Shoggoth (Full Version)

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Aves -> Shoggoth (5/26/2008 2:26:27)


Location: The Body Shop, It's Not Fair!, Mirror, Mirror, Rescue, Battle Arena V, The Third Floor, Starcrossed - The Thorns of the Rose

Level: 5 / Scaled
Element: Darkness
Damage: 3 - 9 / Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: 9 / Scaled
MP: 5 / Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Light: 30, Water: -50, Immobility: 85, Darkness: 150

Attack Type 1 - Shoggoth walks up and spews ink at you from his mouth, doing one scaled melee hit.
Attack Type 2 - Shoggoth flies in the air, blinks several eyes, then radiates several black rings at you doing one scaled melee hit.

Gold gained: 2 / Scaled
Experience gained: 25 / Scaled


Thanks to
  • Andy8 for some links and stats.
  • Stephen Nix for corrections.
  • NikisArmy for location.
  • SalvationXI for correction.

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