Ianthe -> Bullyfighters! (3/9/2008 19:29:58)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/image] Bullyfighters! [image]http://www.battleon.com/images/previews/preview-bully.gif[/image] «Scene: Battleon» Rico: It's great to see you, «You»! I am the legendary bullyfighter RICO AZUCAR, and we have a BIG problem! Rico: I need your help! A teenage minotaur named Billy Magroo is know by all the kids in school as a bully, but now he is a BIG bully! Uh-oh! Rico: Billy Magroo found a barrel full of magical growth potion that was lost by a wizard and he drank the whole thing. He grew 50 feet tall and decided that he could bully the whole town! Wow... Rico: Can you team up with everyone and fight Billy Magroo? You can visit me between battles to get special advice and bully-battling weapons! Okay! Help your fellow Adventurers save town from the bully Billy Magroo! Back to Town
WAR CAMP Bully Fighters! The teenage minotaur Billy Magroo drank a barrel of Bovine Growth Potion (BGP) and is now 100 times normal size, and a million times tougher! With the help of legendary bullyfighter Rico Azucar, who will supply us with special items and hard-earned wisdom, we must join together to stop Billy before town is crushed under his hooves! Your fellow Adventurers need you now! To Battle! Back to Town Twilly: Hiyas!! We need your help to stop the giant bully!!! Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Heal me please Let me handle this! Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thank you! Clickies! Galanoth, head of the Order of Dragonslayers! Artix Krieger, leader of the Paladins! Robina the Hood has fletched herself special bully-hunting arrows! Warlic the ArchMage! To Battle! Bully Fighters! Who will you go into battle with? With Galanoth With Artix With Warlic With Robina ...«Note: Wind Version» By Yourself 1 BATTLE «As the war progresses, Billy slowly shrinks in size.»After each battle: Twilly: I can heal you now if you need help! Heal Me Battle On! Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thanks Twilly! Rico: «ADVICE» Battle Billy Magroo again! ...Borrow a special temporary item from Rico: Borrow the «ITEM»! ...(This item will disappear when you log out or switch characters) LeaveThe «ITEM» is randomly one of the four listed below. The «ADVICE» is randomly selected based on the item. Gumball Launcher weapon - Self-defence is all about timing: Time your escape perfectly.
- The best defence is a GOOD defence.
- You know what, I really like you. I feel like we've know each other for years. But your average bully won't feel that way. Something to keep in mind.
Anklebiter pet - It's always good to close your eyes and relax for a while before you try to do something hard. Some call this technique "meditation". I call it a nap.
- Sometimes it helps to make a bully laugh at you. Sometimes it doesn't. It's a roll of the dice, really.
- Your inner power is much more important than your outer power. I don't know what that means, but it's true.
Blingshot weapon - If you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, always remember the ABC's of dangerous situations: Always Be Careful. So that you don't get into dangerous situations.
- Do your best to avoid conflict. If you can't avoid it, then ask if the conflict can be rescheduled for a time when you are conveniently out of town.
- Tell everyone that you are into martial arts, even if you aren't. That way you're likely to make friends who know martial arts, and they can protect you.
Bullyfighter Armor - Don't ever back down from a bully. Unless they ask you nicely to back down.
- When I was your age, I had to be my own bodyguard. If you're older than I am, forget I said that.
- Aim for the enemy's week spot. If you miss that's okay, because true bad guys don't know they have a weak spot.
«After 600 000 Billy Magroos defeated» Full Heal 1 BATTLEWAR CHEST: Bullyfighters! Weapons Gumball Launcher Blingshot Armours Bullyfighter Bullyfighter Z Pets Anklebiter Replay Back to Town Advice thanks to wolverine558, .*. .*. .*., ShadowLurks, and silaren. Link correction thanks to afterlifex