RE: MtAK - Sharpie (Full Version)

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Sara -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/21/2008 21:36:47)

I forgotz to congratulate you. [&:]

So uh, congrats. [:)]

Er, uh...thanks

Solaron -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/21/2008 22:01:48)

A few more ?s from me :p

If you must

1. do you play any online games(besides AE games)
I used to play KoL, but have since ceased to do so. So at this point, no.
2. What is your Favoritie animal?
The Lemur, it has a cool name and a funky tail.
3. what do you think of my sig?
Seems chaotic
4. Why a power Rangers avvy?
Why not? Power Rangers rock...though I could use one of my other 30 something avvys if you want
5.Do you have the slightest clue what my name means?
Something to do with Mims?

aNyThInG -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/21/2008 22:42:24)


- Hows your day?
It's going ok
- How did you get your name, sharpie?
Its a nickname
- Favorite console game?
Uh, I dunno
- Favorite subject?
- Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate, it has flavor
- I see you're abducted into Newbie Help section. How did that happen? Is it because you love to help new people?
I was asked to help out around there, I wasn't opposed to it so thats how it happened
Think that's all I have to ask. See you around sooner or later!

TopTop18 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 1:18:59)

To annoy you i'm going to write in your color!
Well you have to write every sentence in that color so I would be able to answer in black but who coded the whole paragraph to be in color so I think it'll be easier this way
Do you gonna write an article soon?
I'm not sure
Gonna join a game?
Know how the UCaG works?
If erverything is Yes, you are approved by me, please motivate your answers,


Argeus the Paladin -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 1:41:45)

Greetings, Sharpie, with all due respect paid.

First off, I would like to congratulate you upon returning to post. Though I haven't met you before I do hope you will be a good AK to everyone's benefit.
I hope so too

Secondly, in addition to NH you have decided to take UC&G as well. As far as I know, and from my own personal experience, it is VERY hard to monitor an unofficial contest or game because of its nature- unofficial, and because every now and then a sensitive in-game statement may turn the whole place into a smoking crater. As a new enforcer, what do you have to say for yourself and for the sub-forum?
Well, I'm quite used to dealing with trouble. As a former AK of Clans, despite the fact that people here don't want me bringing that up, I gained quite a bit of experience dealing with problem posts, spamming, and flaming. I understand that this place functions differently and so I'm going to take everything in stride. Rule-breaking clearly happens to a lesser extent here and so I don't want to pop in and be a harsh enforcer when that approach isn't needed. I understand that UCaG is a small community and so I'll be looking to eagle88 and BlackPhoenix for guidance at first so as to make sure I don't overstep my bounds or fail to uphold my duties. Aside from that I'm looking forward to this new experience, and I'm eager to become a part of this tight knit community.

Thirdly, I have seen that AEF has experienced quite a few bans lately, some of which I found the reason to be obscure. As an AK, do you feel that there are some people who shouldn't have been banned, but were punished anyways?
Unfortunately, I'm not aware of what AEF stands for. I'm assuming it's a game, but without being able to look at the source of evidence for the bans I'm unable to speak on behalf of whether the reasons were appropriate. I feel that at times reasons are questionable, but if a ban is placed on someone be it at someone else's discretion I'm not going to call their authority or judgment into question in the public eye. I'd also like to point out that while I may feel something is or isn't a bannable offense a moderator may see it the other way and I'll follow their lead, especially if its eagle88 since he is the person I report to.

Fourthly, do you feel that there is too much lack of balance going around the L&L or Art Gallery sub-forums? That new authors/artists rarely got a chance to prove themselves? I know this is a bit off topic, but as a NH AK you should have your own opinion about this. Because of that, I ask you this.
Honestly, I'm unaware of such balance issues regarding the L&L or Art Gallery sub-forums. While this is problematic the best I can do is talk to the Head Mod/AKs of the specific forum. In regards to Newbie Help it isn't my job to regulate other forum polices. My task in NH is to guide new members in the way of the forum and teach them the basics of how to use the AE forum. If there is truly an issue with the previously mentioned forums it would be best to bring this to light in Forum Issues so that the members may interact with the moderating staff and voice any complaints they may have.

