Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (Full Version)

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Maegwyn -> Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 14:13:22)

The Museum of Lore
By Maegwyn and Suikoman444

Son of Maldar, Bremmo, Fortinbras Strongarm, and Palaric had been journeying through mountainous terrain for what seemed like weeks (and perhaps it had been). Having grown tired of the endless battling in the Known World, they had set out on foot to wander beyond the expanses of the Travel Map, just to see what they could see. One night, lost in the foothills of an unknown mountain range, while camping in yet another chilly, damp, shallow cave for what seemed like the sixth night in a row (and perhaps it was) they nearly gave up the whole idea.

Son of Maldar flicked a pebble out from beneath the small of his back.

"Ow! Mal, that thing almost went up my nose," Bremmo complained, rolling over into Palaric, who groaned and opened his eyes.

"Lo! What luminescence in yonder valley shineth!" Palaric exclaimed.

"What's that you say?" asked Bremmo.

"There, in the distance. Lights," said Fortinbras. "And you're poking me in the back with your knee, Palaric."

Further sleep was obviously impossible, so they all gathered their packs and hiked down into the valley toward the small cluster of lights.

"Forsooth! The little-remembered town of Lorendale!" Palaric exclaimed.

(A small sign on the roadside had already made this known to everyone, so beyond a bit of eye-rolling, there was no reply.) The footsore group trod up and down the few streets, but there was no inn to be found.

No inns, and the single shop would not open for several hours; the only other public-seeming building was tucked away in a sort of alleyway, with a sign: History Museum of Lore. Tours by Appointment.

"Hmm. Wonder how we make an appointment," Fortinbras said.

Bremmo pounded on the door. "This is the fastest way."

"DUDE!" "IDIOT!" "What are you DOING, thou dolt?" said the rest of the group. It was too late: the door opened. A tall, thin young-ish man peered out at them and opened the door. Blond with a beard and a bit older than the group, but not by a whole lot.

Meet Suik.
He's a bit reserved, but delighted that visitors have finally arrived, so eager at the same time. He is an enormous fount of knowledge. He speaks rather quickly, packing a lot of information into his little speeches.

"Did you have an appointment?" he asked. "I'm afraid I've misplaced the calendar. Things are in a bit of an upheaval just now, with the work on the new exhibits."

"Well, n...mmph" Bremmo began, with Fort's shoulder effectively ending that sentence.

"We've traveled a long, hot, dusty way hope we're not late," Fortinbras interjected.

The man stroked his blond beard for a long moment, looking at them with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, come in!" he said at last.

The place was much, much bigger on the inside than it had seemed from the outside. They entered a wide room with long galleries stretching outward from it on three sides.

"I'm due to give a lecture on Yulgar's early days over at the smithy later this morning, so we'll do a short tour now and then I'll leave you to browse," said Suik.
"This area of the museum is the Battleon Early History section. We'll begin here, in the portrait gallery."

“Who were the first people to settle in Battleon?” asked Bremmo.

“The first adventurers to arrive in the newly founded Battleon were members of Clan Krieger. Thus, they knew Artix Krieger before moving. Artix was, of course, one of the very first settlers of the town and provided information about the great opportunities to be had there. Some of those that arrived from very early on are pictured here in this gallery: Artix, Morkath, Braik, Belg, Xzanth, Demento, Galanoth, ChaosBug, Exar, Diva Blackhawk, Sathorn, Grom, Warlic, Preacher, Stigwood, and Parsalin.” Suik said, pointing at each one in turn.

“Those are many strange and noble names,” said Palaric. “I know of Galanoth, and Warlic, and Artix, naturally, but as for the others, I’m sure that you have many untold tales.”

“Indeed,” Suik replied, “and not enough time to tell them all today. Choose one, and I'll start there.”

To be continued...

TreadLight -> RE: Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 15:52:08)

This is a first of the Zardian articles, and I really like it like that.

It introduces new styles and additions to the Zardian's commune:

  • A Zardian Based NPC (Suik! What I mean is really a major NPC only occuring in the Zardian; ready to take a big role)
  • A narrative-type article (A full-fledged story, basically)
  • A collaborative article (Article, not interview and such)

    Nice job on this one, Mae; and good first article, Suiko.

  • Circe -> RE: Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 15:56:38)

    Congratulations on your first article Suik! You and Mae have done a wonderful job and I look forward to see we go when continued! :)

    Suikoman444 -> RE: Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 17:43:22)

    Thanks guys.
    Hope you guys like to hear about AQ History, as that is what many of my articles will be focusing on. There will be a lot more of it in part 2.

    By the way, if anyone has any topics they would like to suggest for me to talk about in future articles, you can PM me about it.

    Elnaith -> RE: Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 18:35:08)

    Good job on your first article, dude! It's awesome.

    And of course credit to Maegy too ^^

    Baker -> RE: Issue 15 - The Museum of Lore (Maegwyn/Suikoman444) (1/23/2008 18:40:23)

    Wait, there are lands beyond the Travel Map? :O Blasphemy!

    Very nice, Suik (and Mae).

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