Houses (Full Version)

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Vaseline28 -> Houses (2/28/2008 14:18:27)

House Wolfblade

Location: GEARS University
Directions: GEARS University -> Denara -> Houses -> Wolfblade

Missions Available:
  • The Labyrinth
  • Challenge

    Shops Available:
  • House Wolfblade Mecha
  • House Wolfblade NG Mecha
  • House Wolfblade Weapons
  • House Wolfblade NG Weapons
  • House Wolfblade Mecha Upgrades
  • Houses Upgrade Kits

  • Xaria
  • Anastasia

    Anastasia: Welcome to the house Wolfblade. We are the champions of the preliminary rounds of the GEARS Games!

    If you're not a member of House Wolfblade

    Joining the Wolfblade
    Anastasia: You wish to become a member of Wolfblade? This is a very important decision. Do not take this lightly.
    Anastasia: Once you join a house, you may never join another house. This is a lifetime commitment.
    Anastasia: Are you SURE you wish to join this house?
    Anastasia: Absolutely sure?
    Anastasia: Third time's the charm... ARE YOU FULLY COMMITTED TO THIS DECISION?
    Anastasia: Very well then, before you become a member, you must pass a test....
    Anastasia: House Runehawk's newest initiates have dishonored us most horribly!
    Anastasia: They have stolen the Wolf Blade from this house. They believe that we stole one of their artifacts and this is their retaliation.
    Anastasia: How dare they accuse of thievery! This is an insult! We are honorable warriors, not thieves!
    Anastasia: The Wolfblade is our most treasured possession. It is said that the warrior who is able to wield it is the true ruler of the galaxy.
    Anastasia: Those dishonorable Runehawk initiates have taken the blade into Pandora's Labyrinth deep beneath GEARS.
    Anastasia: You must go into the labyrinth and search for the item. Your access level for the labyrinth is Blue.
    Anastasia: The labyrinth is full of many very real dangers. Only a true warrior can survive. Are you ready to venture forth?

    After obtaining the Wolfblade:
    Anastasia: That was very heroic! The Wolfblade is back where it belongs!
    Anastasia: House Wolfblade would be honored to have you as a member.
    Anastasia: Do you still wish to join? Remember, there is no turning back! You may only ever join one house!

    Anastasia: Very well then, you are now officially a member of Wolfblade! Bring honor to our house, initiate!

    After the Wolfblade is retrieved

    Anastasia: More missions will be added soon. In the meantime, you still have blue access to the Labyrinth.

    Anastasia: Display your dedication to fashion with our official house uniforms! We also have our own hairstyle!

    Anastasia: The Wolfblade mecha is the heaviest and toughest war machine on the planet!

    Anastasia: We just received our first shipment of new items! Maybe this will give us an edge in the Games.

    Anastasia: To upgrade your mecha, first purchase an upgrade kit. Then, combine it with your mecha in the mecha upgrade shop!

    Anastasia: House Wolfblade follows the spirit of the warrior. We are dedicated to helping those in need.
    Anastasia: Our Mechas are balanced for combat. A true warrior must be able to handle a large variety of combat situations.
    Anastasia: We value leadership and honor. We have great strength of body and spirit.
    Anastasia: Our members are born leaders. Many heroes have come from this house.

    Other Information:
  • Xaria was replaced by Anastasia after being kidnapped by the Shadowscythe during the GEARS Games.
  • Hairstyles available: WB Bandana, WB Samurai, WB Buns, WB Tiara

    *Thanks to ShiitakeWarrior for corrections, Yagno2000 for missions!*

  • Peachii -> RE: Houses (5/3/2011 7:52:31)

    House Runehawk

    Location: GEARS University
    Directions: GEARS University -> Denara -> Houses -> Runehawk

    Missions Available:
  • The Labyrinth
  • Challenge

    Shops Available:
  • House Runehawk Mecha
  • House Runehawk NG Mecha
  • House Runehawk Weapons
  • House Runehawk NG Weapons
  • House Runehawk Mecha Upgrades
  • Houses Upgrade Kits

  • Jaania

    Jaania: Welcome to the house Runehawk. Only those who have a total dedication to knowledge may become members.

    If you're not a member of House Runehawk

    Joining the Runehawk
    Jaania: You wish to become a member of Runehawk? This is a very important decision. Do not take this lightly.
    Jaania: Once you join a house, you may never join another house. This is a lifetime commitment.
    Jaania: Are you SURE you wish to join this house?
    Jaania: Absolutely sure?
    Jaania: Third time's the charm... ARE YOU FULLY COMMITTED TO THIS DECISION?
    Jaania: Very well then, before you become a member, you must pass a test....
    Jaania: House Wolfblade's newest recruits have played a very serious and dangerous prank on us.
    Jaania: They have stolen the Drakylon Cube from this house. This item is very important to us.
    Jaania: Not only is it the symbol of our house, it is the key to discovering the fate of the ancient dragons!
    Jaania: We have been studying this box for years trying to unlock its secrets... We have almost discovered how to open it.
    Jaania: Those Wolfblade thugs have taken the cube and hidden it in Pandora's Labyrinth, deep beneath the University.
    Jaania: You must go into the labyrinth and search for the item. Your access level for the labyrinth is Blue.
    Jaania: Be very careful. The labyrinth is full of many very real dangers. Are you ready to venture forth?

