RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (Full Version)

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Flamey123 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (1/19/2013 9:22:23)


The Sweep
Great MCs every 15 levels !


Essence of Wind Dragon (L150 Adventurer Void) crit-pwned me (poor L119 X-Guardian) when I had 250 HP , 25% WIND resistance and it had 120 HP :(

Darquess -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (1/19/2013 18:05:55)

Capes, everything is better with capes!
Why are you all not nodding and shouting your aproval at this most magnificent of proposals?

Fornever -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (1/19/2013 19:11:02)

Worst: Watching your health whittle away while Oikea Hekti gets 10+ turns at a time.

flashbang -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (1/19/2013 19:15:34)

Best/Worst:BoA It doesn't give you what you want when you need it IMO. Like I get mana drain when I need HP drain.

Techreus -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (6/21/2013 23:09:01)

Father Time. Ok I am level 93 and was rocking my level 10 or 14 or something Father Time shield from 2006. WHY? Because it rewinds my stats back to last battle frame with a 10% to when I first equipped shield which could be beginning of the battle. It let me be able to live that extra turn that I would need or I would die. It also was great as a Wizard to launch your 1000 mana spell deal a bunch of damage and get that mana back.

NOW IT IS BAD. It finally got brought back in the shop and I was amazed. Unfortionately it now has a CHANCE to return your stats AND the enemies to the last battle frame. So it literally is worthless now. + my shield got pumped up to level 50. Wierd.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (7/21/2013 11:06:51)

Best: I just wanted to point out that a lot of the high level misc items are awesome, keep it up AQ staff! :D

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (7/25/2013 6:31:09)

Best: Without the slightest Shadow of Doubt this prize will go to The Decimator. I absolutely adore Steampunk and having the chance go walk around in one and FAAAAAAAAAALCOOOOON PAAAAAAAAAAWNCH everything I want to is just brilliant.

Worst: Well, there is not a lot of bad things around here, but one I have to mention is the art of the Sea Titan monster. Please, someone redraw it S.O.O.N.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (7/26/2013 14:43:14)

best:2003 accounts! Because theyve seen all of lore and have expierienced all the lore of aq classic

Nightie -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (7/26/2013 16:27:39)

Best: Fully Defensive armours. Screw you, Triggy

Worst: Battles taking 12+ minutes

Darius -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (10/9/2013 7:40:41)

One of the best items I own has got to be The Decimator. The Fragile status its skill can inflict has got to be the quickest way to finish off monsters since Lucky Strikes were introduced. Also, its single swift stroke of a normal attack is a farmer's dream, cutting down on time spent waiting for animations to end, monsters to die, and rewards to pile up. Furthermore, it hits like a truck--no, like a speeding train coming down the line! WHAM! Bad guy dead! [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Doomknight Arakos -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (10/22/2013 8:10:56)

Best: Most MC sets, especially Horo-show Void set and the revamped Asgardian set. I love their designs and animations, not to mention their abilities.

Worst: Parodies... (Barry Jotter as an example) They're annoying and a lack of creativity, and may be more or less a sign that the AQ creators are running out of ideas or are just bored.

Seth Hydra -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (10/27/2013 6:27:16)

Best Armor: Decimator. Some might complain its too linear an armor, but dammit, It gets results! Its pulled me out of many dire situations with that one hit, one swipe sending Monstwrs to kingdom Come. Besides, its skill is great, especially combining it with Father Time to permanently destroy 1/4 th of the HP.
And the one hit is a revealation during wars. By far the best purchase Ive made in AQ ( And that includes LoTS, HoTS, Tinkerer and Hydro Blaze)


slace9932 -> under/overrated items. (11/20/2013 19:36:34)

This is as the title says. a discussion about what items you think are either underrated or overrated and why you think so. any items are fair game whether rare or not.

dragons are emo -> RE: under/overrated items. (11/20/2013 19:48:04)

horoshow-its defences aren't good against enemies with multi elemental attacks and its skill isn't attractable to me and specifically to me its not as good to me as to the shapechanger armour
underated- dragons knight- although its master craft skill isn't great it does quit a bit of damage and its defences provide well when earth armours( as quit a few are) don't provide well against certain multi elemental enemies, example- the leperchauns do both earth and light damage its light element is particalry damaging, ultragaurdian(earth) is weak to light, the dark werewolf armour is weak to light im screwed, oh hey this dragon knight has good enough light resistance and earth defence when paired with a light shield

zerimenzu -> RE: under/overrated items. (11/20/2013 19:57:26)

^It's hard to have armors and shields that protect perfectly against multi-elemental enemies. That's the point of having those enemies...

