RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (Full Version)

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Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 19:12:30)

Heya. :)

Please describe to me what you see below.
Agh! My eyes!

Did Alac turn your hands and arms into triangles?
I went for the squares. :)

How is the incinerator?
Lovely and toasty warm.

Can I PM you more questions as soon as this thread is locked?
Within reason, yes. ;)

Will you comment on my gallery? It is in my sig.
If I ever get the time to apply for Approved Artist, which probably won't happen sadly. :P

If you see spam you will
a) Jump out your window and shrivel up and die
b) Delete it with pride <--- This one, of course.
c) Let someone else do it and go farm DF
d) Make alac do it since she is the mod
e) Faint in your chair in terror

If you see flaming you will
a) Melt and die
b) Warn the person and lock them up <--- Ah, I've figured out that the answer is always B. :D
c) Promote them to AK
d) Call the police
e) Quit the forums

Please pretend this says your name on it because I am too lazy to remake it. :)
Your one and only, SUPRISE!
Eh, we're both Homer, same diff. :P

Howler -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 19:18:12)

Dude, I remember you from the DF Q/A! Long time no see.
Really? Thanks. :)

1. Do you like cherries?
They're alright on some cakes, but other than that I find them too sweet.

2. Ever tried making digital art?
I have indeed, I made my sig myself and have done a few other bits and bobs from time to time. ^_^

3. Why Homer?
Because Homer > You. >:D

4. The red pill or the blue pill?
Red's my favourite colour. :D

5. Out of AQ/DF/MQ, what's your favorite?
DF, definitely.

6. You like MMORPGS?
I've seen plenty, but have never had the time to give one a proper go, like WoW and such.

8. Ever played an instrument? If so, please specify which.
I'm not too bad on the piano, that's about it though. :)

9. Did you notice that I skipped number 7?
I did, actually. :P

10. Have you heard of Half-Life 2 or Portal?
Of course, I'm a big PC Game fan. :D

11. Is the cake a lie?

I have no more questions, so bye. And I wish I could be an AK...

See you! :)

Destro* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 19:30:04)

I'm back with more comments/questions

1. So you say that beige rules and call me a fool eh. well Orange = DA PWNAGE!

2. I know many wants to know what the meaning of life... that's why I asked?

3. Did you read that with the inflection of sarcasm? I was trying to make it seem like I was angry. I'm using mind games now :/

I will give more questions next page... all 10 probably *evil laugh*

*Ahem* One post per two pages if you don't mind. >:D *ignores*

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 19:51:06)

Step in to my office, Mr. Perfectly Jugular Cat. (close enough?)
It'll do. :P

I just have a few questions, fairly boring, but at least be happy I'm not stealing others' questions from other MtAKs this time. D:

First off, I need you to describe this "celebratory dance" that you did.
As I said earlier, I did the Macarena. I invited my friends over; we were all wearing outrageously pink clothes, and I partied on through the night. Honest!

Second, I must know what your favorite type of comedy is (if any). Examples would be slapstick, clever, etc. You better like Monty Python. >:|
Heh, I'm a fan of more "in-your-face" comedy, but I'm pretty open as to what I like to watch. I'm afraid Monty Python is a bit past my day as well. :P

Hmm... Finally, and this is possibly the most important question in this interview, tell me who your favorite AK is. Now, you can be straight with me and admit that it's me not diplomatic. I'm sure whoever it is will be happy to defend you in front of the others. *cough*
I'm feeling somewhat unoriginal at the moment, so I'll go with the old, "I have a whole list of them, right here." You know, you should check it out sometime, I heard someone secretly put you on that list. :D

That shall be all for today, I'd say. Congrats and welcome! ^_^
Thanks, and thanks! :)

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:09:18)

Why hello there, a new AK!
Really? Wow!

1) Can I be an AK? Pretty please!
*Prods Frayzer's title*

2) Hows the shackles? Are they great?
They're beige, and beige = great, so of course! ^_^

3) If you could AK other forums, what will it be?
I'm all good and happy with DragonFable, although Newbie Help would be a secondary choice. :)

4) Favourite Movie?
There are loads, too many to decide methinks.

5) Am I of any significance to you? :P
Of course, my fellow AKs are of utmost importance to me.

6) Dream Job?
Anything with a fantastic pay would be nice. :P

Congratulations again pjc!
Thanks Frayzer!

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:10:21)

placeholder. Oh, and if you get to this, just to keep you busy until I have time to edit my questions in, do you know blues?
Yep, but I don't plan on battling over Homer or anything. :P
Aw.... Anyways, Im back, and for the purpose of you finding these Ill type in bold.

