RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (Full Version)

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Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:30:58)


There's not much to ask you. >_>

Any sports you like to play aside from BasketBall?

What's your rank on the Kinsey scale?

Favorite IRC channels?

Manhattan or Long Island? =o

Byes and stuff.

Pie Munchies -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:31:56)

Where do babies come from?

T/F: Oscar The Grouch is really an orangutan in disguise?

Why did you ruin my childhood?


Onomatopoeia -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:32:41)

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to set you on fire, how would you react?

Do you imagine that being set on fire might be painful?

If so, why?

If not, then what is the name of your race and how do you intend to enslave Humanity?

How likely are you to succumb to reverse psychology?

I don't want you to reveal all your darkest secrets to me that I might blackmail you with them.

Agent Redemption -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 23:49:54)

1. who should we be more annoyed with cats or mailmen?

2. which is better petsmart or petco?

3. which is more fun eating garbage or digging up a garden?

4. what's the best sleeping spot?

5. fetch or tug of war?

6. beggan strips or snausages?

7. Rin Tin Tin or Lassy?

8. which is worse vets or baths?

9. what's more fun to chew shoes or antiques?

10. know any good tricks?

11. what are your thoughts on Pavlov?

12. how much is that doggie in the window?

13 Cifford or Scooby?

14. are you good at poker?

15. We all know that Dogs that have an extremely low flash point and boiling point, and give out gases that catch fire in contact with air, what is the safest way to store a dog when not in use?

Solaron -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:51:46)


1. if you could transform into a dog-human hybird, would you?

2. What woud you do if you had to kill a puppy to save 2 puppies, and consider this, the puppy you would have to kill is the cutest one ever?


4.D:< :P :) said you've seen me once or twice on the fourms, Where did you see me?

6.Are you male or female?

7.Why do you love puppies so much?


9.What do you think my name means?

10.Boxer or Bulldog?

11.Werewolf or vamipre?

12.Favorite book?

12.If you were allowed 1 kill without any kind of consecuences who would you kill?

14. why were there two 12s?


Baker -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 0:12:12)

Hey Magick, just dropping in to say welcome back.

Welcome back! And baseball = bball, not basketball = bball. D:<

Mobius -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 0:22:00)

1) Finish the quote, "Longcat is _________________________________________"

2) How do you like your EFG, with mask or without?

3) What are the first two rules of the internet?

4) Pool's closed, why?

5) So i herd u liek mudkipz.

6) What does one not simply do?

7) Why does Tay Zonday move away from the mic?

8) Ceiling cat, good or evil?

9) What is the less verbose translation of: "My light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is currently being energized"?

10) What is Millhouse not?

11) When it's time to party what do you do?

12) What are the two correct actions to undertake when lions have spotted in your vicinity?

13) Puppy, what does the scouter say about his power level?

14) How do I shot web?

15) What is one to say after dividing by zero?

16) The cake, what is it?

17) Choose one, do a barrel roll or become an hero.

18) Is there ever a case in which a cat is fine too?

19) Chris Hanson or Pedobear?

20) What's the appropriate follow up to the phrase "Za Warudo"?

Crz_Mirror -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 0:55:49)

Hmm... who are you again I think be have met before?

Just kidding, Congratulations!

So why did you move to OOC?

Which place do you like better, DFGGD or OOC?

So you like basketball eh, whose your favorite player?

So if I gave you an autographed bastketball from that player would you put a word in for me to become an AK?

What, are you serious?

Want me to go get my elf armarda?


So whose the weirdest AK/Mod in the OOC? (Balos right?)

No, just no.


ZOMGBBQ there's a dead bird flying upsidedown in a U.F.O?

Favorite number?

Dr. Pepper is the favorite number right?

Illuminator -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 1:31:25)

1. Wassup

2. Did you ever at any time change your forum name?

3. How come you aren't tied up in a dungeon being forced to answer questions?

4. What is the meaning of your life?

5. What about my life?

6. Do you like cheese?

7. Are you a geek, nerd, or other?

8. Any pets?

9. Did you see the Mythbusters where they cut down a tree with a minigun?

10. What exactly is your avatar?

11. Are you really a human teenager?

12. Do you enjoy randomness?

13. If you made the Earth what shape would you have made it?

14. Is there a super secret mafia group out to get me?

15. Are you a part of it?

I guess that would be 15 wouldn't it. I'm off to somewhere else.

Zidaine -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 1:48:16)

East cost or mid east?

Xbox Live?

If so what games

What game systems.

Do you play Final fantasy

If so which is your favorite

hooded figure -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 2:20:48)

Hi there Puppy!

1.)Do you play fetch?

2.) Dog-food or ice cream?

3.)Baseball or Soccer?

4.)So, Who hauled you in with " the chains'?

5.)Frisbee time!!

6.) Cookie anyone..?

7.)Aking a boring job?

8.)Any other preference you would have on Aking(what area would you like to moderate)?

9.)Tennis or Basketball?

