RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Mustafa -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/5/2009 12:23:52)

You said that I could retry in January so I'm retrying.

1. Examples:



2. Constructive Criticism:


This sig has good colors and the colors of the render match the background which looks nice.
The background seems to have decent effects and I like the particles effect around the sig.
The background of the sig looks high quality however the render doesn't match that quality so it is a little less aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
The placement of the render also seems to mess up the composition of the sig as well because it is a bit far too the right in my opinion.
The positioning of the particles also add some flow to the sig and it makes it look good.
The text looks nice and the adding of the flower was a good touch however the text is a bit too big compared to the render and messes the sig up a bit.
The border is nice and attractive.
It doesn't attract too much attention and is good that way.
I would try working on improving the render quality if possible, positioning the render more to the center and maybe sizing down the text a bit.


This sig looks pretty decent too as the stock choice is good and fits the theme/style that I think that you were going with.
The liquify/wave effect looks nice in the sig but around the top-middle, it gets a bit too pixelated and chaotic.
The lowering of the fill and opacity on the effects worked in my opinion and added some depth to the sig.
They also add some flow which looks nice as well.
The lighting on the left is pretty good but I don't really like the lens flare that much.
The sig is also easy to look at and the colors are fine but could be improved more.
The composition is also good even though the render is placed on the far right.
It just fits the tag.
The text is okay and doesn't attract much attention but I would try making it a bit bigger.
The border is simple and clean too.
If I could edit this sig more, I would crop it or move the render more to the middle as the sig looks a bit too empty in the middle.
Also, I'd try calming down the liquify/wave effect a bit more.

3. Oath:

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Riptide0012 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/5/2009 21:42:57)

Art Examples:
Example 1

Example 2

Image 1-This looks like a very good hand-drawn-dragon. But I wish it was smaller so you could see the other wing. The mouth looks like a ragged line and the hands look kind of tiny. The arms are kind of thin too and the tail is blunt and too rounded. A good thing is that the pencil marks are even and straight and not ragged or bumpy. But you can see blue smudes along the paper at various places. This kind of interrupts the drawing but the drawing, nevertheless, still looks magnificent.

Image 2-This looks like an overall good drawing. Again the lines are straight and neat. But there are stil some light smudges on places of the paper. And there isn't enough detail in the robot face. And the lightsaber-sword thingy looks too fake-the light-sparks surrounding the blade could use some more work. The legs look short and fat too....still it looks pretty neat and a good drawing.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


CHAOTICZ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/5/2009 23:50:44)

- Img 1
- Img 2

2. Crit.
-Image 1: Honestly, I love this sig. I dopn't think I;ve ever seen a gecko in a sig before, so this is very unique for me. The render placement is well-done and I actually like the choice for the render. It kind of goes along with the text "ravenous". He's smiling, so he seems happy, but it's almost an evil smile, like he can turn on you at any moment and just eat you. The only problem I can see isn't really a problem, it's just a pet-peeve of mine. The border color choice is too close to the color of the bachground and the render. At first I didn't even notice there was a border.

-Image 2: This sig is by far one of the best sigs I've ever seen with a render of a real person, mainly because I rarely like sigs with that type of a render, but never-the-less. One thing that stood out to me and really caught my eye was the face that the render seems to be slightly fading into the background and is even swirling with it as well. However, I don't think the background itself really portrays the ability of this sigs' creator. The background lacks deffinition because of the dark colors. Now don't get me wrong, I like sigs that are dark and lack color, but I don't think that it fit this sig very well.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Imperaldramon -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/7/2009 1:31:41)

meh sig
Skallik wendel (a character i made)

CC Pic 1
Is it a girl or just a kid cuz its really skinny for what appears to be a warrior for the clothing and the facial features look to feminine if it is a male?patterns on the leather pads on the chest look kinda cool but the posture looks a little funky... I you want the truth i dont realy like it

