RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (Full Version)

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BadHulk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 15:32:38)

Congratz on ur AK.
Why u like the color blue?
It was the best color not chosen by others.
Whats ur favorite Food?
Chinese, Italian, Mexian.
Whats ur favorite word?
Whats ur favorite monster?
Vince's chest.
Whats ur favorite weapon?
Orc Cleaver of Power.
Am i a idiot? xD(Just sarcastic)
U like pie or cookies?
Pie FTW!

Wilderock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 17:25:53)

1. I'm back to annoy you!
2. Your color is belonging to me.
I doubt it.
3. Zee zee el zee ach tee Tee. Indeed.
4. You've grown so fast! I remember when you were Kyle826 and only a Member, yelling at me in PM about a rating. :P
5. I can't think of any questions, except to point out, "Sayian," is spelled incorrectly. :P
It is Saiyan in the DBZ website.

j00 changed it!

6. Back to rating. I expect you to slack off and I'm glad. Now I can actually take my time rating. :P
/me slacks off.
7. Boo.
8. By the way, Sara, you don't ask questions in amounts. You ask them in numbers. [8D]

tempestofnight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 17:32:20)

/me copies wilde
/me deletes
Would you support an out-of-forums petition to create a MQ NPC named "Zee. Tree Shoo Foar"?
Perhaps. As long as it is out of forum and not breaking rules, then why not?
Is it time to play The Game?
Whats your favorite WWE finisher? Is is the Pedigree?
It sounds the coolest!
Work harder! /me whips
Get rating lazybone. :o

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 17:35:04)

This will be fun.
Remember me?
You live across the street right? I know I cannot be wrong. :)
4.32661^54.2 * 4.26262^32.32 = (Insert REAL answer here)
The answer is...look over there, a Frogzard /me runs away
Why did you pick your current avvy?
It is awesome!
What do you intend to do as AK?
Help out more in the CR&A, MQ, and anyweher else that needs or wants help.
If everyone in the world was a rater, what would happen?
No real point in having ratees.
Can I PM you more questions once this is locked?
Sorry, I will be quite busy.
I see that you are falling behind in answering. [>:]
[:)] or [8D]?
:). I do not like real smilies.
Rate my char please. You can just say "Overall */*", no need to say why or go into details.
I would say 7/10. Your only problem is empty slots, or your score would be very high.
What is the point of life?
T or G?
| or _?
I like Moogles.
Spam or flames?
What time in minutes were you AK'ed?
Yesterday. I do not remember the time.
How many questions do I have left?
Are you sure you said the right amount of questions I have left?
And for some reason I waited until the bottom to say this.


Cubal -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:03:39)

Congrats TG, we have a SG AND a TG now, of course those are two quite different names, but the initials are quite similar, no?
They do sound similar. Where have I see SG before? Ah right, it is the initials of my school.
Anyways, that was silly, on with the questions.
On with the answers!
Have you set your foot in MQ GGD? What do you think about it if so?
I have been there a couple of times. It has more rule breaks then I would like though.
Are the buttons nice an' shiny?
Makes you want to push 'em, yes?
If there is rule breaking, then yes.
Anyways, have you seen the movie "Behind the mask: Rise of Leslie Vernon?"
Sorry, I have not heard of it. :(
How about The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I heard of that, but have not seen it.
D'ya like L? (Or know who he is :P)
All outta questions now.

Brilliancy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:06:04)

/me is here just to welcome you to AKs [;)]
/me thanks Brill'
IRC seems to be better than forums for discussion to me... which do you prefer? ^.^
The forums gets serious sometimes. I use IRC to sort of get away from the seriousness.
/me congratshuggles TG
/me thanksnuggles Brill'
See you on IRC! (I actually see you there now :P )
I see you too. :)

Nixtrix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:07:51)

OMG, u iz teh new AK?!!!!11!1
It is teh Nixtrix!!!
Now mister TG, I have here three vials, each filled with some sort of blight which could cause you much harm, you must pick one, it must be a real integer neither above 3 nor below 1. Should pick anything above 3 or below 1 you will have all three poured on you, should you choose a decimal (i.e. 1.35495) you will again have all three poured on you. Which do you choose? >:D
I choose the second one. /me hopes for the best
Do you have a favorite AK?
Before I became an AK, I would have had one, but now that I have seen that most of the AK's, I think they are all awesome people!
What was your reaction to being asked to become an AK?
I could not stop smiling, and my mom asked me what was wrong with me at lunch.
Can i become an AK?
Of course. /me somehow makes Nix an AK. There!
Please, I'll be good for teh rest of my life!
What is your favorite element?
Ice, because I am cool. (Lame pun intended)
Well, i wish you best and hope you have fun here :)
P.S. I miss Astral :( But I'm glad to have you as our new hostage :D
I miss Astral too. He was one of my favorite raters.

