Ianthe -> RE: Bar of Soap (1/1/2008 20:49:44)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/image] Bar of Soap Level: 70 Price: N/A Sellback: 1 800 Location: Gift Box '07 Element: Water Activation: 1 Turn Effect: -10% Water Modifier; -10% Earth Modifier; +15 CHA; +10 Magic Defence Cost: 65 SP EFFECT By clicking on the bar during your turn, there is a chance of giving your enemy Soap Poisoning. The monster gains -10 BTH for as long as the Bar remains equipped. This uses 1 turn. The monster can avoid getting poisoned in the first place. The monster makes a Save Roll, with a bonus equal to [MonsterLevel/10] + [MonsterDEX/5] + [MonsterLUK/20]. If it rolls higher than 68 + [YourLUK/20] + [YourDEX/5] + [10, Guardian-Only], it resists the poison. DESCRIPTION Those monsters have been very bad. in fact, make them stick this bar of Life Buoy soap in their mouths with the chance of giving them soap poisoning. (Costs 65 SP to use.) [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Miscs/barofsoap.jpg[/image] Basic stats from alexefb, Teuvi, chee266, and .*. .*. .*.. Correction from alexefb. Poisoning from Kalanyr (via Teuvi) and Reyn Roadstorm. Simplification from Endless Maelstrom. Rarity from UZ The Ebil. Typo correction from Fallen Angel. Note from tytrevor. Update from westwind (via Knightstar2001) and Kalanyr (via Crimzon5).