CC Pic 2
I like this picture. you did good on the horns, teeth, and the wrinkles on the skin, usually I don't like dragons with square head but this one pulls it off. my favorite feature is the 2 set of horns on top of each other.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

svinx -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/7/2009 10:29:37)

random Image

custom NPC hero pose


the 1st thing I notice about this sig is how the crimson of the eye contrasts with the green n white the geko image within the sig it`s self is also pretty niffty with the groves and individual scales now for the bad points the text style doesnt really work with the effect thats been used in the background as the brightness of it is some what distracting ur eyes away from the text but the slight shadowing effect helps to balence it out although not by much aprat from that theres no real bad points to the sig it`s self


now this sig I love the name of it Disorder works awesomely with whats with in theimage and I dont mean the chick with the guitar I mean the shattered glass effet with the eye there as well makes it seem some what more chaotic and well disordely which can be a bad thing but in this case it works wonderfuly now the girl with the guitar is the main aspect of the pic and she draws u to her with the bright colors and brighter guitar it`s like u can almost hear the scream of the guitar it`s self as for bad points with this pic it`s hard to say the symbol in the lower right hand courner could of been bright since as it is doesnt really stand out much but apart from that I can see any other bad points


"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Cguy -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/7/2009 13:24:51)

1. Signature and a DF edit/comic


Alt Image 1

I believe overall this is an average image-it is not dreadful, but there are some faults.


The good thing about this image, is the colour. There is a variety of colour, and different shades of colour, which shows the light and shadow in the picture very well, and generally makes the image look more 3D, and realistic. Also, the actual image is good, it looks like a dragon.


The main bad thing, which struch me pretty much immediately, is the outline of the image. The problem is, the black outline is not at a consistent thickness, and although it is good in some areas, in others, it is not. The other main problem is that I can see many stray pixels around the image, which have no purpose whatever.

Alt Image 2

I see this as a very good picture.


Well, first of all, it looks good. The boat looks 3D, so nothing wrong there. Most of the lines are smooth, a suitable thickness, and I can't see any stray pixels anywhere. I can see good use of shadow, where it is needed. Also, the characters are very well drawn/sprited.


To be quite honest, I can't actually find anything wrong with this picture. I suppose a background could have been added, but that isn't really that important. Apart from that, I can see nothing majorly wrong with it.


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Ok, thanks.


~JW~ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/7/2009 20:54:39)

1.) Well For This Sig, Its Quite Nice Because The Text Looks Good Where It Is.
I Also Like The C4D Around The Ladys Leg.
The C4D Is Also Nice. Though, If It Was More Reddish, It Might Look Better.
Also, Try To Make The Lady More Distracting Than The C4D. Or The C4D Less Distracting han The Lady.
2.) Well I like This Tag Less Than The First..
When I See This Tag, I Visualize A Shower.
I Think That Without A C4D Like In the First Image, Its Colours Are More Defined.
It Might Look Nice With A C4D Near Her Head. I Might be Wrong, Though.
Overall It Is A Nice Tag With A Good Colour And Text.
Though, Its Hard To Tell What The Thing In The Lower Right Coner Is.

1.) Check Out My Album. Also It May Be Noted That I Am Making A Game. But I Cant Post The Link, Its Sorta Secret.

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Undal -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/8/2009 2:01:01)

Art Examples:

Constructive Criticism:

I like the dynamism of the eagle in it's pose. I'm not sure however what the collar and/or helmet thing are all about. The text could be made easier to read as right now it just seems to fade into the background. As for the background itself it might be worthwhile to experiment with different sky backgrounds in order to get a better, integrated effect for the picture.

This picture shows the artists appreciation for music. I like the pose of the subject and the background flows nicely around him/her. For this picture as well the text could be made easier to read. It's very small and the color that was used doesn't stand out from the background. If the intent is to just have a modest signature for the artwork then that's ok too but then it might be better to be down in the bottom right corner.

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Guardian Patrick -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/8/2009 20:17:11)

Art Examples:

Artwork 1 (Weapons)

Artwork 2 (Hand drawn)

Constructive criticism for image one:

In my first view, I can see it's a boat made in MS Paint because of the pixel. The only thing that could improve that picture is to vectorize it so it can hide "the trace of drawing". In the other hand, it looks like the artist is really smart and simple because I can see he/she used the copy & paste technic to keep the boat, the sail and the oars equal. The Shadow and Light are well done too because we can see the realism of the boat and the characters.