Fifthly, it is always my concern how enthusiastic AKs are in office, how dedicated you are in keeping the place clean, how efficiently and appropriately can you uphold the laws. Over a scale of 10, could you rate yourself?
Real life is always my primary concern, as such when I am able to I dedicate myself fully to the task at hand. I plan on upholding the rules to the fullest extent and I won't be making exceptions for anyone. This does not mean I'm perfect, I'm in fact far from it but I do my job to the best of my abilities. On a scale of 10, 10 being the best I would rate myself a 7.5 to an 8. After all, there is always room for improvement.

In the end, I feel this is getting a lot like a formal interview with an important official, so... to make sure I don't spoil everyone else's fun, I would stop here. I wish you a good day and a good new office term.
I hope I answered your questions to the fullest extent possible. If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

Battle on!

Artix von Krieger's Devout Apostle.

Eddy II -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 6:03:38)

How sharp are you, in reality? Hot-knife-through-butter level?
Essentially yes
How witty?
Just enough to be funny and not annoying
How intelligent?
Sharp as a tack
How many other metaphorical or literal uses for "sharp"?
Quite a few
Is it purely coincidence that you can't spell Sharpie without 'pie'?
I doubt its coincidence, since I do enjoy pie
I wish my username was as cool as yours?

That was rhetorical. Actually it wasn't even a question...
Clearly I knew that
See you around! G'bye.
Bye the way I've read what you have so far in Bloodlust Doctrine and I find myself rather enjoying it.

Corruption_Vash -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 6:55:20)

Your coming to the UCaG was inevitable! Fate! Hmmm... me actually managing to slip in a reply to a Meet The ArchKnight was fate, too!

*Note:All below have numberzz, so you must reply with an answer to them!*

1.You should note that I'm the best UCaG'er hands down. Ignore any comments that speak otherwis
I'll attempt to remember your claims
3.Seriously, you seem a lot more nice-r than what I remember a couple of years back.
Well...thats probably because I had a good 5-6 months away from the forums as well as a good 2 years as an AK before that to mature into a nice well rounded person. Plus since its a new forum I don't want to come off as well you know, a donkey plust a whole minus the w
4.Based upon your first impression, who is going to be your favorite UCaG'er?
I have no idea
5.In relevance to my first... comment slash question-thingy, you should also note that we, the members of the UCaG, are far more crazy than any other section of the forums.
Thats what you think, but I know quite a few crazy people that belong to a different forum
6.If you don't list me among any future lists of notable members when responding ANYWHERE on the forums in regards to your job here, I will kill you... with complaints.
I dare you to even attempt to kill me
7.So, how are you liking me thus far?
You neither sway me negatively nor positively, though something about our previous history speaks about you. Unfortunately I can't remember what that previous history is
8.All your base...

9.Are belong to us.

10.Personally, I think BP is crazy.
Perhaps you are right
11.Aries is t3h best FSG'er here. :o I'm... like... the... uhhh... pretty much in the same category as everyone else.

Taimat396 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 7:10:17)


11.Aries is t3h best FSG'er here. :o I'm... like... the... uhhh... pretty much in the same category as everyone else.

Welcome to mediocrity.
I rather enjoy mediocrity, it means I don't have to over exert myself
Some more of those questions I promised.
Oh goodie
1. Do you read? If so...What are your top three genres?
I don't really have favorite gener, though currently I enjoy the works of Neil Gaiman i.e., Neverwhere and American Gods
2. Top three genres of games. (Online or otherwise)
See above sans examples
3. Hobbies?
Friends, other than that its whatever strikes my fancy

WhiteWhiteWolf -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 10:03:39)


Why sharpie and not Paper Mate?
Because sharpie is an old and favorite nickname of mine, and paper mate just doesn't sound cool
Favorite Power ranger?
The Green Ranger obviously, I mean come on he had a dagger flute. How cool is that? A weapon and an instrument in one!
Have you ever gone to block land?
If you mean legoland then yes
If yo havent do you wish to go?
UCaG is...
well I will leave for now

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/22/2008 16:55:54)

Hello, one and all, to the MtAK Show, again, with your host, SlyCooperFan1! Again.