Whats your favorite color?
Beige is always good (of course!) but I like red too.

Why did you choose that forum name?
'Tis up to you to guess. :P

Why did you choose that title?
It was sort of given to me. :P Hopefully I'll be changing it sometime soon.

Homer vs every other simpsons guy?
Homer, of course.

Simpsons vs Family guy?
Not this question again... I honestly can't decide between the two. :o

Do you have Homer Simpsons Disease?
I'm sure Homer Simpson has many diseases. :o

Whats your goal?
My goal is to fulfill my goal.

Quick, 25y + 11y = ?
36y. :o

Bye then, Ill be back maybe in 2 pages.
Au revoir!

Tavus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:14:59)

Hi pjc! *Huggles*
/me huggles Tavus :)

1) Which do you prefer: Magic, Ranged, or Melee?
Magic is always fun, but being a Warrior myself I'd have to say Melee.

2) Have you ever made your own fantasy character and pretendeed to be that character when you were bored?
Of course not. >_> <_<

3) Favorite book?
I'm afraid I don't have the opportunity to read much these days.

4) Do you have a "current generation" console? If not, which do you prefer or like to have>
I go by the principal that, who needs a console when you have a PC that supports most of the same games (or at least the games that I play). :P

5) What's your opinion of 1337?
U R N0T TEH 1337N355!!!11!!!1

Bye! *Huggles again*
See you around! :)

The Game -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:22:10)

Congratulations again pjc!
Thanks TG!

Do you know who I am?
Of course, exceptionally detailed and reliable CR&A AK and (former?) rater. :D

Wow, you are one of 3 new AKs this week
Yep, everything seems to be happening at once. It's all for the better though. :)

Well, have you decided on a cage yet? Mine is 2x2.
3x3, gives me room to type whilst still being painfully small. :o

I will not bother you any further. Bye!
See you!

hockeynerd19 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:32:08)

Congrats on the akship

Just a couple questions

Favourite animal
Cats for me. :)

Favourite food
Bacon, pizza, cheese... etc., there are lots.

What do u like more steak or ribs
Ah, I love both, too hard to decide.

favourite sport
I'm a fan of motorsports like F1 and rally, and I like football too.

do u like hockey
Not something I could take an enthusiastic interest in, really.

That's all and congrats again
Thanks! :)

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 20:45:17)

Holy chickencowz!
Where? :o

You never told me :(!
Yeah, sorry, I've been pretty busy recently with allsorts.

Congtraz we all knew it was coming![;)] (reminds you about TF thread from obinna)
Thanks! *Reminisces*

Well as you know I was shocked and whisper: Nearly fainted or at least my ardreline hit high!
Hehe, I think I was more shocked myself. :P

So will you still p.m. me?
As much as possible!

Are you going to get simpson to take over the world this week?
It'd be a nice thing to do, although I plan on an avvy change sometime soon. :P

What about the wolfie avatar from the last forum?...I liked him...
Eh, there are always plenty others to choose from.

What house are you in at MQ?
I don't really play MQ much, I haven't gotten round to choosing a house.

Well I don't want to tortue you all day with these questions since I've got some homework to do on a major project...sooooo....

Good luck AKing me (I promise I'll be good) and don't forget to p.m. me when you become a mod![;)]
Thanks, and I wouldn't expect it anytime soon for many reasons. XD

P.S. Also found out you got a helpful not too long ago news travels like a snail these days...Well anyways congrats and I'll be waiting for your p.m. on modship...Oh yeah one last question when exactly did you become an AK? (and nearly faint like me)
Three days ago, 21:35 GMT. :D

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:05:53)

'Twas about time!

1. Favorite book?
I'm afraid I don't read much these days.

2. Favorite musical artist?
I like loads; Evanescence, The Killers, Maroon 5, Nickelback... and the list goes on.

3. Favorite movie?
Too many to choose from. :P

4. Favorite type of sandwich?
Hmm... a good BLT is always nice. I do love some of the more exotic sandwiches you can get as well.