Constructive criticism for image two:

This is a very nice signature. The colors are simple, that's mean it's not "multi-color" and it represents a theme of the character. The background colors match very well with the colors of the musician or rocker. The glow represents the light and the darkness represents the shadow. The text "sentimento" could be improved and re-writed in a more fashionable way that might represent the theme of music. It would be better if the word "sentimento" is bigger than the artist's name. Beside that, everything is very well done. Simple colors, very nice signature.

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Ebilruler -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/8/2009 21:24:22)

Art Examples:
Lone Apple
I know the second one of mine is just an edit btw of a wall paper from a little while ago. And I might also do some spriting,animating, and weapons if that is ok if not i can post some examples. And can you PM me if I do get accepted

Constructive criticism for image one:
This signature, it has very good colors to fit the mood or theme. I like the style of your character how it is anime-esque. The penguin ( is it a penguin because I thought it was) also has good colors (penguin/character) to fit the mood. The shading goes good with the lighting from the left. The signature overall has a very good mix of balance and colors to fit the mood/theme you were going for.And finally I think that there should be some blue to lighten it up a bit.

Constructive criticism for image two:
Ok this signature is more darker than the previous but like the other it fits the mood perfectly. The person has a little blur to it which adds a good effect to the signature. This light that is coming off of the guitar looks like fire too me and sets a bit more darker tone to this piece of work. The background looks very nice but its not as focused as the main one (for obvious reasons) by the look of it it looks like a city to me and in japan or some where Asian. This signature has a dark tone while staying very balanced but you focus more on the foreground than whats behind it because of the lighter tone.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

thanks grafh

RS -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/10/2009 18:39:34)

art examples
first example
second example
constructive criticism
The eagle is very good and the background[:)] . The the background doesnt match it, maybe you should put the American flag. I suggest on the wings they, fade into a blue shade and it becomes very dark. It should be a bit more lighter and its face looks like a phantom [X(] . Replace it with an eagle face and it would be good to me.

2nd consrtuctive crit icism

On the guitar picture with the glow coming out of it, its awesome. But in the background it's all shiny but it looks like they are blades falling. I would replace them with stars [&:] in the background. You kind of see a car, I would take it away and also the glow on the neck of the guitar I would take away.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Jokerman -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/10/2009 20:57:04)

Art Examples:
My Card

Giant Robot Thing

Critique 1 (Pae The...Gecko): Overall it is a veryy good peice the flow is mostly good, almost perfectt color harmony is excellent, and I like how the white lights lead your eyes around the sig but the one nearest to the gecko's eyes draw attention away from the eyes, and you may want to move the text lower because the harsh contrast between it and the lights break up the flow of it. Overall the theme, color harmony, balance, and creativity of the whole thing is excellent.

Critique 2 (Guitar Girl): I would like to start out by saying, nice choice of guitar i love stratocasters especially the ones with orange sunbursts and that whole sunburst theme is repeated well in the red hot neck and the lava-ish flecks that are raining down. The way how you got away with the extremeley bright effects by using a dark backround that still doesnt break up the flow because of the flecks
and the fade on the edges is a nice touch. overall no negatives I can see as far as fitting the elements and principles of art, and it is pretty much a perfectly executed siggy.

Now I didnt fast reply so I forgot what the last few parts of the requirements were so gimme a sec to check that out and i will edit this post

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Eon -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/11/2009 7:59:14)

Art Examples
Signature 1
Signature 2
EDIT: Just finished a third. Worked out alright. Signature 3
Two are under a different name. I also do some graphic work on another forum, under the alias of My Local Sniper. That name, I suspect, is now dead and unheard of. I don't find very much time to get much graphics done, and after upgrading my GIMP I am quite unfamiliar with all the new shiny buttons and whatnot. Either way, once I find a nice, juicy chunk of time, the art will be rolling in. If you require a link to my Photobucket acount, please just ask.