Mechster Chief -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:10:26)

/me thinks Girlliancy is realy a better name for Brilliancy ,
Guess whos back :D
I sorta need a mini rate here cuz am confused ><
Okay, change your build, sell everything. j/k. Just request a rating when USoR is open. I will be happy to rate you there.
Do you recommend me to go beastmage
Well, it is an awesome build now, but will be grealy affected by the sweep. I say just wait.
Also i don't like Buu as a villain , He Creeps Me Out!
Did you see when he threw his fat at Vegeta? It was hilarious.
What is your fav Person off DBZ (Mines Piccolo :D)
Goku, Gohan when he fought Cell, Pan.
*Crys because he just found out Astral left :'(*
/me cries as well.

Phantasmia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:13:01)

Great when Rico Closes the Clan you become an AK! Wierd huh?
Another CR&A AK? That's good we needed another one lol
Since Astral left, it is only blues and I.
*sigh* that's all i have

Crump -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:32:57)

Yay! My favorite rater's an AK! :D
Yay, I am popular!
Nothin home dawg. :o
Hey, you hungry?
NO WAI! ME 2!!!!
Yeah, it's pretty strange.
So...bye... =(
Favorite Movie?
Tuesdays with Morrie.
Chinese, Italian, Mexican.
Yeah? Do you play it?
What about music genre...
Well, that's 15. Bye.

Agent Val -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 18:40:26)

Hmmmim not sure you met me before...oh well
We haven't met, but I have seen you around.
Mega congrats
Mega Thanks!
How was your akship?
It is awesome! I am getting to meet some very great Mods, AK's, etc.
How did it happen?
Scakk asked me on IRC.
What did happen to astral?
Real life.
Hehe its not a surprise, you derserve it
/me blushes
Hmm....rate the dragonball series out of 100
Rate your sig out of ten
thats it for now, i should add more later...
Look forward to it!

Hyperkid -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 19:24:42)

LOOK OUT! it is time for uberleetness questions part two!
I am ready, I hope.
Final fantasy crystal chronicles or final fantasy tactics?
Never played those.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, then you would suddenly have an urge to yell the words Lobster strike!?
favorite author?
If you were turned into a basketball...what is your favorite non-food?
Basketballs can eat? :o
the cake is the truth! The TRUTH!!!
I prefer Pie myself.
too bad I never got to those questions, seeya!

Dev -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 19:35:08)

Grr...this is increible! Nice job TG! Me, Wilde, and gus feel left out :D. Anyway, now for my Qs:
Thanks, I think.
Favorite Food?
Chinese, Italian, Mexican.
Nike or Rbk?
Only wore Nike.
Krieger Blade or BoA?
BoA. I am not a rare fan.
Moogles or Death Ray Vision?
Horses or other fourlegged creatures?
Four legged moogles.
Favorite NBA Team?
Lakers, and Spurs.
Favorite Forums member? (cough cough....DevBhargava cough cough)
Sorry, but there are too many to choose from.
That's all! GRATZ!
/me snugstacks TG
/me countersnuggles dev

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 3:45:23)

Hey hey hey! Look who's here!
Someone's here?
Well, since I'm such a "nice" guy, I'll skip the question.
BTW, thanks for the ratings!

Occasus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 5:45:33)

Heya "boss"! [:D]
Heya Occasus!
'Grats on the AK-ishing, seems that your "world domination proses" is going well (mehehe)
Don't say that out loud. Someone may hear you.
So... feeling the pressure for filling Astral?
Definately. Astral was an awesome AK.
Yeh, I thought so... no worries mate, you'll do great [;)]
Keep ya head up and do ya best mate! As formally "employed" by you I know that you don't give in to pressure [:)]
That's all! Hang in there mate (and don't neglect school work for AK-ish things *cough*)
--~ Ax

BadHulk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 7:23:32)

Oh, teh noes.
*gives cookie pie* u liked pie o.o... And i like cookies( COOKIES FTW )
/me munches
Why u like the word "Mogleet"?
I like moogles.
How long are u been rating people?
A little over 6 months.
Whats ur favorite pie?
Not sure.
And i remember a other AK who used the color blue... Cant remember the name.
How old are u actuly?
Kjhgbjhgbjbrjhgberhbeuguk iam crazy.
No way.
U got a Girlfriend?
No. :(
How have u been since i was away? xD
Yoou were away? :o
What u like in RL?
I am a loner. :( Well, I hang out with friends all day, but we don't talk much. :o
U hate school?
Well that was it for TODAY. Or not.... *Dr. Evil laugh... Puts pinky at his mouth*

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 7:39:29)


ORIGINAL: tempestofnight

Would you support an out-of-forums petition to create a MQ NPC named "Zee. Tree Shoo Foar"?