5. Favorite sport?
I'm a fan of motorsports, football, and there are many more.

6. Favorite food?
Bacon, pizza, cheese, and many many more.

7. Favorite DF NPC?
Captain Rhubarb. :P

8. Favorite DF weapon?
Sir Loin's Butter Knife is amongst my favourites. ^_^

9. Favorite forumite whose initials are SoC?
It must be... Stick of Candy!

10. Favorite...erm...cartoon character?
Dastardly from Dastardly & Muttley. :P

nosey123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:06:37)

Hi [:)]
Hi there. ^_^

Grats on being an AK

Does pjc a name for a school?
Nice guess, but no. :P

No more questions ^_^'
Bye! :)

Illuminati -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:18:21)

Howdy. :)

Snuggles ^_^
/me snugglehuggles Night_Shade

Do you like fluffy?*
Erm... yes? :o

What do you think of Fluffy?
He is very fluffy.

Are you Ebil or Evil?
Ebil, of course!

See you! :)

*The answer better be yes.....or else...MUAHAHAHAHA

kenshin23 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:40:07)

1)whats your favorite soda
No idea. :P

2)do you own any game systems
Only my trusty old PC, but that gets me by just fine. ^_^

3)family guy or simpsons
Too close to call, I love them both. :D

4)whats your favorite game out of all AQ,DF,or MQ

5)if i attacked you how would you respond
Send you a warning? :P

iilex -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:43:39)

1. Snake?

2. Where do you keep your pie stash?
In my hat.

3. Is there a secret AK meeting place?
It's right behind you!

4. A Simpsons fan says what?
Spider pig, spider pig...

5. Whats hiding underneath my bed?
Me! >:o

6. Can I be Helpful? Pwetty pwese? <.<
Depends what you're prepared to bribe me. :P

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 21:45:00)

Hello, pjc.[:)]
Hey LJK. :)

Hmm, didn't I first meet you in the OOC Room.......?
I honestly have no idea. :o

1.a. Do you own a Xbox 360?
I'm afraid not, but my trusty old PC does me well. :)

1.b. If you do, do you have Assassin's Creed or Bioshock? I resentally got my Xbox 360, as well as the two games...............I was amazed, the stories were so addictcting.........I got attached to them. I've finished Assassin's Creed, and am going to soon finish Bioshock.
N/A :P

2. Well, it can't hurt to ask. (Uses Defend) Family Guy or The Simpsons?
Agh, I still have no idea. I love them both equally.

3. Personal opinion question time! Would I make a good ArchKnight? (Yes, I've hear of the neverending torture, how someone owes AKs $10 or something, ect., ect.)
You've heard of it, but could you cope under the pressure of the real thing?

4. Have you ever read The Order of the Stick? Did you like it?
Nope, I don't read much I'm afraid (I suppose it includes webcomics too :P)

Alright then. See you around.[:)]
See you! :)

Sereoul -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 22:07:28)

Sup Dawg! 0_o

Do you like any anime/manga?
Not a fan of either, to be honest. :P

What are your favorite console games?
I'll take that to mean PC games, and I like the Unreal Tournament/Quake series, and a few others too.

Apart from AE's sites, what is your favorite site?
Not sure about sites, but you'll often find me on IRC and MSN when I'm not on the forums. :)

Do you have any interesting talents?
Not really, I'm a very physically untalented individual even at my age, my joints are all aching and old. :P

OMG, i iz done! Oh, and congrats on the AKship!
Thanks! ^_^

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 22:17:36)

welcome! :D *snugglehugglepounces*
Ag! :D *huggles*

just wanted to drop by, say hi, lurk some more, disappear and let you go to work ;) shackles aren't there for no reason >:D
Hehe, alrighty. I'm already starting to feel the soreness around my wrists. :P

congrats! *waves* see you around soon! :D
Thanks! See you! :D

IndieDrummer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 22:47:28)

Omg, hey hey!

It's you!
It is? :o

Bah, maybe I can be like you one day... :p

Wow, I'm exactly like me! :P

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 22:52:49)

I've seen your name before, but eh I've seen lots of them.

Seems people are surprised, so where were you active in?
I was mainly active around the DF boards, I think a fair few people just didn't see it coming, that's all. :P

Ok now that we've got that settled time for the torture fun to begin.

What's 23 mean to you?
It means one more to me than 22.

Sin(84+1.437193812-1298348/1919*103)+1= 0.919395275

What does the word paramour bring to mind?
Makes me think of French, and love. :D

What's does Das Straiht mean?
Beyond me, I only speak English and French. :P

Do you like elves? (They are watching you!)
Only if they like the colour beige!

Do you want a cookie?