- - -

I'm not too good at criticism. I was notified by my friend that when I was telling someone that their drawing wasn't very good, I resembled Simon Cowl in idiot form, but either way here goes...

Critique 1: Picture 1
Overall, good picture. I think the purple-ish lighting effects you have added worked very well with what was going on. It's rendered perfectly, and I like how it's slightly more saturated than it would be normally - gives it a warm feeling. The only thing that I think would have made it look better is maybe you could have been a little lighter with the distortion effects. It makes it a little bit hard too look at, but the other 95% of the picture is perfect.

Critique 2: Picture 2
I really like the slight blur in the bottom right hand corner, it adds a lot to the effect. The colours used in the picture were, sadly, rather dulled out by the way it looks smudged, and personally i didn't think that worked very well. Although it is using a very interesting effect, I think it would've worked out much better if it had more focus on the girl rather than the misty-looking cloud behind her. Perhaps if her face came into focus, it would be easier to look at. Also, I would have positioned the text in the top left hand corner, and I noticed that you didn't use a border, whereas I would have. Overall, could be improved, but has an interesting touch to it.


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razackie -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/11/2009 9:15:42)

Image 1

Image 2

Alt Image (Sig)
Some of the outline is rubbed out and The Head is not in propotion to the body. The Texture and the background color contrast towards the main picture making it stand out. The shading has been done very well. There should be more scales on the body like there is on the face to give it a more reptialian awe. Overall it is a great piece of artwork.
The far side of the boat should be thicker because it just looks like a piece of cardboard has been stuck up on the side. The person on top of the mast also looks like cardboard and you should be able to see the oars at the other side. The shadow underneath the pole at the front is good but there should be something similar for the mast and sail. It's good that all the shadows are coming in the same way making it look more realistic. Normally boats have a curved front but there is some exceptions. I like the way the boat isn't too cluttered with people as some people would have done, because in a picture, less is often more when it comes to good artwork. Overall its is ok, not nearly as good as the first piece.

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DragonBeast_7 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/11/2009 16:08:15)

art examples (hand drawn, then scanned, coloered by hand,in photo impression 5)
merry frostval

image 1: the sword has colors that show good harmony and layout, the cape is very realistic,and crisp. and the armor has good proportion,and color.

Image2: amazing detail, the teeth was the first thing that caught my attention they look very sharp and crisp. the neck scales are executed very well beacause it is the perfect comparison to size to the rest of the image, and they are very smooth, silklike evan. the snout at the end however has more of an inorginic shape to it.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

StormCrow -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/12/2009 3:46:24)

Art Example 1
Art Example 2

Constructive Criticism for the Signature :
The Gecko is beautifully made with its shadows and wrinkles - it looks so happy!(and wise) Its finely detailed eye really catches ones attention. I like how the circumference is dark red and and the center faded to white(also the reflection on the eye) The background although a good one, does not seem appropriate to me - its a bit too bright and sort of clashes with the text. I think if the text format could be changed a bolder one with a darker shadow, then this signature would be perfect.

Constructive Criticism for the Image :
If this baby dragon was made using Microsoft paint I'd say "Excellent job!". Appropriately detailed (in a cartoony way), this dragon is very cute (i like how its almost curled up) The details on the horn, spines and the shadow are quite good.The detailed eye with its reflection complements the dragon nicely. But for the dragon to really shine, it needs a background. Also in my opinion the wings could use a little more work.


"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves"


tthorn4 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/15/2009 13:21:43)

1.Art examples
Artwork 1
Artwork 2
2.Constructive critisisim

Image 1
The Combination of soft and violent colorsin this image makes it seem as though a highway is right there, unseen (that is a compliment). The colors also give m a feeling of rocking out in a nightclub, right were I feel at home. The picture itself Is a very good quality picture I could feel as if I were right there.

What is in the photo I'm not sure about, (espescally when my mom looked over) a good idea would be to take a picture of said woman with clothes on.
otherwise I cannot think of anything to say.

