Design Contest - Clan Banners! (Full Version)

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Sir Gnome -> Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/6/2008 9:41:56)

As the astute of you may have noticed, the banners with the clan names which were formally in this thread have died a sorry death, due to expiry at the hosting site. This does however give us an opportunity to design all new ones, and this is the place to post them.


The Image must be 500 pixels wide by 100 pixels high (like the maximum allowed for a sig), and no larger that 50kb, and must of course include the name of the clan in question. This is to ensure some regularity among the entries.

All entries must be posted as links, not images. You may submit as many entires as you wish, and you are not forced to come up with one for every clan. Please only post once in this thread; if you create more entries, edit the links in to your existing post.

There is to be no discussion in this thread, only submission. Discussion of banners can be done in each clans' Art Discussion thread.

The winner will be chosen by the members of each clan in a Poll thread.

This contest will close when it is deemed that enough entires of a sufficient quality have been submitted.

Lady Alora -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/7/2008 12:20:37)

Here's my entry. I'll try to do one for all 8 clans. I'll edit this later with more if thats okay.
Tis more than ok... Infact I might edit the rules to reflect that [:)] ~SG

Aerodu clan.

Dynami clan.

Lucian clan.

Nautica clan.

Geoto clan.

Igneus clan.

Nocturu clan.

Glacius clan.

Shodu -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/7/2008 23:49:49)

Are we allowed to use art not created by us and is not official AE art for this? I didn't find anything in the rules on this so I'm curious as to how many non-related renders I get to abuse ;P

I'd like to say that editing out those .333 kb was a majestic pain before I begin posting my art =P


I'll edit my post with more later.

Krazy -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/9/2008 2:53:50)


arthropod -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/10/2008 16:01:19)

All for Igneus so far:

Skystrife -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/11/2008 14:44:52)

I'll just post my entries up here, will edit this post as updates come forward.


SIGMUND -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/14/2008 6:51:12)

Here is one for Lucian Clan.

Joshuatks -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/14/2008 11:21:44)

Here is one for Lucian Clan too

Kafei -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/16/2008 19:37:09)


Thats it up there if you cant be bothered to click like me but if you wanna the link is down therethere


From the first post:
All entries must be posted as links, not images.

If you can't be bothered following the rules of the thread, please don't post at all. Thanks.

Zogish -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/16/2008 22:33:49)

Lucian :D

Akyulas -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/21/2008 7:41:21)


ShadowSlash -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/22/2008 16:00:11)

Well, heres my entry, might make more for maybe Geoto.


Celondir -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/29/2008 10:06:02)

My Glacius-banner.

Click here!

Sir Gnome -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (4/29/2008 11:40:06)

We've had a lot of great entries in, and so the time to end is approaching. We'll be closing this competition on the 1st of May - yes, that IS this Thursday, so let's get all final entires in soon!

jimbo32 -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (5/1/2008 2:33:07)

I suppose that I may as well throw in my Lucian collage as well. I was going to add some things (the more recent light element pets/guests and maybe a clan slogan), but I can't seem to find my base edit. o: (trying to edit using jpegs is an exercise in futility ;))

Here's the link to the original version, anyway.

Hansuke -> RE: Design Contest - Clan Banners! (5/1/2008 11:46:45)

One for Aerodu:

Note: Credit goes to Shodu for the flag design, I just added the text.

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