Tonight's contestant is sharpie! Again.

We will ask you a series of questions, and you must answer as truthfully as possible. Again.

First question: What is your favorite part of the forums?
Next: What do you like best of AdventureQuest?
The updates since it provides a new flavor every week. Plus I haven't done everything yet so there is always somethingI haven't seen in my time
Next: What might be your favorite food?
As I've said before Chicken Fettuccine Pasta
Next: Day or Night?
Both have their positives and negatives
Next: What is 2 + 2? Again. zoom
Next: OMG! 3 + 4? Again.
7. passive
Next: Did you know that all you have to do to answer the above questions was know that you just have to add the numbers, and say a silly word with that many letters? Again.
I did this time
Final question! Again.

Finish this song: ___-_-_____ to-night, ____ on!***
I refuse
We'd like to thank you for coming here on the MtAK show, but we won't. Again.

NOW GET OUT![:@] Again.

***The answer to my first post was "Cel-e-brate to-night, come on!"
This is why I refused because I think you're trying to trick me

NeoViper9 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/23/2008 10:45:09)

Well well, we meet again. One of the few people who can say they are older than me on the forums.
Bye a whopping nine days
How does this make you feel?
Yup, one question, and an easy one. Expect more from me when I'm not lazy.

*sigh* decided to edit it, bad for you, and bad for me. Hell this is a lose-lose situation, so why am I doing it?

But are you surprised to still know I am around?
Not really. Its fun to watch a game/community grow from an earlier time
Do you actually remember me?
I believe so
But anyways, to the point. How is it AKing?
Same as it was before I quit, just less taxing
I see you've already accepted a good game, any thoughts of maybe joining one, becoming a UCaG regular?
One of these days I'll give it a try
I'm not gonna try and force you, but you know, if you do become a regular the citizans will look up to you more.
Its true respect is earned, but rashly charging in brings you nothing
Say, like Pixeh's SAW II game, we need one more person, you look like the right person to fill that spot, what do you say.
I'd have to look over it
Well, I guess these aren't questions, shame.

What's your favorite pie?
Ever had cake pie? It's good, you bake a pie in a cake, and it's delicious. My friend mde it once, it was lemon maurange pie, and vanilla cake, can I get an 'Ay-Yo'?
Ay-Yo...and no I haven't tried a cake pie but it sounds delicious

Taimat396 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/23/2008 11:39:06)


ORIGINAL: Taimat396


11.Aries is t3h best FSG'er here. :o I'm... like... the... uhhh... pretty much in the same category as everyone else.

Welcome to mediocrity.
I rather enjoy mediocrity, it means I don't have to over exert myself


That was to the comment above it :P
I'm fully aware of that

lguan -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/23/2008 12:27:43)

Hey, sharpie.

Are you enjoying those new shiny buttons again?
Actually yes I am
Favorite smilie?
None, I detest them
One word to describe yourself?
Spiderman or Ironman?
Spider-man if we're not talking Toby Maguire Spiderman. If we're talking Robert Downey, Jr. Ironman though he takes the cake. Still the original wise cracking teenage spidey will always be dear to me, plus Venom and Carnage are my second overall favorite villains next to the Joker.
Nike or Adidas?
Soccer or basketball?
I'm not going to say much. Apparently those are the only questions right now. At this time of day, I'm not very creative :P. Again congrats, and good luck n_n.

Eddy II -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 1:12:58)


Bye the way I've read what you have so far in Bloodlust Doctrine and I find myself rather enjoying it.

Awesome! Always good to have readers =) You should post on my comments thread, a famous endorsement might do me some good =P
I'm far from famous

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of what AEF stands for.