... Bwah? o_O
So that's what that meant.

Ratings, ratings...
How do you get so much time for all the ratings?
I usually rate after school.
Color of shackles?
Like fluff.
Ever been chomped?
How's your son? (referring to NightBane)
I hope he gets kicked into the hole in Meet the Spartains. You know, the commercial.
Not sure.
[image][/image] (Yes, this is a question.)
Serious questions... Favorite author/genre? Why?
Rap, not sure why.
What is your opinion on the playability of AQ?
Any suggestions to reduce the boredom of farming?
Give us all 500K. hehe
That's all. Awaiting page 3. :D
See you there!

Shadow Curse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 10:39:52)

Hey,kool.2nd page man.this is enough.Locked.:P J/K
:) R Teh Gamez atm?
Very busy.
*Gives Teh Game a..*
/me waits and see what he gets
/me drinks
Taste,I made it myself! (:O,''taste'' :P.Well,I made it myself at least..]
I'm sure I never posted this last time *Cough* so 'Grats man.
If you didn't pick something between 7 and 10,you are now being shot to death!
I'll see ya later AK'o'Gamatic :P
I has ur color,yo
Don't even dare edit this away.:P

ultimation2.0 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 11:29:47)

OK HEre it goes
Pie or Cake?
Why the colour i am using right now?
Meesa have you colour!!
I do not thikn so.
AKship or Pie?
Do you like your position?
I love it!
What would you do if lost your position??
How did you come to become a AK??
I was asked.
Do you like me??
If answer to above question NO why not??
See above.
AQ or DF or MQ or EG
Why did you choose the above game??
It is not boring.
Do you like you pink fluffy shackles or should i ask Scack for some other ones??
I am good.

/Cyber waves good by to The Game to go and eat the bad Artmonster

lolol123123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 16:15:59)

1) Doesn't Blues use a similar color?
2) Its a bit hard to tell the difference.
There is a difference when they are side by side.
3) Congrats!
4) What do you tink of the recent Center Mergings ( Void + Angband for example)?
Excellent. It will help increase efficiency and require fewer Raters.
5) How many AKs are there in CR&A now?
2, which are blues and I. Astral left. :(
6) Test!
What is teh m0st 4nn0y1ng typ3 0f sp4m???
Flaming another forumite. It is just wrong.
a) teh 1337 =P
Teh moogle.
b) Over abuse of smilelys. [:@][:D][:D]
/me edits out
/me deletes
d) So mny uncrrct spllng ad grmaer
It is very annoying.
7) Congrats Again!
8) Bye!

Avro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 19:29:15)

/me twitches violently!
/me watches
hiya TG!
Heya Avro
do you remember me from IRC?
Of course!
/me ubersnugs TG
/me counterubersnuggles Avro
favourite book?
I have none.
who's better : Me or Blues?
Well.. Look over there, a bird /me runs away
/me byesnugs
/me baisnugs
i'll be back! bai!

minimang -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 19:34:19)

are you a boy or a girl?
I am a Male.
what is your favorite AE game?
AQ or MQ.
what is your favorite AE minigame (this includes ebilgames)?
Punt Twilly!
am I your best friend?
why not?
hmm... what?

If I wanted to, yes.

if you got one wish (and you couldn't wish for more wishes) what would it be?
To have a being that can grant more wishes. That is not directly wishing for more wishes. :)

Phantasmia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/15/2008 20:44:32)

When/Why did Astral Quit?
A few days ago, and he quit because of real life. I cannot say any more than that.

Excommunicated -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/16/2008 1:41:12)

Congratz! [:D]
Have a Girl/Boyfriend? Married? In luv? [;)]
Nope. I am only 15, so I have lots of time.
I like DBZ do you?
/me points towards avatar and title
If you do, who's your favorite character?
Goku, Gohan when he fought Cell, Pan.
What level in AQ/MQ?
AQ=95, MQ=15
Fave of each catagory in AQ? (Fave, armor, shield, spell, weapon, misc, pet)
Don't really have one.
How many buttons do you have now?
That is a secret.
Favorite anything that is edible?
Is your name Jeffery? Also, last name initial C.?
More Later... Maybe not unless I think of one.
Favorte word? exple: (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is mine)



fittock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/16/2008 17:56:55)

Hey TG!
Hey fittock!
Congrats on the AKship ^^
Fav thing about being an AK?
I can help out more instead of PMing an AK every 5 minutes.
Was it a shock when you were asked?
Completely. I just got my Helpful title 2 weeks earlier and was not expecting it.
I have no more time for questions as I have so many ratings to do... :P
Good luck!
Once again congratulations! and see ya on IRC

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