Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (Full Version)

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Lord Xenaphos -> Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:01:44)

Hello to all. As you may or may not know, I am one of the new C/C AK's.
Ask anything you want, but please, don't ask any more than ten questions.
Also, I will also be editing in This lovely color.

Post away!

After some severe computer troubles, I'm ready to answer again!

Sara -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:04:56)

Why only ten questions?
Too hard to answer more than that...
Can you describe to me what you see above?
A lattice made of horizontal and vertical lines with an eye-catching illusion at the intersect points.
Can you please take a screenshot of this post and send it to me? Thanks.
How did you become an ArchKnight?
I was invited by Wallo, out of the blue.
Who depromoted you?
That is all. Thanks.

Cool Dragonz -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:06:23)


Another MTAk

I beat Deimius with asking quicker than him, you know?
Congratz. :)
/me snugs! Congrats to you too, Gorzan and you, a team! :D
/*snugs back*, and thank you. We work together nicely. :D
I tried to do my best on the IQ test, but why does that thing keep beeping at 29,9?
Don't feel ashamed, It took me seven tries to get above thirty...
:O, You bugged it!
*points at Gorzan*
1337, You shall ph43r! :P
Sorry, I don't speak 1337, but I'm fluent in 1336. :D
Well, that was all,

Byee! :D


Destro* -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:07:12)

So you're a lord, what do you rule over?
Whatever I want to. [;)]
Congrats on Akship :)
Thanks! :D

pjc -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:07:33)

Placeholder? What placeholder? :o Mehehe.
Sorry, I couldn't read through the horizontal line...
Hmm... I guess I have robbed some decent person of a post spot with this non-existant placeholder that I did not make, since I'm not actually going to be asking you any questions.

I would like to comment on that you have also jumped in on your first few days with your tourture thread, as Gorzan. You will regret it. Trust me. BIIIG MISTAKE. D: D:

Wow, those two all-caps words made me feel spammy. I better be going now. See you around, good luck, and you must come on IRC also! D:<
Will do! :P

Mo -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:07:50)


I remember you =P

How do you think you were chosen by Wallo now that there are no replies?
I relied on mah mad skillz!
I forgot to say congratz!
Er, uBEr hax videos or l33t talk
The above question is not to be taken seriously.
Nor is my answer.

Please answer the questions above AND:
I have 150 IQ thank you very much

Btw, your IQ meter is jammed. it's pointing in the negatives.

Deimius -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:09:32)

Nooo! CD beat me here :(.

What annoys you the most?
Anyone that cheats. :P
What scares you the most?
Someone who doesn't read the rules before posting a clan thread.
Which country's food do you like the most (Italian, Chinese ect.)?
I'd have to go with the French on that one.
Same questions I asked Gorzan, hope you don't mind. If you do, just don't answer them :p.
I don't mind at all.

Irios -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:11:56)


Why are all my pals getting AK 'cept for me?[:(]
I guess we are all special. :P
Ah well, better you then...err......some..other...probably friendly too....people...sorta......
I take that as a compliment. :)
Ignore that last bit
Wiped from my mind.
Hows the powa?
It feels goowd baybay!
Gonna shoot someone with a bow?
As accurately as possible!
Can i do it too?
If you use your imagination, anything is possible. [:-]
Lets sing a song!
I'm rather partial to 3 doors down. :)
I have an IQ of 34%!
10 points higher than me!
Is that high?
See you not on IRC because i dont have it!
I'll see you not later!

Viking_Jorun -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:12:31)

Hello, and conratulations on the AKship! :D

Answer my questions and you won't lose your Lordly status...

1) How is your day going today?
2) Are you looking forward to being an AK?
Very much so. :D
3) Are you looking forward to the responsibilities of an AK?
I love taking responsibility!
4) AQ, DF, or MQ?
5) Would you rather be an Emperor, King...or Viking :p....instead of a Lord?
Lord is fine. :P
6) What is your custom avatar going to be?
You will see once I figure out how to download it. [>:]
7) Pie or Pizza? about Piezza?
8) You play any sports?
Yes, I am a second degree Black Belt in two forms of Martial Arts.
9) What's your favorite sport?
Martial Arts
10) Last question...answer this and you'll still be a Lord...If you owned a kingdom, what would you name it?
Disney Land! :P
Well, that's all for now.

