Shui Quan (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Shui Quan (5/10/2008 12:43:40)

Shui Quan

«Accurate Melee Water weapon with an uncommon Special. Martial Artists have a small chance of doing double damage.»

For related items, see other Fist weapons...... as well as Martial Artist armors:Level: 30
Power Level: 30
Price: 107
Sellback: 53
Location: Martial Artist Class Shop 3 - Frogzard Style

Type: Melee
Element: Water
Damage: 7-20
BTH: 4

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Water
Damage: 603.0% Base and Random
Stats: No normal Stats; 298.0% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +13
Rate: 10%

  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.
  • If Martial Artist is your active class or you have a Martial Artist armor (see above) equipped, each hit made with the weapon has a 2.5% chance of dealing double damage.

    Focus the flow of water into your hands. If your title is Martial Artist or you wear a Martial Artist armour, you have a chance to deal double damage!


    Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

  • Reyn Roadstorm -> Shui Quan (5/10/2008 21:37:53)

    Shui Quan

    «Accurate Melee Water weapon with an uncommon Special. Martial Artists have a small chance of doing double damage.»

    For related items, see other Fist weapons...... as well as Martial Artist armors:Level: 50
    Power Level: 50
    Price: 672
    Sellback: 336
    Location: Martial Artist Class Shops 2: Slithering Sneak; 4: Gogg Claw; 5: Fist of the Troll Club and 6: Dragon's Breath

    Type: Melee
    Element: Water
    Damage: 9-25
    BTH: 6

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Water
    Damage: 884.0% Base and Random
    Stats: No normal Stats; 430.0% Lucky Strike damage
    BTH: +21
    Rate: 10%

  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.
  • If Martial Artist is your active class or you have a Martial Artist armor (see above) equipped, each hit made with the weapon has a 2.5% chance of dealing double damage.

    Focus the flow of water into your hands. If your title is Martial Artist or you wear a Martial Artist armour, you have a chance to deal double damage!


    Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

  • Koree -> RE: Shui Quan (6/21/2013 11:40:59)

    Shui Quan

    «Accurate Melee Water weapon with an uncommon Special. Martial Artists have a small chance of doing double damage.»

    For related items, see other Fist weapons...... as well as Martial Artist armors:Level: 70
    Power Level: 70
    Price: 5,235
    Sellback: 2,617
    Location: Martial Artist Class Shops 2: Slithering Sneak; 4: Gogg Claw; 5: Fist of the Troll Club and 6: Dragon's Breath

    Type: Melee
    Element: Water
    Damage: 10-31
    BTH: 9

    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Water
    Damage: 1172.0% Base and Random
    Stats: No normal Stats; 562.0% Lucky Strike damage
    BTH: +30
    Rate: 10%

  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.
  • If Martial Artist is your active class or you have a Martial Artist armor (see above) equipped, each hit made with the weapon has a 2.5% chance of dealing double damage.

    Focus the flow of water into your hands. If your title is Martial Artist or you wear a Martial Artist armour, you have a chance to deal double damage!


    Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

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