If you're looking for defenses, it's best to get an armor that's primarily focused on that one element. You could use a shield and a misc to make up for the second element that an opponent may be packing. Truphma Suit or Morningstar will provide better earth resistances than DK. Use an ethereal shield for reducing the light damage. Or, better yet, use Chimeran armor or Jester armor against earth/light since they defend well against both. I'd only use Horo-show against ice enemies, obviously. Despite its lack of other resistances, its high MRM and SP-restoring bonus from the set helps you to block more and cast waters of immortality more often if you need. I think Horo-Show has earned its time in the spotlight. It's simply a super useful set of items with a useful and practical bonus to boot.

I do agree that DK is underrated, though. Too many people are focusing on FO and they compare it with an FD armor when their purposes are obviously not the same. DK has some very beefy defenses and, IMO, the 0.9 lean provides more protection while not really hurting the damage output TOO much. You can pair it with a bow or spells, and its attack is respectable enough for warriors to use as well. If Overlord ever gains an offensive lean, DK would be my new go-to armor.

Zeldax -> RE: under/overrated items. (11/20/2013 19:58:32)

DragonKnight: people say it does bad damage, but IMO it does more damage than my Moglord Tortress. Yes, its skill only works with the full set, but you dont really need it to win the battle.
Lord of the Skies: People say this is the perfect wind armor but IMO it does really low damage even with CIT. Overlord does more damage even though LotS is3 hit and Overlord is 4 hits. (Sorry to all those Lord of the Skies fans)

dragons are emo -> RE: under/overrated items. (11/20/2013 20:05:08)

I only meant the armour not the shield the shield is probably one of my favorites
its just that its(the armour) defences are not only bad, thier that their god awefull if you use it against anything except ice this liable to ohkos and the skill is made useless by this since if you don't kill them with the skill then your dead

Elryn -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (11/20/2013 20:13:56)

Please use the =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread for the comparison of items in terms of best/worst including under/overrated

slace9932 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (11/20/2013 20:25:18)

Best:kindreds valiance. severely underrated lately. hitting that damage cap will NEVER stop being useful.

worst: monsters with high dodging/blocking.

zerimenzu -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Best / Worst Thread (11/21/2013 4:20:08)

Underrated: Baby Chimeran. Cutest pet in the game.

Boreal Bolt plates. I'm hoping there will eventually be level 135 and 150 versions. They may not have the sturdy defenses of Fujin but they seem to be slightly more powerful than Asgardian, although they don't have the SP ability. Their selling point, to me, is their very reliable 3-hit attacks with the occasional (30% rate, I think) powered up attack. The animation never gets old and the wind resistance is pretty good and the water/energy resists aren't too shabby either. Neutral armors like this don't get enough recognition.

Overrated: Pretty much, to me, anything sort of attack that relies on a massive one-hit. Like one-hit armors of all kinds, such as Straightjacket and Horde armors. Their resistances are the only reason I'd pick them up. I really despite using one-hit armors and going 3 turns in a row without landing an attack. I'm actually willing to sacrifice unusual amounts amounts of damage in order for that damage to actually be reliable. Truphma Suit > Ep-pig, for instance.

Same thing applies to weapons, sort of. I prefer base-heavy over base-light weapons with high random damage. Onroth and Sacragon might be really powerful but the damage they deal jumps around like crazy and this is aggravated by their specials. If possible, I'd like all my weapon specials to deal at least 3 hits, too. I like having a large number of hits.

black knight 1234567 -> What in your opinion, is the game's best looking armor? (6/29/2015 18:38:53)

I'v been using Eventide Guise for so long because it looks so freakishly cool. I want a change so I thought why not ask the community about their opinion?
What armor is your favorite in appearance, and why?

Macho Man -> RE: What in your opinion, is the game's best looking armor? (6/29/2015 19:02:18)

Full Metal Santa was my favourite. Add in a skull face and it looked awesome.

Uskius -> RE: What in your opinion, is the game's best looking armor? (6/29/2015 19:05:18)

I'd say the Armor of Awe. There are a lot of flashy and dramatic armors, but AoA is just simple and beautiful. Plus, it's also color custom, which only a few other armors have. I'm also partial to Angelic Robes, as they're the first real armor with pure white wings. ^_^

Arlin -> RE: What in your opinion, is the game's best looking armor? (6/29/2015 19:11:51)

My favorite is easily White Knight. I also enjoy Jeff 's hand and Doom Knight. I would love to have legendary warrior armor but I know that's a slim possibility [:(]

4?1?2? -> RE: What in your opinion, is the game's best looking armor? (6/29/2015 19:29:52)

Ultimon Armor. Best. Double. Compression. Fully Offensive. Armor. Eva!

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