If I gave you a pie would you put a word in for me to become an AK? (The elves are watching you!)
Ah, the old pie-bribing. Depends what flavour. :P

If I let you have as many toturing fun questions as you want in a MtAk thread, if I become one, will you put a word in for me?
Absolutely not. :)

Well time for the last question, and yes this is the 10th, Has Pae or Alac totured you and locked you in a prison yet?
Alac has been fairly nice to me so far seeing as I'm new, but I can't expect that to last for long. I can hear the whips coming closer down the corridor each night. :o

hooded figure -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/12/2008 22:56:34)

Hi there!
Hey! :)

Now on to some boring questions(but mostly informative):

1.) Biggest Pet Peeve?
Hmm... I have plenty, but I suppose one is arrogant people.

2.) Favorite type of Ice Cream?
Vanilla FTW. *drools*

3.)Favorite Food(overall)?
Bacon, pizza, cheese, and many more, there are too many to choose from overall.

4.) Favorite Sport?
I like motorsports, and a few others as well. :)

5.) How do you view the world?
As a glorious place slowly being ruined by humans. D:

6.)Favorite Movie?
There are many, again too many to decide. :P


Cheddar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 0:20:17)

W00T! Congrats on becoming an AK!

Now for my questions!

1) What do you think of deep sea fishing?
Hmm... something seems fishy about it...

2) What is your quest?
I have many quests.

3) Do you know...[whisper]the muffin man[/whisper] O,o?
Psst... I am the muffin man...

4) What is the meaning of life (and don't say 42! That is the meaning of life, the universe and everything!)?
Well just take two off to account for the universe and everything, and voila, the meaning of life is 40.

5) If you were to organize art, religion, science, politics, and philosophy into a chart (it can be 2 or 3 or 256 dimensions), how would you organize them?
But I just finished school for a whole week today, and you expect me to know this? >_<

6) If she sells sea shells down by the sea shore, what is her income O.o?
She has no income, all she has is the crabs and animals on the beach to keep her company.

7) Who is your favorite staff member in Artix Entertainment?
I'd have to say Ghost.

8) What does/did the holy grail look like?
A fancy golden cup with sequins on. :)

9) Do you think free masons are the successors of the knights templar?
Erm... is this a trick question?

10) What is your opinion on the anti-scientology Anonymous movement?
Scientology all seems a bit "crazy" to me, not too informed of any movements against it really.

11) In your opinion, what's cooler: Punk Rock, Gothic Rock, or Emo Rock (or Emo RAP O_O)?

12) Are you the bee's knees?

That's all for now. Adios (does that have an accent on it?) amigo (what about that?)!
*Stops at 10 questions* Sayonara!

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 0:30:39)

Fools! All of you! It is Pie Jumping Cat, and he knows it! >:D *pointpoint at pj*
I still have the picture, too. e_e

The prophecy has been fulfilled... I WASN'T there... darn my luck! :o
I'm just awkward like that, and it's sort of revenge for all the MtAKs that went up whilst I was asleep due to my time zone. :P

Meh, anyway, second page is nice too. Now, I noticed that some AKs had to give up their title to fit all of their working places in. *points at Agz above him :(* Will you have a place for your title?
I think I've got something figured out, we'll have to see.

Favorite movie?
There are too many to choose from...

Favorite or Favourite? xP
Favourite, thou shalt not omitteth the "u".

Is the meaning of life 42 because a brick with butter = shelf without pants?
Perhaps, but little do you realise that (Santa^2)*(dartboard + combover)/Spoon = Donkey wearing a tiara.

So uh.. played any good games lately? On what console? :P
Played plenty of games, but all on my good old PC. :P

Are you waiting for the exciting Fenga match in the U-Games next Zardian? :D Because I am. (Go go work those fingers type those words gogogogo Circe! :D)
Of course, I've got my £5 on Team Werewolf! :D

I'll stop there to.. you guessed it! To save you a headache. ;P Hmm although I don't think I did, you probably are already in a deep one. You don't know what you are stepping into do you? xP
Don't worry, I'm all fine PC. *doubles over in pain*

Sierra_Nocturne -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 0:50:13)

Congrats!! I knew it would happen one day! :)
Thanks! :)

Samus or Link?
Both? :P

Galanoth or Artix?

Jack Sparrow or Barbossa?
Jack Sparrow, definitely.

Optimus Prime or Megatron?
/me kicks himself for never getting round to seeing Transformers. :o

^_^ or =_=?

Done now. And congratulations again. :D
Thanks, and see you!

Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 3:06:02)

Wow. Congratz to pjc for EARNING AKship.

No questions here though. :p

See you around... [:)]
Thanks, and see you around! :)

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