I believe he meant Artix Entertainment Forums.
Well that makes since...
These posts are supposed to be questions, aren't they? Hmm... What did you have for breakfast?
I don't usually eat breakfast...I know bad idea.

Enzeru -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 1:46:32)

Another AK:we're doomed!

1.Which came first the chicken or the cow?
The bacteria
2.Where's Waldo?
I don't know, but I know where Wallo is
3. Where's Bob, the guy from accounting?
Who cares...I don't get paid so he's worthless to me
4.If Cysero, Artix and Riolth all ran for president who would you vote for?
None, because I probably wouldn't read up on their policies in time and thus wouldn't be an informed voter. Therefore I wouldn't vote
5.If you saw an undead army coming at you what would you do?
Move to Flordia so I can let Artix do all the work
7.Where's question 6?
After 7 apparently
6.Do you play Starcraft Brood war?
I do not
8.Would you check my thread out in DF suggestions?
I don't usually venture into suggestion forums
9.Am I annoying you?
10. White, Dark, or Milk Chocolate?
Milk chocolate preferred but I enjoy dark and white as well
Congrats and don't kill me. Blue waffle wants to kill me.

billy_tm -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 17:00:05)

I think it's worth sending over my welcome, as I can see this place being a little intimidating to an outsider suddenly placed in charge of organizing us. Naturally, I've got some questions (Getting used to that yet?)

Why do you think you were chosen to be the new AK here, rather than (insert possible other here)? I mean, you've got the experience to back it up, but to me your experience seems to be based around turning a pit of flaming and spamming into a reasonably ordered area. This doesn't seem quite as relevant to here as it does to other forums. Which leads to my next question.
I was probably chosen because I have a previous, and long, history with the overall forum and the majority of the Mods that run it. Thus, its easy to work with them and vice versa since we have done so in the past. You're right its not relevant now, but in the past UCaG was rather unorganized, back in the Sarah_Renee days from what I remember; however, that isn't the case now as I see it. Rather, my experience in clans speaks more towards my work ethic and ability to do my job. So, while the two forums aren't particularly comparable my experience should be taken as "he knows his way around AKing"

Do you think that you being placed here, with the above noted experience, says something about how this forum is viewed by the staff? In extension, do you think that it needs cleaning up and neatening up around here?
To answer both those at once, no I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure my being placed here was because eagle88 requested it since he worked with me in the past and we work well together.

If you were asked to make one change to the way things are run here, what would it be?
Perhaps the approval process, if it were more streamlined that would mean more games get approved which might or might not bring more life to this forum

You've been here long enough now to get an impression of the place. Give me something you like about UCaG as well as something you don't.
I like the close knit community, but I dislike some of the attitudes it spawns, but thats bound to happen anywhere. I also really like the creativity and ingenuity of some of the games I've read through

Stryker X7 -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 17:17:41)

*Jumps off from a helicopter and lands on a computer chair*

Hiya, sharpie!

What's your favorite color Sharpie?
What's up with you and the Green Power Ranger? You guys related?
I actually am the Green Power ranger
You say you're in college. Who will you vote for in the upcoming 2008 presidential elections?
I don't know to be honest. I'm not informed enough to make a political decision
So how's the weather in So-Cal? I heard there are tornados there!
There are no, and never have been as far as I'm aware, tornadoes in my area...though it did rain yesterday which sucked
Do you believe in extra-terrestrial aliens?
They are a possibility
And now time for the MtAK Standardized Testing and Reporting (MtAK STaR)!

1] 1+1 equals window, and 2+2 equals fish, what does 3+3 equal?
2] Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
Neither, the bacteria came first
3] What is the square root of 1?
4] What number comes after 3?
Technically its 4, but 4 is an ugly number so I just say 5
5] What was the last person you saw on television?
One of the Law and Order actors
Bonus] How do you spell... bonus?
I hope you did well on the MtAK STaR. You will get your test results sometime in September.

Well, that's all for now. See ya!