Congratulations again! :D

Destro* -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:41:57)

*notes that rules only say 10 questions per person and does not specify number of posts.*

I honestly couldn't help but think of a desert city throughout this entire post. it's just how I envisioned things...

1. So you can rule over anything eh? I can safely assume no boundaries to your abilities. however, are your subjects loyal by good cause or by forced servitude. Meaning, do they serve loyally. That also applies to inanimate objects, animals, and humans....
Taking experience from how well my clan members follow me, I would say loyalty. :)
2. How would your rule help you in a situation like this... *because of you're ID over 30 thing nothing will be stupid...*
Cant undrestands the kuestions...
You're trapped in a room with a mirror, and a table. This room is literally a 50 foot thick steel block hollowed out.
How do you escape?
*teleports out* *grabs a cookie* *teleports back in* "Damn it! Houdini couldn't escape this!
3. You're kingdom is in now in a famine. Morale from everybody has lowered. People begin demanding action. What is the best way to please them? Death, Appealing, Ignoring?
*Suggests cannibalism to the hungry vilagers*

You can control time. The ability: You can choose to freeze time for 10 days. However, in reality, you will lose 10 days of your life. Since time would remain immobile around you, it would seem as though nothing happened to you from everybody's perspective as very logically would happen. Also, you will lose a total of 20 extra days from your life-span. This makes a grand total of 30 days.

4. Would you use that ability.
Only if I could control it in shorter time periods.
5.. If so, what would you use it for?
Catch up on my AK duties. :P
6. You have the choice to kill a man for attempting an assassination at your life. However, this man is very rich and offers you all of the money that he has publicly. You can safely believe he would give you all of his money, however, you can't be sure that he will attempt to take your life again.
I would sue his brains out and then kill him with my new AK powers! I'm only joking. :P
7. The physical restraints that all humans have are evident and apparent through failure our failures and mistakes. Why is man not perfect. Why do we flaw in speed compared to Lions. Why do we have this constant need to advance with technology to make life easier? Would things be bad without technology? (take it back to the wheel*
*reminds I have an I.Q. of 24*
8. You're kingdom has become a success. Do you strive for total world domination or stay at the very top?
I will achieve both!

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 17:46:08)

*Grabs Lord Xenaphos, kisses him passionately on the lips, and leaves never to see him again*
*Me walks up to my clone and thanks.* :P

.Discipline -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 18:04:22)

[Insert something witty in French]
Can I get a Woop! Woop!?
Shoop da whoop!
What made you choose your name?
It was suggested by a good friend of mine on these forums.
Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or a Bull Elephant?
What Bull Elephant? You mean the pile of dust next to Chuck Norris?
If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a mime, does the mime scream?
*goes and tests* *comes back* Nope, the mime doesn't scream.
Do not notice this notice but please notice that you are not to notice the notice.
That is all.

The Game -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 18:24:59)

So, Wallo has been busy eh?

Well, I am not good at these, so that will be all. So you on IRC, or not.
I'll try my best to make it there.

*Ben* -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 18:31:47)

Gratz on Akship!
Do you think this will be fun?
It already is!
Do you like the Penguin or Batman?
Niether, but I am fond of Robin. :P
Do you like when it rains?
What's your favorite movie?
Forrest Gump
Favorite color?
Best kind of soda?
Cream Soda
Would you like to control a penguin army?
That is all!

