Dragon. -> RE: [GIMP] watery effect tut [dragon929!! #2] (4/18/2008 12:06:38)
.@ben are you asking how to get rid of the black around the render or how to put the watery effect on top of the render. to get rid of black around the render use the eraser tool and to get the watery effect ontop of the render, just copy the watery effect layer,set to grain merge, lower its opacity and move it up to above the render layer (i don't think anyone has done that yet. the aim is to make the render look underwater) @aplha nice result, really good[:D].but try copying the watery layer and putting it above the render layer and setting to grain merge and lowering opacity like i said above. (if you did do that then raise the opacity a bit so its a bit more clear) im glad you like the tut @ jamesthebond3 heres the C4D http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-17180