*Climbs a dangling rope from the helicopter above and is taken away*

Hozukimaru -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 17:22:08)

Hiyas! Nice to meet you.

So just one question from me, one of those rare girls in UCaG

The pocket watch tells me that in my madness I have neglected to ever play starcraft

Solaron -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 19:05:49)

More questions!
You must give a response to each question

1. How much would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Well if a wood chuck could chuck wood it probably wouldn't want to since wood is boring
2. Do you think I am crazy by now*
I hate all things smilie when it comes to the forums
Fine I won't
5.Ever play Universe at War?
6. If yes, what did you think of it?
See above
8. what happened to seven?
I don't know, you're the one who can't count

* if no, then I'll change you're mind eventually [&:]

DragonMaster V -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 20:46:41)


Why green?
Dunno, I picked it way back in the day
When you pushed Mim8160s button, what happened?
I didn't push it, so I don't know
WHAT? Planet Solamackachuiuitakalimozquotraz in the the Galaxy Gunochomeasotataubetantolopuy was suppose to explode!

Well, it was either Solamackachuiuitakalimozquotraz or Ratilomonguhdopilaqerasdfontomopol that was suppose to explode.

What ever. So... how's life going?
Not bad
Is it a nice forum?
Is what a nice forum?
Well that's is enough of the BAD BAD TORCHER questions for today

WA -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/24/2008 21:52:15)

*Ties sharpie up to THE CHAIRSee note*
To business *Glasses clink around the interogation chair*
See sharpies note
1. What type of shackles does eagle88 use to keep you working?
He entices me with candy
2. Why aren't you a flying creature?!?! All mods or AKs of the UCaG Must levitate or otherwise stay airborne.
Most people just hold me up with their hand, so that counts I guess
3. That's all. But I will be back. Beware.
I'll be aware
Note: THE CHAIR is a technologicly advanced, unbreakable, truth serum injecting chair made of WAium. It has a brain edittor which can cause pain or other feelings. It is inescapable unless I release you from it.
Well thankfully Markers don't feel pain nor do we have blood so injecting anything into me is pointless

tombstone -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/25/2008 20:08:35)

Hey. I'm tombstone.

1. What is your personal unique weapon?
My mind
2. What is your quest?
World domination
3. Warrior, Mage, Rogue, or other?
4. Who's your favorite forumite that's name starts with a "T", ends in a type of rock, and rhymes with "Doomcone"?
TommyGemStone? TotallyStone? I don't know
5. Have any favorite sports teams? If so, who?
Padres and Chargers, I also like the Celtics
6. Look! What's that?
My favorite teams?
7. Who would win? That guy or some person?
8. Why does the Green Ranger pwn so much?
Because he has a dagger flute. Its the ultimate weapon
9. Have you thought of going White Ranger?
No. Green Ranger trumps all
10. Who is your favorite comedian?
uh...Dimitri Martin
11. Squirrel or Chipmunk?
Chipmunk I guess
12. Favorite movie?
Shawshank Redemption
Thats all I got. See ya!

Saojun -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/26/2008 0:47:15)

Hi sharpie. Congratz on becoming an AK.
I dun usually wander into UCaG (cos I lack time and creativity in real life) but I occasionally peek in a bit. Never participated though. :P
You should faces are always appreciated
Hmm... No questions here... Hope to see you around. :)
Right back at you

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/27/2008 16:23:17)

One question.

Have we seen each others posts before? Your name is familiar.
I post occasionally in the OOC, I RP, and I used to be the AK of Clans and RP so chances are that you've seen me post somewhere

Solaron -> RE: MtAK - Sharpie (5/27/2008 16:43:13)



More questions!
You must give a response to each question

Fine I won't

Reverse Pyshocillagy stinks <.<

You were supposed to press it :p


1. How much money do you have?
I'm a student, I believe that answers that
2. do you have any weapons to defend yourself
My wits
3. did you notice I was just distracting you so my brother could steal your wallet?
Sucks for him I have like $5 dollars in my wallet right now

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