Issue 15 - Encylopedia Battleonia: Mondrogors (damselindigital) (Full Version)

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Maegwyn -> Issue 15 - Encylopedia Battleonia: Mondrogors (damselindigital) (1/23/2008 14:11:04)

Encyclopedia Battleonia: Mondrogors
By: damselindigital

Scientific voyage reveals missing portions of mondrogor reproductive cycles.

Battleon, Battleonia, January 23, 2008 - An expedition’s recent return from the void has shed new light upon the creature known as the mondrogor.

There have always been great amounts of curiosity among the scientific community about the nature of the mondrogor. This creature not only displays traits of both animal and plant, but it also has the ability to attack with void energies when threatened, a very rare and, until recently, puzzling trait.

'It has always confused us as to why the mondrogors have this particular method of defending themselves," botanist Arle Porda explains. "As far as we were able to ascertain, no part of the creature, in any portion of its life, had associations with the void. That is until our expedition made its return."

An extremely dangerous exploration was made of the void by a number of scientists accompanied by adventurer and guardian volunteers who acted as protection. Once they had established a base camp of sorts, they were able to acquire a large number of samples for study.

"The scientists were within the void for hardly any stretch of time at all. As it turns out, the void itself is simply full of microscopic mondrogor seeds. It appears that the unique environment provided in that place is what allows the progeny to complete their development, contributing vital nutrients to the creature."

Yet the plant itself is unable to grow within the very atmosphere it needs. Once it has absorbed all the void energies it will require throughout its life-cycle, the seed then becomes dormant, waiting for a passing adventurer, scientist, or other form of life to make the transition back to Lore. Clinging to any available surface, these unseen travelers are then easily shaken off to be taken by the wind or to simply waft gently to the ground, where they once again begin to grow.

The creature that travelers occasionally find themselves harried with is actually the adult, despite the appearance of being young and newly-budded. What once had been assumed to be pollen has actually now been discovered to be in fact the unnourished seeds. Genetically each seed is an exact copy of that of the parent plant, and they too easily travel on the wind or cling to clothes, waiting, dormant, to be taken by some unsuspecting creature into the void.

"Mondrogor life-cycles are extremely unique and we're quite interested now to discover how this creature developed into what it is today. Further research into the fossil records should prove extremely enlightening, but those conclusions are likely many years off, as it is quite incomplete at the time being. Regardless, a major step in our understanding has been made thanks to this exploration."

TreadLight -> RE: Issue 15 - Encylopedia Battleonia: Mondrogors (damselindigital) (1/23/2008 15:39:08)

What a mysterious and deviant life the mondrogors lead.

Using the Void for power, eh? Cool idea ^_^

It seems you took Rimblade's suggestion, also!

nosey123 -> RE: Issue 15 - Encylopedia Battleonia: Mondrogors (damselindigital) (1/24/2008 20:45:22)

Wow...this article is enlightening, i was always wondering how the mondrogor managed to fire void energy at my character o_o

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