[Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (Full Version)

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BreeMote -> [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/2/2008 23:45:07)

Enjoy ^_^
And of course, no ripping D:<


Nicky -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/3/2008 1:54:16)

Nice tutorial, Bree :D.

Hope you got some sleep after making it. :p
Thanks for sharing it :).

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 0:20:56)

I did :P
Thanks, Nicky <3

Jev -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 0:49:50)

Nice tut. Breezy…. To complicated for my small mind but god job and thanks for sharing!


.Passion// -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 0:50:24)

I don't like the blue shapes to the right of her face D:

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 3:00:30)

Passion, this is a tutorial, not my gallery.
No CnC D:<
And if you don't like the blue spots, don't put 'em in your piece >:P


Rain -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 21:47:18)

It's too chaotic and effects don't match


I like how it teaches ALL kinds of cool effects so gj on that.
Cool tut =D

hachimangu -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 21:51:01)

I dunno, me likes it. Yay!

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 22:40:02)

Okay, for seriously.

Tutorials are not for learning how to make a specific tag exactly how the tutorial says.
If you don't like it, don't follow it. It's that simple.

I'd appreciate it if you stopped complaining about the tag I chose to use for it.
If something is wrong with the tutorial, that's one thing. The tag I chose is the tag I chose and if you want to talk about it, it's in my gallery.

Rain -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/6/2008 23:26:31)



Okay, for seriously.

Tutorials are not for learning how to make a specific tag exactly how the tutorial says.
If you don't like it, don't follow it. It's that simple.

I'd appreciate it if you stopped complaining about the tag I chose to use for it.
If something is wrong with the tutorial, that's one thing. The tag I chose is the tag I chose and if you want to talk about it, it's in my gallery.

I just needed to say that D=

I am sorry

And I said I like it, and I like it D=

What's wrong?

relykswalton -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/7/2008 0:09:57)

Pretty cool tag, Bree.
I liked the tutorial, you showed each step simply. Well done.

Trioaero -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/7/2008 13:18:54)

Nice tut.

Cool Dragonz -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/7/2008 13:59:54)


ORIGINAL: relykswalton

Pretty cool tag, Bree.
I liked the tutorial, you showed each step simply. Well done.

Totally 10000% agreed :P. This is a hawt tutorial out of Bree's hands! :D

lguan -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/7/2008 15:57:15)

It teaches a lot of stuff. And the tut itself is very organized and neat. Thanks for creating it :).

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/8/2008 12:30:49)

I'm sorry Rain, I just don't like it when people try to help and all they get is others picking apart irrelevant details, such as the tag.
I apologize, though. I was in a bad mood.

Thanks, guys :)

Trioaero -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/8/2008 14:00:08)

Yay now I can swim!

But yeah great tut.

Rain -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/8/2008 22:57:28)



I'm sorry Rain, I just don't like it when people try to help and all they get is others picking apart irrelevant details, such as the tag.
I apologize, though. I was in a bad mood.

Thanks, guys :)

np, happened to me too (all the time D=)

hachimangu -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/9/2008 0:23:39)

I followed this tutorial, but with way different stocks. I think it looks better if you don't mess with the saturation though... I like color variation. Not criticizing, just saying. I'm not gonna share what I made, because it sucks [;)].

Sonicbeam -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/9/2008 4:22:17)

So long...
But the text is good so my eyes didn't bleed :)

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/9/2008 20:42:40)

Well, I enjoy messing with the saturation, especially when working with stocks, for a few reasons.
Colors on stocks are rarely going to match. If you lower the saturation, it makes it less noticeable.
If you're going for a theme (in which case I was, and it was an underwater theme), monochrome in my opinion is better.
So I wanted the whole tag to be relatively blue/green.

Of course, nobody has to follow anything on here exactly. It's just a guide ^_^

.Passion// -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/9/2008 20:46:00)

xD I love your usage of C4D, though my biggest problem with C4D is finding ones that fit in D:

BreeMote -> RE: [Photoshop] Swim Tutorial :D (4/9/2008 20:47:19)

omgosh, you don't even know xD
I hate finding C4Ds. I'll see a cool one and want to use it and turn around and I can't make it look any good with what I'm working on.
Rawrrrr D:

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