Image 2
I very much like the fog effect in the picture, espescally were it meets the girl in the photo. (its a photo right?) It seems to have a scattering effect on her

I think it could defanetly use more Light pinks, reds, and other sunrise colors.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

rouge hamish 2.0 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/15/2009 16:32:34)

Constructive Criticism.

Image 1

It seems to me that the colour of the background changes from yellow to pink to quickly. But none the less the render still Blends seamlessly into the signature. The font is perfect for this signature as it mimics the feel that the signatures emmiting.

image 2
I love the smoke effect on this piece, it seems just to fit into the signature perfectly. Although i'm not sure about the shape in the bottom right corner it just seems a little out of place.
The background is the perfect colour for the render as it contains all the same colours and shades as the renders.



I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Sky Ever -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/17/2009 11:25:44)

Art Examples:
~ Art Work 1 ~
~ Art Work 2 ~

Artistic Critisism:
Image 1
~Nice Background it shows the sympathy of the gecko...the fact that its green
~the color blending is well effective although the text may need to be lightened
~The colors and render fit in very well.
~Nice blending effect..It maybe the best sig ive seen..well done

Image 2
The background shows the movement very well although the color doesn't seem to match at the text..
its too confusing and the dark colored text couldnt be seen properly cuz of the dark background, but it
shows great effects. The first thing that caught my eyes was the white shimmery background effects
and the eyes...maybe the text should be lightened or the background darkened it will show the sig
much more effective.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

plz & tnx


kayos25 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/18/2009 8:19:50)

To Grafh:

My images: 1 2

Constructive Criticism
This is a very nice image. The background colours and overall scheme work really well together, for example, the pinks with the yellows. The spirally effects look very good, because they do not detract from the subject too much, yet they look very professional. I love the overall composition. It has a very *ahem* appropriate name, and the font suits the tag/sig. To improve, i would maybe put some glow onto the woman's arm, to suit the overall "light" composition. However, the quality is superb, and not one section is pixellated or "wrong" in any way.
This image is fantastic. I love the light brown colours that occur throughout the whole picture. This makes it feel that the background has been made specifically for the subject (maybe it has [;)]) I also love the line between Grafh and Sentimento. This gives it a more "professional" feel. However, the colours are a little bland, with a bit too much of simple browns and pastel creams. To improve, I woul maybe put some bolder colours, maybe not as bold as reds, but dark browns or blacks could work. How about in the title? It's up to you.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

From Kayos25!


Razgriz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/18/2009 9:06:10)

1. Art Form Examples
Example 1 (Video)
Example 2 (Video)

2.Constructive Criticism
Image 1

A good looking Dragon, the sizes of the limbs look good, not too big, not too small, and the head really looks like it pops out, which is really well done. The only thing that seems weird is the position of it's left wing, it's a bit too horizontally placed but that could just be me
The coloring looks good, the yellow/gold eye fits well with the dark blue color of the dragon, as do the red horns.
the shading is well done, you can see it's more bright on one side than the other, which makes it look much better.

The only major thing i see wrong with this image is the outline, it's really jagged, and sometimes way too thick.
a minor thing is some stray pixels, but they don't seem to bother much to me.

Image 2

The main problem with this is that the characters are of low quality, which really is a shame because the art looks good.
although they are of low quality, they're well sprited, and the art and shading of the characters look good, also there's plenty of detail in the armors.
also the 'escorts' don't seem to have faces, to me they look little different from ghosts =/.

the good things are that the background and skill images look good and are of high quality, so there's nothing wrong with those. =)

3. Oath, promise, statement..... yea that

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diva77677 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/18/2009 11:33:16)

Art 1
Art 2

Constructive Criticism

Image 1

Ok, here, the color and lighting is nice. What seems to catch my eye is the eye. Seeing it's red, and everything else is green, it probably attracts you to the gecko, thus, you have what you want there. It's good that the text stands out, it makes your point especially because it's dark yet, your background on there is light. The only problem I probably have is that you have lighting on the left, yet not on the right. Other then that, best sig ever!