Wilderock -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 19:13:42)

1. Welcome aboard and congratulations!
2. Well, good luck! I'm not too good at making questions unless I know the person well, so ... hope to see you around. Maybe I'll get to know you then. :P
Glad to meet you. :)

Well, even though you edited me pointing it out, your clan's banner is still forbidden according to the rules.
Sorry about that. Had to go and measure before I could make sure. I'll switch back to the old one now.

hooded figure -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 20:35:21)

Well, it's nice to see a new face around these parts.
1.)Favorite Mod?
Wallo. :D
2.) Favorite Admin?
Too many. :D
3.)What did Wallo bind you with(chains,rope,etc.)?
4.)Least favorite place on the forums?
The Polls area...
5.)Favorite place on the forums?

Ricobabie -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 21:30:53)

Ooo another MtAK thread. ^_^

/me congrats snuggles
/ me thanks snuggles
How are you today?
Cool you pick another font as well ^^
I'm fond of this font.
What was the first thing you did when you were AK'ed?
So since you need 30+ IQ to post what's yours? :P
Anyways I'll see you around. Enjoy yourself ^_^

The Trobble One -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/28/2008 22:30:04)

Hi there
I love MtAk threads because it is fun.
They are.
Whats your favorite board game
Whats your favorite video game, apart from AE games
LoZ games.
Wallo, he Ak'ed you right
Bye and enjoy.

Sir Gnome -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/29/2008 8:37:04)

Ah.... Now you're going to find out how fun it is answering these things :D

Firstly, who gave you the great idea to post this in this area of the fourms? [;)]
The Green One

Secondly, how do you feel about being the newest AK? (Well done on snatching the title off the Green one)
I like the newb feeling.

Thirdly, Cake or Pie?

And fourthly.... Why? (And no, you may not answer 42)
Uhg, fine, 43

See you around!

TreadLight -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/29/2008 9:37:52)

Hi there!

I'm glad we've gotten some new C/C AKs!
Ibet Wallo is too.
Will you be using the IRC?
Will you be helping out in the MechQuest forum?
I doubt it.
H0w meni d0lerz kan buyz j00?
Well, I hope you do well; bye!

Gorzan the Green Mage -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/29/2008 11:56:29)

Thanks for your post in my mtak!
No problem
Own a clan?
Of course! (Check my sig)
Whats your ethnicity?
Favourite AK? *lans forward and points to myself*
Too many!
wow, for once im asking the questions ...
bye! congratz!

Walms -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/29/2008 17:29:15)

Why 10?
Why not?
Do you know who I'm?
Sorry, but no.
I'm wasting my questions am I not?
It depends.
Hm... How do you like this Job?
There are many perks to this job.
Do you think I will do it to the 10 questions?
Best dream? (cool terms)
Why a lovely color?
Why not?
"goes around and fells of a cliff"

Stryker X7 -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/29/2008 20:08:42)

Hello and Congrats Lord Xenaphos!

If 1+1=window and 2+2=fish, what does 3+3 equal?
A windo-fish.

How much wood does a woodchuck chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How long is your beard?
Start with 21 inches & subtract 21 inches. I'm 17, but I think it's creepy to have facial hair, so I shave everyday. :-{(

Do you believe in World War III?


I 'll be back... with more questions ^_^

eagle88 -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/30/2008 0:17:36)

*Flies in* Aha- a Thread of welcoming for a new Clan AK :)

Welcome welcome- I trust you find everything all nice and cozy? ;)
Yes, exept for these shackles.
So on to the questions (I know, you can hardly wait ^_^)
I can't.
What is your quest?
I'll tell you when I start one.
What do you really want to do to the number 42?
Absolutely nothing.
And lastly, (Ther serious question) Who are your favorite movie score composers and your favorite comedic music singers?
Not sure on the first one, but Weird Al take the cake on the second.
Ok, that's it- only mildly painful ;) Laters! *Flies out*
Got a Band-Aid?

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Meet the AK - Lord Xenaphos (I.Q. Higher than 30 required) (4/30/2008 1:47:56)

Welcome Lord Xenaphos

Fave Area on forums
Why do you think I was made an AK?
What is your ideal house
I'm rather fond of the cell house Wallo gave me.
I summoned my pet dino what do ya think


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