Knife and Spork (Full Version)

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#13 -> Knife and Spork (6/2/2008 10:11:06)

Knife and Spork

Location: Soluna City
Directions: Soluna City -> 3 Left -> Knife and Spork

Locations Available:

Missions Available:
  • Challenge 1
  • Challenge 2
  • Challenge 3
  • Challenge 4
  • Challenge 5
  • Challenge 6
  • Challenge 7
  • Challenge 8
  • Challenge 9
  • Challenge 10
  • Challenge 11
  • Challenge 12
  • Challenge 13
  • [link=]Challenge 14[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 15[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 16[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 17[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 18[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 19[/link]
  • [link=]Challenge 20[/link]
  • ChickenCow Eggs

    Shops Available:
  • 3rd Place Prize Shop
  • 3rd Place NG Prize Shop
  • 2nd Place Prize Shop
  • 2nd Place NG Prize Shop
  • Grand Prize Shop
  • Grand NG Prize Shop
  • Ultimate Prize Shop
  • Ultimate NG Prize Shop

  • Prize Saute Pan
  • NG Prize Saute Pan
  • 2nd Place Prize Shop II
  • 2nd Place NG Prize Shop II

  • Mocha Cola
  • Bacon Shop

    (Rare: August 8th, 2012)
  • Oo! Pan-tastic!

  • Maegwyn
  • Marza Pan

    At the Counter

    Marza Pan: Hi! I'm Marza Pan! If you think I look a lot like Mecharoni's Maza Rella, it's because we're identical service model androids.
    Marza Pan: If you're here for Bacon, Mocha Cola, or the Grand Opening Challenges, you should speak to Maegwyn. If you want eggs...
    Marza Pan: We are out of ChickenCow Eggs again today!
    Maegwyn: Perhaps you can help me, <Character>...


    Maegwyn: Welcome to the Knife and Spork! I'm Maegwyn! May I suggest our clams on the half shell? They're otterly delicious!

    (Rare: August 8th, 2012)
  • Happy Birthday!
    Maegwyn: Thank you very much! Would you like a Shiny Pan for your on-foot battles?

  • Mocha Cola!
    Maegwyn: Mecha Pilots everywhere are buying me out of Mocha Cola! It's Guaranteed to improve your Hitpoints and Energy!
  • What is that?
    Maegwyn: Would you like a drink of Mocha Cola for a special boost?
    Maegwyn: Just one will boost your Hitpoints and Energy Points by ten percent for a whole week!
    Maegwyn: ...Sorry, <Character> - you can have only one at a time... trade regulations...
    Maegwyn: ...I wonder what happens if you mix Mocha Cola and Moon-tos...

  • Bacon!
    Maegwyn: Is your pet Zorbo in your Starship telling you he's hungry? I just fried up some bacon!

  • Contest
    Maegwyn: To celebrate our Grand opening, I'm holding a contest for all GEARS students! Defeat all of the challenges to earn prizes!

  • 3rd Prize
    Maegwyn: Congratulations! You're eligible for our 3rd Place Prizes!

  • 2nd Prize
    Maegwyn: Congratulations! You're eligible for our 2nd Place Prizes!

  • Grand Prize
    Maegwyn: Congratulations! You're eligible for our Grand Prizes!

  • Ultimate Prize
    Maegwyn: Congratulations! You're eligible for our Ultimate Prizes!

    More! (Maegwyn)

    Maegwyn: Hi, <Character>! So, you're up for a new challenge today? It will be a while longer before all of them are ready...

  • Eggs
    Maegwyn: Every time we get a delivery of Chicken Cow Eggs, they vanish from the backroom...
    Maegwyn: You may have noticed that something about the back room defies gravity... you can actually walk up the walls...
    Maegwyn: Well, after each delivery of ChickenCow Eggs, we hear these loud noises, like giant mecha stomping around...
    Maegwyn: I know it doesn't seem possible for mecha to be inside the building... I think the room must stretch or something.
    Maegwyn: And no, I didn't alert the SPD... I don't want Chief Duncan poking around back there!
    Maegwyn: Would you mind doing a little investigating for me, <Character>? I'm afraid the only reward is my thanks...and the experience and credits...

  • Advanced Contest
    Maegwyn: I have been working on new challenges for you!
  • Talk
    Maegwyn: Challenge 11 features the builds created by G.E.A.R.S. Students who won a Build-Your-Own Mecha contest.
  • Winners!
    Maegwyn: Contestant 51 and 52 feature designs by Maverik
    Maegwyn: Contestant 53 fights in a build known as the Assault Viper, designed by Vadriel
    Maegwyn: Contestant 54 was inspired design called Stealth Cascade entered by Bling bla
    Maegwyn: Contestant 55 is based on a design submitted by Lyris, called "Ice Queen."
    Maegwyn: If you defeat them you will unlock the first shop! Challenge 12 will also unlock.
  • 12 & 13?
    Maegwyn: Challenge 12 features some of the Advanced House Mechas with a little customization.
    Maegwyn: In Challenge 13, you face some of the Star Captain Monthly Mechas.
    Maegwyn: Well, I hear they're calling them the Star Captain Exclusive Mechas these days.
    Maegwyn: Well, these Diner Contestants want to challenge you in these S.C.E.M. chassis - some customized, some not.
    Maegwyn: One of them basically follows a build put together by a student known as Alex Wolfblade!
    Maegwyn: After Challenge 13 you unlock a new shop!

  • Pans
    Maegwyn: Congratulations! You may now shop for a new saute pan!

  • 2nd Prize
    Maegwyn: The design for this weapon was inspired by megaman3234!

    *Thanks to bob.builder for info, Antonvrg for links, Karika for dialogs!*

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