Peregrine Falcon -> [Photoshop] A Grassy Lawn Tut (1/3/2008 21:16:02)
Hi and welcome to my tut. You will be makin something like this: [image][/image] Enjoy! - Make a new document: 400 X 200, 72 ppi resolution, RGB colour - Choose your colours as dark cyan in foreground and white in background - Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds - You will get a cloudy sky effect - Select brushes and choose grass brush and change the size to 140 - Make a new layer and draw “grass” like I have done in the bottom 3rd of the picture. Randomness is the key here. NOTE: as an example of randomness, u can see that I have put a couple of blades of grass above the “1/3” line. Grass:[image][/image] <-- this image is blurred near bottom due to a step later in the tut. - There may be spaces near the bottom showing white or blue, we will fix that - Choose the cloud layer and draw some more grass near the bottom to fill out the empty spaces. - Then, use blur, at 100%, near the bottom half so it looks like this. Make sure u check “Use All Layers” - U can stop here, or add some cool things. - Get this render: - And this render: - Then put the renders on as I have done. U will have to resize the birdie. - Also, u will want to add some lighting to your picture since the tree render has lighting on it - Go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and choose the following options: [image][/image] - and u will get something like this! [image][/image] Good job! u r done. if u had any problems, comments, concerns, etc... plz post![:D]