Kalanyr (via * Dragon Rage * and jack90). New image thanks to Illuminator. New-new image thanks to DragonUltraMaster

  • Astral -> RE: Bunny Jammies (1/1/2008 9:54:56)

    Bunny Jammies

    Location: Gift Box (2007)
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: 3,000 Gold
    Element: Neutral
    Level: 25

    Melee: 18
    Ranged: 18
    Magic: 23

    Fire: 107%
    Water: 107%
    Wind: 92%
    Ice: 92%
    Earth: 102%
    Energy: 102%
    Light: 102%
    Darkness: 102%

    Description: This armor will keep you warm at night and allow you to beat your enemies over the head with cuteness!


    Hits: 3
    Type: No Conversion
    Element: No Conversion
    Damage: 1st and 3rd hits: 50%/50%/50%, 2nd hit: 38%/38%/38% (Total of 138%/138%/138%)
    BTH: +6%, +11%, +6%

  • "<Monster name> is incapacitated by laughter!" - Reduces the monster's BtH by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • GUARDIAN ONLY "<Monster name> is too busy laughing at you, to defend itself properly." - Reduces the monster's defences by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • If your CHA is lower then the monster's CHA, then neither of the above two effects are applied.

    Information courtesy of alexefb, TheKholdOne (via blues) and Kalanyr (via * Dragon Rage * and jack90). New image thanks to Illuminator. New-new image thanks to DragonUltraMaster

  • Astral -> RE: Bunny Jammies (1/1/2008 9:58:56)

    Bunny Jammies

    Location: Gift Box (2007)
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: 12,000 Gold
    Element: Neutral
    Level: 50

    Melee: 21
    Ranged: 21
    Magic: 26

    Fire: 104%
    Water: 104%
    Wind: 89%
    Ice: 89%
    Earth: 99%
    Energy: 99%
    Light: 99%
    Darkness: 99%

    Description: This armor will keep you warm at night and allow you to beat your enemies over the head with cuteness!


    Hits: 3
    Type: No Conversion
    Element: No Conversion
    Damage: 1st and 3rd hits: 80%/80%/80%, 2nd hit: 60%/60%/60% (Total of 220%/220%/220%)
    BTH: +9%, +14%, +9%

  • "<Monster name> is incapacitated by laughter!" - Reduces the monster's BtH by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • GUARDIAN ONLY "<Monster name> is too busy laughing at you, to defend itself properly." - Reduces the monster's defences by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • If your CHA is lower then the monster's CHA, then neither of the above two effects are applied.

    Information courtesy of alexefb, TheKholdOne (via blues) and Kalanyr (via * Dragon Rage *). New image thanks to Illuminator. New-new image thanks to DragonUltraMaster

  • Astral -> RE: Bunny Jammies (1/1/2008 10:02:44)

    Bunny Jammies

    Location: Gift Box (2007)
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: 30,000 Gold
    Element: Neutral
    Level: 70

    Melee: 24
    Ranged: 24
    Magic: 29

    Fire: 101%
    Water: 101%
    Wind: 86%
    Ice: 86%
    Earth: 96%
    Energy: 96%
    Light: 96%
    Darkness: 96%

    Description: This armor will keep you warm at night and allow you to beat your enemies over the head with cuteness!


    Hits: 3
    Type: No Conversion
    Element: No Conversion
    Damage: 1st and 3rd hits: 120%/120%/100%, 2nd hit: 90%/90%/80% (Total of 330%/330%/280%)
    BTH: +13%, +17%, +13%

  • "<Monster name> is incapacitated by laughter!" - Reduces the monster's BtH by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • GUARDIAN ONLY "<Monster name> is too busy laughing at you, to defend itself properly." - Reduces the monster's defences by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • If your CHA is lower then the monster's CHA, then neither of the above two effects are applied.

    Information courtesy of Scakk, TheKholdOne (via blues) and Kalanyr (via * Dragon Rage * and jack90). New image thanks to Illuminator. New-new image thanks to DragonUltraMaster

  • Astral -> RE: Bunny Jammies (1/1/2008 10:07:37)

    Bunny Jammies

    Location: Gift Box (2007)
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: 70,000 Gold
    Element: Neutral
    Level: 90

    Melee: 27
    Ranged: 27
    Magic: 32

    Fire: 98%
    Water: 98%
    Wind: 83%
    Ice: 83%
    Earth: 93%
    Energy: 93%
    Light: 93%
    Darkness: 93%

    Description: This armor will keep you warm at night and allow you to beat your enemies over the head with cuteness!


    Hits: 3
    Type: No Conversion
    Element: No Conversion
    Damage: 1st and 3rd hits: 150%/110%/165%, 2nd hit: 100%/80%/120% (Total of 400%/300%/450%)
    BTH: +17%, +20%, +17%

  • "<Monster name> is incapacitated by laughter!" - Reduces the monster's BtH by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • GUARDIAN ONLY "<Monster name> is too busy laughing at you, to defend itself properly." - Reduces the monster's defences by (your Charisma - monster Charisma)/15
  • If your CHA is lower then the monster's CHA, then neither of the above two effects are applied.

    Information courtesy of alexefb, fantasygod, TheKholdOne (via blues) and Kalanyr (via * Dragon Rage * and jack90). New image thanks to Illuminator. New-new image thanks to DragonUltraMaster

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