10.) Anyone up for singing?

Nicky -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 2:29:55)


Hiyas! :)

What does it feel like to be doing MtAK again?

Yeah... I agree. I think.

Anyways, I'll leave you to it.

Have fun :P.

weatherseed -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 2:37:01)

Oh, Hai. Didn't see you walk in.

What do you think of Balos as your lord and master?
What do Apple Jacks taste like?
If Green Jello sucks, then how bad could Green Jell˙ be?
Is there another Skywalker?
What is the magic number?
If the MKIA and the BtN were to join forces, would the stock market fall?
Where would you go for Rosh Hashana?
Goo Goo G'joob?
What instruments do you play?
Have they let Elnaith out of the mod fridge yet?
What is your favorite language, save your native tongue?
Were would you rather be?
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. What do we call this area?
Spork, Balos, and ZLOK want to form a quartet. Would you join, or let Dadric take the limelight?
Could you out jabber the Jabberwock?
This is not the 16th question?

T Hood -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 3:09:13)


Here's a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up"

That's all, I'm done.

Quiet Soul -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 4:35:56)

Wai hello thar and other cheesy greetings.

Checkers or chess?

Do you enjoy your new powers?

Kitties or puppies? (I chuckled as I made this question) I prefer cute little puppies. I have a Shiba Inu, and it's completely adorable. I'd have more dogs, but my family can't handle it. I think that just about every puppy of every breed looks awesomely cute. :)

Favourite breed of dog puppy? =D

Favourite kind of fastfood?

Favourite kind of food?

Favourite animal?

Favourite plant?

Favourite country?

Favourite pasttime?

Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft?

c u laitar aligaitar and other cheesy things to say instead of goodbye.

teh Zombie -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 6:34:51)

Hey! I love puppys!


Shoe Chewer?

Fave toy?

Fave meat?

How much would you rate cats out of 10?

What will happen when you turn into a dog?

Who adopted you to be a AK?

Anyway thats all *gives my leg bone to puppy*


Shadow Curse -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 6:40:15)

Puppy! Yay!

So.. what's happening?

Congratz. ^_^

That's all I can think of.

See you later!

Gers1 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 6:59:16)

Congrats Puppy!

What is your favourite sport other than basketball?

Do you have a puppy?

Apart from Basketball, what do you do in your spare time?

DragonfirelordFlare -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 8:24:09)

sock or shoe?

do you believe in doggy heaven?

how about the other place in the opposite direction?

What's your favorite sound to make?

if you do have a puppy, what breed is he/she?

do you even have any pets?

are you driven by a want of canine company to call yourself puppy?

what is the meaning of life?

is there life after death?

could you survive a nuclear apocalypse?

are my questions getting annoying?

does god exist?

what form is he (i.e. dog, human)?

Do you even answer religous based questians?

Is this som ething you do for fun?

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 8:24:26)

Ohai thar.

1. Favorite video game console?

2. Favorite musician(s)?

4. Favorite...erm... type of car?

5. Favorite movie?

6. Favorite type of dog?

9. Do you like cats?

3. Why or why not?

8. Favorite AE game?

7. Favorite forum board?

23. Favorite number?

11. Have you been paying attention to the question numbers?

14. Did you have to go back and count the questions to answer the previous question?

13. Weren't you an AK before?

15. Is this really my last question?


Frayzer -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 8:43:30)

Puppy! Welcome back!

1. You do notice that your previous MtAK isn't finished yet, isn't it? :P

2. Can I be an AK? Please!

3. Honestly, do you hate me?

4. If you could mod other boards, where will you mod?

Thats about it. Don't wanna bother you too much. I'll poke you in IRC if I have any questions to asked. Bye!

Mo -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 9:08:13)

1.Do you ever ponder off to the creative art forums?

2.On a rating of 1-10, how crazy am I on debates.

3.How come I have never seen you?

4.How do you like pups so much?

5.Do yeh liek takle h4xors 1337 langauge?

6.Writing or animating?

7.Why is your name Puppy?

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 9:17:04)


1. Death Note or One Piece?

2. Guardian Pat or Puppy? :P

3. Puppy or Cat?

4. Strict AK or Cool AK?

5. AQ, MQ or DF?

That's all, thank you :D

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/24/2008 10:10:46)

It's Puppy!

I thought you were from the DFGD? I thought you had a meet the AK there...

You haven't posted random news that I occasionally read recently...was that you? I get confused [&:]

My title is cooler then yours...!

The last one wasn't really a question... Other then OOC, what board is your most favouritest?

Favourite number? Mines seven...

Are you going to slay spam forever? Hmm...I'm going to write a story about Ak's... (Yes, I'm very bored)

Ever played rugby? Do you like it if you have?

That's all I can think of...BYE!

Bone_funny -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/24/2008 10:44:41)

hi!*ties puppys hands to the chair*

are you magic number23?

dogs or puppys?

pepperoni or sausage?

i hate school,do you?

favirote game?

why the name puppy?


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