    After obtaining the Drakylon Cube:
    Jaania: Excellent work! You have proven your dedication to House Runehawk. The Drakylon Cube has been restored to its rightful location.
    Jaania: You have earned the right to become a member of House Runehawk!
    Jaania: Do you still wish to join? Remember, there is no turning back! You may only ever join one house!

    Jaania: Very well then, you are now officially a member of Runehawk! Bring honor to our house, initiate!

    After the Drakylon Cube is retrieved

    Jaania: More missions will be added soon. In the meantime, you still have blue access to the Labyrinth.

    Jaania: Display your dedication to fashion with our official house uniforms! We also have our own hairstyle!

    Jaania: We have harnessed the power of the Mechronomicon to create the ultimate mecha! In fact, all of our mechas come with a copy...

    Jaania: We just received our first shipment of new items! Maybe this will give us an edge in the Games.

    Jaania: To upgrade your mecha, first purchase an upgrade kit. Then, combine it with your mecha in the mecha upgrade shop!

    Jaania: House RuneHawk is dedicated to merging ancient powers with new technologies.
    Jaania: Our Mechas are driven by an ancient natural natural power source called Mana. This allows us to have high energy levels.
    Jaania: We are currently studying the mysterious disappearance of Dragons from this Galaxy
    Jaania: Ancient Texts allude the existence of a hidden planet where dragons may still exist
    Jaania: If we can discover the location of this planet, we can solve the mystery of their dissapearance.
    Jaania: Imagine the significance of such a discovery!

    *Thanks to Yagno2000 for missions; littlejuror for info and corrections; Vaseline28 for original entry!*

  • Peachii -> RE: Houses (5/3/2011 7:53:45)

    House Mystraven

    Location: GEARS University
    Directions: GEARS University -> Denara -> Houses -> Mystraven

    Missions Available:
  • The Labyrinth
  • Challenge

    Shops Available:
  • House Mystraven Mecha
  • House Mystraven NG Mecha
  • House Mystraven Weapons
  • House Mystraven NG Weapons
  • House Mystraven Mecha Upgrades
  • Houses Upgrade Kits

  • Casca

    Casca: Welcome to the house Mystraven. If you want to join, then go right on ahead.

    If you're not a member of House Mystraven

    Joining the Mystraven
    Casca: You wish to become a member of Mystraven? This is a very important decision. Do not take this lightly.
    Casca: Once you join a house, you may never join another house. This is a lifetime commitment.
    Casca: Are you SURE you wish to join this house?
    Casca: Absolutely sure?
    Casca: Third time's the charm... ARE YOU FULLY COMMITTED TO THIS DECISION?
    Casca: Very well then, before you become a member, you must pass a test....
    Casca: Houses Wolfblade and Runehawk are always fighting. It's pretty irritating, actually.
    Casca: Anyway, a few days ago, while they were busy fighting, we decided to snoop around in House Runehawk.
    Casca: While flipping through their dusty and boring tomes, we found out about something pretty wild!
    Casca: There is a doorway within this very house that seemingly goes nowhere. It is actually a doorway to another dimension!
    Casca: There is a being behind the door that can grant a wish to the one who can open the door. That sounds like fun!
    Casca: The secret to opening it lies deep within Pandora's Labyrinth, deep beneath the University.
    Casca: You must go into the labyrinth and search for the item. Your access level for the labyrinth is Blue.
    Casca: Be very careful. The labyrinth is full of many very real dangers. Are you ready to venture forth?

    After you've completed the mission

    Casca: More missions will be added soon. In the meantime, you still have blue access to the Labyrinth.

    Casca: Display your dedication to fashion with our official house uniforms! We also have our own hairstyle!

    Casca: Mystraven Mechas are awesome. We can move very fast and deliver powerful critical strikes!

    Casca: We just recieved our first shipment of new items! Maybe this will give us an edge in the games.

    Casca: To upgrade your mecha, first purchase an upgrade kit. Then, combine it with your mecha in the mecha upgrade shop!

    Casca: House Mystraven has no credo. We just live life to the fullest.
    Casca: We amuse ourselves by regularily interfering with the other two houses.
    Casca: Our latest prank was to steal their treasured artifacts and hide them in Pandora's Labrynth.
    Casca: Of course, they blamed each other and have been fighting over it. They take themselves sooo seriously.
    Casca: Their long-standing rivalry is why they haven't caught on to us yet!
    Casca: Look, those other two houses are so predictable. They're like paper cut-outs...
    Casca: Wolfblades are honorable like knights and Runehawks always have their noses in books.
    Casca: We don't fit any moulds...We're individuals. If you want to have an interesting time, then join us...

    Other Information:

    *Thanks to Vaseline28 for original entry, ZamuelNow for dialogs informations, Leon ShadowHart for corrections!*

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