RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (Full Version)

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SIGMUND -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/5/2008 8:35:37)


Use the Event button in town to take part in the FINAL BATTLE of the Devourer Saga! For nearly a year and a half, the Devourer Saga has taken us through many stages of a vast war to save Lore from a force that wants nothing less than to divide all life on the planet in every way possible and feed on the resulting chaos. The Devourer The'Galin had a plan-- and we have fought him every step of the way! The FINAL CHAPTER in the saga is this weekend, featuring a multi-stage war, dramatic cutscenes, and a massive final rewards shop! If you missed any part of the Saga, just Sail East on the Travel map to the Devourer area on Deren to replay it.

Get ready to fight to save all our homes and the Land of Lore.

Send your Ambassadors to all the CLANS of PAXIA.
Seal alliances for UNITY in this WAR.

~Divinity~ -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/5/2008 9:15:58)

Igneus, bring up you arms! Lucian and Nocturu have already united. We must stand together and fight Cartwright!

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/5/2008 14:53:43)

Indeed! We shall crash his forces and when we get to him...we'll pray that he believes us!

Wait, we should pray first and THEN tell him that we're united.

Yhea, that will work.

Master Dragon Rogue -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/5/2008 16:07:50)

Sacchi, we must unite with Aerodu! I must say, they are the most obvious choice for a team!

burningwolf -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/5/2008 21:47:34)

does it matter who we join up with?

we all just fight the same thing lol

MIXWELL_MAN2 -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/6/2008 17:57:53)

one large force is stronger than many divided forces
unity will always overpower chaos, as long as there is unity at all
if we are all fulley united, the enemys stand not a chance
i have just had a poetic moment
but anyways, unity will make us stronger

Master Dragon Rogue -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/6/2008 18:28:48)

The Devourer will destroy! Chaos is needed.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 12:46:34)

I think this thread is needed now..

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 13:30:20)

Why? Is there anything I'm missing?


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 14:51:11)


ORIGINAL: Master Dragon Rogue

The Devourer will destroy! Chaos is needed.

Chaos is the LAST thing we need! We have to take up arms and END THIS!

Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 16:29:19)

Yeah! Only a little Chaos would only be okay, if it's like a small competition. Now, all the clans must unite to fight a common enemy!


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

^ We should be following that right now.


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 19:16:04)

^ Friendly competion is fine. And yes that quote is what we need to follow.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 19:29:15)

Dark-fire is needed. All hail Fenrir, my demon wolf pet!


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 19:34:56)

Hi Fenri-*Gets eaten*

Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/26/2008 22:33:39)

We can't have much of a strategy now... just kick as many butts as we can with our shiny boy aromor!

Oh... seems like we are automatically making an alliance with Dynami, since we are defending the same part of the island.


ShadowScypher -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/27/2008 0:28:21)

^I'll stick with the Souvenir T-shirt.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/27/2008 7:48:36)

I look like a mecha because of the shiny boy armor.


Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (6/27/2008 8:33:18)

It's a pretty cool armor, but I wish it had more than 2 attacks. Isn't it gonna be an uber eventually, or was that just a rumor?

~DQ has page ownage.

MIXWELL_MAN2 -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (7/3/2008 15:35:09)

seeing as it is now a war spoil....
psshh a lot of good this thread did for us in the war....

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