Image 2

Ok, I like how the lighting in the left is like there's the sun shining. The colors blend well and the smoke (?) stands out. The text is smartly placed, showing in that dark patch. In the whole signature, I like how it's been lightened a little. I like how the render's colors fit with the background very well. It just catches your eye. Overall wonderful sig!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

The True Assassin -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/18/2009 13:46:49)

image 1
image 2

The eagle stands out agains the dull back ground, but the text needs to be more eye cathing because the picure of the eagle is a bit unclear as it has a helet, but it has smooth lines which is a bonus. The lighting though is a bit dull and it needs bold colours to define the shapes. It maybe could be out lined darker so the viewer can easily see the outline, this would engage the views attension. But over all the image is well drawn and does not need much improvement.

Ship (alternate image)
The ship is bold as it have block colours but it is a bit too harsh on the eye, it needs the browns shaded or tones down. It is really good because it is in 3d but with the characters it is hard to know what they are doing because they are so small, I would recomend a close up. I like the shadind on the sails, that is a good feature. The lines dont shade in with the colours, i recomend making the black lines less harsh and add more curved lines. The characters need to be bigger and need to be outlined better so the viewer can easily recognise the picture.


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DeLeetion -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/19/2009 5:30:34)

What I would like to post:
This is my DA
I am mostly a traditional artist, using mechanical pencils, and a variety of pens. Currently, I am improving my digital art skills with the program "Corel Painter Essentials." It is an artist-friendly program and renders many brushes very realistically. Therefore, the art I post will most likely look real, not digital. My style consists of dark deeply shaded portraits, weapon designs, and anime figures.

Constructive Criticism for the Non-Sig Images:
1. Blue dragon on a papyrus background.
When I viewed the image for the first time, I could not tell what the blue figure was. This was mainly because the extremities of the shading are not exaggerated enough. There should (IMO) be more of a shine to his scales as to render the whole figure friendly towards the eyes. Also, the background color clashes with the dark blue of the dragon. If you would add a more detailed and darker scene in the background, this would also be more pleasing to the eyes. There is trouble with the shading, too. Everything looks "pillow shaded," which is that the shading does not follow a consistent light source, but is just confined inside the region. Then, the head looks a tad bit large for the dragon's body. If perspective was intended, it is not apparent enough.

But, I admire the ability to create works depicting beasts and mythical creatures. I have never had the ability to do so. Also, the eye is excellent!

2. Full body Fire Emblem Edit with dark hair and leather gloves
To start, the head looks a little detached from the neck. It seems to be too far back. Also, there is a lack of shading on the dragonskin vest she is wearing. Also, there is an intense difference between the rendering of the skin and the clothes. The skin is shaded well, and contains depth, but the clothes are shaded shallowly with only two tones. Another imperfection is the confusion of gender. The figure has a femenine face, but a seemingly thin male build. Next time, accentuate the chest and hips and thin up the waist to show it is female, or broaden the shoulders and add muscle to show a male. Then, (and I cannot stress this enough) Make sure the curves are parallel. The downwards curve of the sleeves and the upwards curve of the leather gloves does not match and looks like the figure has a broken arm!

Your creative armor design inspires me to draw more! It is great, but the color scheme of the skirt and shirt may be a bit off.

You should not create links that are random because then you will not know what the users are commenting on.

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Quick Taco -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (1/19/2009 22:14:16) *This is my signature :)*Enlarge the page with the pic on, to get the real image

Image #1 (sig)
Don't like the cool helmed-eagle on a pink background, I suggest a crimson red. When you do that the black text will be harder to read, so also make the text a lighter color. Everything pretty much goes smoothly with the sig. How you placed the eagle was good. You put the important part, the head, body and wings, on the sig. Pretty much it's a good sig, it fits the theme "Death from Above."

Image #2 (sig)
The render was nice, lady playing a guitar. The shining that you put on the neck of the guitar was neat, just darken it a little. I like the character by the lower right corner, it doesn't stick out too much and isn't too hard to notice. I also like the shining to the left of the girl, also darken this, it makes the shine on the guitar neck, make more sense. The blue bits on the left don't look right with the red background. Overall, it's a nice, balanced sig, but still get rid of those blue shards.

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