[GIMP]Tornado tag tut (Full Version)

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ShyTrake -> [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 17:22:52)

Hooray, meh second tut[;)] Here I'll teach ya how to make a koolio tag with a tornado background. I'll go step by step and try to be as clear as possible. Okay, here I go. I'd like to see your results.

1. Open a new canvas. I used 400x150. Now pick a color, and take your paint brush. Brush around a bit. Make sure there are lil gaps. Now take another color, and brush aruond with that color. Have a rate around 80. Now, click filters>blur>motion blur. Set the top bar to the max and the angle to whatever you want. Now click filters>distorts>whirl and pinch and set the first 2 to the max and the bottom one to 1.000. It should now look like this:


2. Next, find some nice c4ds. Resize them to make them big if you need to. Paste one in, and click layers>new layer. Now go to filters>distorts>whirl and pinch. Set it to what you had last time. Now set the layer to screen. Drag the center part of your c4d into the center of your tag. Reapeat this with another c4d. It should now look like this:


3. Now make a new layer. Paste in your render. (Optional) Now, set the layer mode to screen. Add some text and you're done!



Post your results please! I know it's not very good, but I like it. I wrote this as I made this[:)]

Mo -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 18:37:57)

The background seems a bit plain

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:13:42)

What do you mean the background seems a bit "plain"?

Mo -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:15:58)

Not enough effects/action going on. All it is a the wave thing and a C4D. I mean, it does look good but a little plain

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:17:02)

Okay...(As expected from someone who acts like the art genius) Well then I can think of something else. I'm gonna make lotsa tuts.

Crump -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:21:43)

The render is squished and the text doesn't look to good. Also, this isn't much of a tut, as a tut is supposed to explain everything about what you are doing. If I were you I would give details about how you made the tag you came out with.

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:26:16)

I dint say that you have to have the same exact render and text. Anyway, if I took any piece art of mine to a rating shop (I just remember...I did! But I dint get rating yet) I guarantee I would get a low novice. And I don't care if I'm bad, I can get better. Speaking of rating shops, Imma check if my art got rated yet. Nope, it didn't...But I'll PM you what I got (And I'll let you say how bad my art is as much as I want if I'm wrong and I get soemthing better). At least mo dint say how bad it was...

Crump -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:38:17)

Your artwork is not bad. If I were just to tell you whats good, I don't know how you would learn. Tuts usually give the reader an idea on how to create new artwork. One is never restrained to use the same stock/render the maker of the tut. It's just helpful to put in steps on what you did, so other people can read it and say "oh, so thats how he did that!"

Again, your artwork is in no way bad at all. In fact, it can be better than anyone's artwork on this forum. Art is not something that people are bad and good at, art is feelings and opinions. Others may express their feelings and opinions in different ways. I'm just trying to give you some tips for improving.
anyways, good luck with future works and tuts! you have a great start!

Bone_funny -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:45:59)

hmmm...i suggest picking colors from the render for the bg.like for yours i would use pink and orange.

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 19:56:47)

That's koolio, I'll put that in and give you credit for the idea when I have time. Crump...Now I'm kinda thinking of you differently but I have a feeling your trying to get me to think something I shouldn't be thinking[:'(]

relykswalton -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 20:05:32)



Okay...(As expected from someone who acts like the art genius) Well then I can think of something else. I'm gonna make lotsa tuts.

Making tuts won't make you improve. You should make a lot of tags, experiment, and improve. Then is when you should make a tut.
Trust me, I would know.
(As expected from someone who acts like the art genius)

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/19/2008 20:23:37)

Okay, okay! I'll stop the tuts (Now everyone's saying I should stop, that tells me it's all horrible) and start expierimenting! In my art shop, all my examples show how much I've been expierimenting and improving. All my art is there, and from the top to bottom it gets better and better. I'm gonna start right now.

zenron the great -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 7:18:23)

stop being so hard on him. he's trying to help people. what is wrong with that.

Its pretty simple and will be able to help some people.

what I don't like about it is that you say "go crazy" after just the first step. you need more than that.

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 18:15:31)

I redid it. I think it's better now.

zenron the great -> RE: [GIMP]Very Short Black Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 19:03:54)

yep its better. the render needs to be more bold in your outcome though.

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 19:42:59)

Okay...I'll try and figure out how right now how to do that[&:]

Crump -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 20:50:26)

Great job redoing it! The colors match great this time. :)

Bone_funny -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 20:57:07)

my sugestion work?

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:01:39)

Yep, thankies SOE B_F. That suggestion and everyone's "dread" of this pic made me want to redo it. Now it's much better. Tankies crump.

Bone_funny -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:18:14)

also,you c4d is a fractal,i can tell cause its thin and swirly

good tut,ill try it later.might add some more suff

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:21:37)

No, it's a c4d. I just whirled and pinched it! Oh, and how ocme no one's trying it[&o]

Bone_funny -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:24:43)

im not on my comp,im on my psp so i cant try

ShyTrake -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:26:53)

I remember someone said the PSP has Internet, but I dint believe him. Now I do. Wow. Lucky. Oops off topic. What do you use for a program? Can't you just download GIMP on it?

Bone_funny -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:27:42)

cant download on PSP lol.i use gimp

Mo -> RE: [GIMP]Tornado tag tut (3/20/2008 21:29:24)

Actually, Trake, GIMP works on OS. A psp isn't an OS. Anyways, this is much better. Another suggestion, try looking at some other filters. It will really help.

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